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When does someone start loosing weight?

33/male/280lbs. I’ve been fasting for 2 weeks now. 20:4, I have a very small meal around 7:00pm and have a bigger meal around 9:30pm. Both meals are extremely healthy, the reason I’m eating later at night is because it’s the only schedule I can keep because of work. I weighed myself when I first started and then weighed myself the next 2 Monday’s but nothing has changed.

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Could be lots of things, such as water retention, stress, etc. As many people have suggested, stay tracking calories for a bit and maybe you’ll realize something was off. If not, keep the faith, eat healthily and get some exercise and you’ll notice changes in your life.


Could it be you are eating too less? Meassure calories and check if you are eating at a deficit of 500(may be more is ok for men?!I dont know)

Could it be water retention? Sometimes it all goes at one go- I live in this hope 😅 sometimes eating cheat meal helps with this.

Was your diet always healthy/keto so you are missing that glycogen water weight loss?

43/f doing 5 2 diet and creating a deficit of about 3000 per week and no loss since 4Weeks, I am hoping some of these reasons apply to me too 🙂


One of the things I had to do was help out my body understand that it has the tools to burn fat. I started taking a multi vitamin and drinking a lot of water.

When I started IF I used water to supres my hunger and saw fairly quick results but once I normalized and my body got used to IF I drank less since I didn’t feel hungry. Thats when I started to platou.

I started increasing my water intake again and also tracking it to make sure I would drink a fair amount of water. Once I did that the process began working again. Your body needs water break down fat.


when I was doing 23:1 I noticed that I’d only lose weight at the end of every month? Like literally as soon as it would hit the 28th every month, boom down 4 lbs and then I’d stay that weight for weeks till the next 28th. super weird! 2 weeks in isn’t much so I’d say stick to it and if nothing happens you could try switching your eating window. You have to 100% be in a deficit to lose, if you aren’t losing you aren’t in a deficit. Add in a nice brisk walk here and there too ! Good luck!

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