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Just looking to rant and maybe get some advice...

Hi there. I don’t think I’ve ever posted on this sub, but I’ve been lurking for a while.

So backstory, I reached my “highest” weight in 2017. 2018 I joined a gym and worked out 5 days a week and was given a nutrition plan that I followed (for the most part). Stuck with it until they closed in 2020. Only lost about 20 lbs in that time and I was still overweight, but was content with eating mostly ok and staying in shape.

When everything closed, I was doing workouts from home less and less and eventually stopped completely. (Side note- my wedding was supposed to be April 2020 but since we needed to postpone, I pretty much stopped caring).

Fast forward to January 2021. I had gained all the weight back plus. So now a new highest. My wedding dress didn’t fit and the wedding was only 6 months away at that point. Enter intermittent fasting (only exercise I had was occasional walks). I lost most of the weight I put back on, and my dress fit by the time I needed it. All is good.

Then I stopped caring again and only continued the occasional walks. After 2 months of going off the rails, I joined a new gym and felt myself getting back into a routine again (no real dieting or fasting, just workouts that had my muscles hurting like I hadn’t felt since pre-covid). However, after only a month, I froze my membership. Long story short, I had a life threatening complication that lead to an emergency surgery which I absolutely could not workout during recovery.

Now here we are at January again. Back to my new highest (maybe higher, I can’t get myself on the scale). It’s only day 2 of intermittent fasting/counting calories and I’m trying so hard to hold on to the little motivation I have. Last year all I could think about was fitting in my dress again. This time I don’t really have anything to motivate me.

I also want to unfreeze my membership (I probably could have started working out again in November). However, I’ve since lost my job and it’s pretty expensive. It’s crazy how I was able to work 40+ hours a week and still workout everyday. Yet now I have all the time in the world and I can’t get myself to move.

Sorry for the long post. I’m just looking for some extra positivity and maybe some advice to keep me on track.

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Make a small goal. Either a number or a favorite pair of pants you want to wear.. doesn’t matter the goal. It’s for you. ☺️ Then follow the IF regimen that works best for you. Just one week and see what happens. I bet you’ll see results. Cool. That’s a battle, one more week. Soon all those weeks add up and it’s been a month and you can slip into your clothes better than ever. When you plateau is when you hit the gym. Doesn’t have to be much. You can get there

This is what I have done since March last year and I m going into take me clothes shopping for my birthday next month because I don’t have a stich of clothes that fits right. My pants from 22w to idk.. not bigger than a 16, the last ones that are falling off me. I have lost 87 pounds. My birthday is the 4th and I suspect I can loose the other 13 with the fitness levels I’ve been keeping. Depression is a bitch, I know this for sure. Just tell yourself you are strong and you can do anything. (Even through tears) and do it. That’s how everyone who does succeed, does.

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