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Still fatigued after breaking 7 day fast. Has any one else experienced this?

I did my first 7 day fast this week. Woo boy, it was a ride. I’d only fasted one other time a year ago for 3 days. 7 days was a lot harder. After day 4 I was very fatigued and not much energy. At the end of day 7 I tapped out and ate on the afternoon of day 8.

I drank a vegetable juice smoothie first (no sugar added). Waited 30 minutes to make sure my stomach was taking it well then ate 5-6 saltine crackers. Waited another 45 minutes then had a Chikfila chicken sandwich & fries with water.

It went well, my stomach hasn’t complained. But I was hoping to get my energy back after a few hours. I still feel like I’m fasting. What gives? Hoping I feel better in the morning.

Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks for any tips. I was taking electrolytes throughout the fast via an electrolyte powder mix(biosteel).

It was certainly worth it though in the end. I lost 21 pounds!

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Did you keep up with your electrolytes? I did a 6-day fast, skimped on the electrolytes and felt like GARBAGE for the whole fast and a few days after. Recently completed a 7-day fast, followed electrolyte guidelines found here and felt AMAZING.


Next time you break a fast it’s best to use a combination of fat and protein in my experience. Like 2 fried eggs with some bacon maybe, or a steak. It’s more gentle than any carbs, since it all gets absorbed in the stomach and therefore is gentle to the gut. Also it doesn’t throw off your metabolism (which can become even dangerous), since it gently will push you out of ketosis because the insulin won’t spike as crazy. The meal after include some slow, complex carbs with the fat and protein. Maybe some broccoli with a bit of sweet potato. After that you’re fine.

And take your god damn electrolytes regularly next time, Jesus! Especially half an hour before eating again. The bigger you are the more salts you need.

Congrats on the weight loss! That’s a great achievement.


Do you eat a lot of sugar? I recently did a 4 days fast and was seriously concerned for my health. I have couple years experience fasting. Never experienced that type of fatigue. I am pretty certain I have some serious issues especially with the gut. Prior to fast I had serious issues with itchy skin turns out it’s my body’s inability to break down histamine. Ige blood test was 1243 normal range is 1.5 - 144.. prior to the ichying and other issues I could eat ridiculous amounts of sugar and still be hungry maybe could be something similar?

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Categories: 7 day fast energy sugar stomach chicken morning tips electrolytes a fast tea carbs ketosis weight loss to fast