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Realistically how much weight could I lose during a 14 day soft dry fast?

Just started my fast 11 minutes ago.

I lost 9 pounds during a 48 hard dry fast back when I had covid earlier this month. I’m taking leave(vacation for navy folks) for 16 days but I’m just relaxing in my barracks room and not going anywhere.

I plan on doing a dry fast for 14 days to kill my food addiction, melt the fat, exercise my second virtue of discipline and heal my body from the damage I’ve done over the past months off of eating junk food. Also to challenge myself. I’ve done 48s and 72s with water fasting in the past.

Realistically speaking how much weight could I lose during that time? I’ve seen people lose up to 20+ pounds in 7 days(cole robinson from the snake diet channel being one of them.

I’m 190 right now(I’ve been fatting myself up for this for like the past two weeks.)

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I’ve lost an average of 3 lbs a day, but results vary. I started at 195 lbs and I’m now down to 180 lbs in 5-6 days (72 hour Hard Dry Fast + 3 Hour Refeed + 66 hour Soft Dry Fast).

14 days seems mighty ambitious. Any way you could break them up into rolling fasts?


I would highly encourage rolling 72s with a small refeed. I too am averaging 3lbs a day on a soft dry. I’m on day 2 of a 3 day fast. I will refeed with bacon, hard boiled eggs (with salt) and broccoli. I will then go on a 5 day dry fast again.


I’ve done a 14 day dry fast.

I’ve averaged losing 3 lbs a day, every day. This means likely in the ballpark of 40ish lbs for you before you break your fast on the 14th day.

However, once you break your fast and start to rehydrate with pure, clean water, you can expect to regain about 8 to 10 lbs in hydration weight within 24 hours.

You can thus expect on losing about 30 lbs of body fat net on your fast, and potentially keep that fat loss off if you break your fast and refeed correctly.

Best wishes on your fast.


I read on one of the books on dry fasting that the most weight loss comes in the first 48 hours. That’s my experience. The 3rd day didn’t help much. So I’m dry fasting 48 hours a week. That seems to be comfortable for my body.

I understand wanting to starve yourself for ages, but it doesn’t help.


That’s a great question! The minute I eat regular food, I’m running to the restroom, LITERALLY, within one hour. Kinda get the runs. Has happened twice already so I’m definitely expecting that tomorrow. I’m currently on day three of my dry fast. Unofficially weighed in at 186.4lbs.


You’ll drop all the weight, because this long might kill you good sir! I wouldn’t go past 24 hours on a dryfast. This would be very bad for your kidneys. You can do rolling 72 hour water with electrolyte fasts (snake juice) and feel good enough to move around/work out. Why not do a day, and then eat vegetables until you drop weight? The Army Weight Management Guide PDF mentions to not even go below 1500 cals a day for men or 1200 a day for women.


Going from a 48hr dry fast to a 14 day dry fast could literally kill you. It generally takes years to train your body up to such a length of fasting. I’d say if you wanna do a 14 day fast, a water fast would be your best bet.

Or like… a 48hr dry, 12 day water fast, maybe.

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