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M51 6’1” SW 321 CW 300 GW 220 OMAD

Hello! I’ve been overweight for several years now. On and off diets where I’ll lose a few, then lose interest. Over the last 10 years, I’ve been as high as 346 and as low as 292.

I’m pretty well put together, so I really don’t look my weight, but the reality is, I can’t go into my 50’s at this weight.

I currently have lost 21lbs since July 8th on OMAD. (2 months)

I have done the OMAD diet before. I like it because I get rewarded at the end of the day. In previous attempts, I’ve not watched calorie or nutrition intake whatsoever. This time I am watching what I eat.

My feeding window is 6pm-7pm. I eat a lot of lean protein and high fiber wraps and veggies. I’ve also added 120 calories of dry Fiber One cereal because I have been battling constipation the last couple of weeks. I have been trying to keep my calories under 1800 during feeding.

In the morning I do take a B complex and magnesium supplement (veggie caps). Also, I drink one gallon of water per day as well as some black coffee, green tea, and Dt Pepsi.

I have been a a scale standstill this week. I weighed 300 on 9/1 and today, 9/4, I’m back up to 302 for some reason. 😡

I have a goal to be 220lbs on May 1st, 2023. That works out to be 10 pounds per month.

I plan to kick in exercise at 260lbs. My thinking on this: It will be an added boost to add exercise after I have reached a decent weight. I have to play the mental game to reach weight goals. Just the way I’m wired.

Any tips of what I am doing correctly or incorrectly is appreciated!

Thanks for reading and good luck to all!

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Drop the Diet Pepsi. Your body treats fake sugars and sugar substitutes in a very similar way that it treats regular soda, in terms of your insulin production.

Put less emphasis on day to day scale results. If you are doing OMAD and tracking calories, I would suggest weighing once a week, or keeping track of a weight moving average for the week.

Here is the deal on the exercise. At your age and weight, you BMR is likely around 2300-2500 if you are in weight loss mode. So if you are eating 1800 a day, your deficit is probably around 500-700 a day. Not enough for 10 pounds a month. So you have two options, you can cut your calories down to closer to 1300-1500 a day, or you can get active. When you are at your heaviest is when you get the most caloric burn from things like walking, yoga, gentle cardio etc. For me personally, I choose to eat a bit more, and exercise a lot. That’s created a calorie deficit per day of 1500+. If you are looking for 10 pounds a month, you need to get your daily calorie deficit to around 1200.


57M, 6’1, SW 270, CW 210, GW 210. Lost 60lb in 4mo, Apr-Aug. Did it with 2MAD, 16:8, and one 88hr fast every other week. That along with exercise; lifting 90min 3x/week and cardio 30min 5x/week. For maintaining wt I stopped the extended fasts, kept everything else, wt has held steady for 4wks so far. The longer fasts reallly drove the wt loss, I lost 9-12 consistently each time. Makes sense, you have to lose wt not eating anything for nearly 4 days. Would gain back 3lb within a few days of breaking fast, still a net 6-9 lbs per 2 week. Not saying this is the perfect plan for everyone but it worked beautifully for me.


Pretty much everything I suggest will be controversial and down voted, iirc – it’s been a minute since I’ve posted here.

The more meat you eat, the healthier you will be, in every aspect of your life - mental, physical, inside, outside, head to toe.

The fewer grains and fiber you eat, the healthier you will be. You will either completely correct or at least massively improve on your gi and bowel issues (gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, hiccups, etc) if you eliminate them from your diet completely.

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