| | Water Fasting

One Week of Two Per Day

I started this two meal a day system again on Monday. Need to drop about 150 lbs, so this is a long road. And my hunger pains are rough. But I’ve made it through one week and I’m feeling more energy. My meals are a ten AM brunch and a dinner anywhere from three to six PM.

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Hey there. Im checking in as someone who needed to lose 150lbs 14 months ago. I have lost about a 100 so far. This is a super long game, and I’m glad you’re starting the journey! The first couple of months are tough, and the plateaus suck, but its totally worth it to feel healthier. You got this! Trust the process.


Great effort and way to know your body. I feel like I’m starting from a similar place with about 150 to lose. Previous successful efforts were heavy on cardio activity and steps in the 15-25k range per day allowing me to lose up to 80 lbs. Always seemed to be one injury away from gaining it back because I didn’t figure out how to maintain without a ton of activity.

Since I’ve allowed myself to get to my heaviest ever, hopefully OMADs and 20:4s with an occasional cheat day will keep me moving toward my goal even if I’m physically spent.

Key thing I’ve learned a few weeks in is not to get discouraged if your energy goes through peaks and troughs.

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Categories: pain energy dinner tea cardio omad courage