| | Water Fasting

Nsv and advice needed

I want to share my success with fasting and also ask for some advice. I live with a chronic illness, fibromyalgia. Fasting helps sooooo much! I almost feel like a normal human being! I do shorter fasts, 18-20hrs, mostly because I also have low blood pressure and not going too long without food helps to keep me from getting too faint. I do get rather lightheaded at times, but I realized I need to drink waaaay more water than what I was. I was doing well with electrolytes, but not my water intake.

So my success is that fasting seems to be a way to put this condition in remission. At least that’s what it feels like.

The advice I would like is how to make the fasting part more bearable. I fell off the wagon about a month or two ago, because the hunger just became too much! I have been struggling with a flare ever since. I have started back on 18-20 hr fasts. Today is day 3 and I am beginning to feel MUCH better. But I’m so hungry!!! Lol! I usually eat low carb. I’m not super strict, but I keep carbs low because they make me feel like crap! I avoid sugar like the plague. I kinda have been struggling with that a little too. But I’m back on track with that as well.

Any advice on how to make all of this easier and more bearable would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!

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It gets easier the more you do it. Might want to try some longer fasts for more benefit on snake juice (to help with not feeling lightheaded). You don’t actually get progressively hungrier. Hunger spikes and then goes away. A lot of it is just mentally wanting to eat. Staying busy helps. Might want to watch some of the Snake Diet YouTube videos for more info/motivation if you don’t mind a lot of cursing.


“This feeling of uncomfortable hunger (and or boredom) will pass”. This sentence has gotten me past many fasting roadblocks.

Have some water or snake juice and take a look at the clock. Chances are in 20 or 30 minutes that uncomfortable hungry feeling will have probably changed or lessened a bit. See how long the hunger lasts for you so you know how long you need to distract yourself for

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Categories: blood pressure electrolytes struggling low carb carbs sugar