It's a punishment i gave to my own self. Such a health punishment to begin with, who know i might get those 7 pack Abs by the end. Lol
I’ve always been tempted to add freshly squeezed lemon juice to my hot water in the morning, but I’m afraid that doing that would break my fast so I usually save my hot lemon water for my first meal. Any thoughts?...
Hello all i am starting my 5 day fast tomorrow never posted on here before. I need someone to help me get through these 5 days please! Can someone fast with me ? Lets keep each other accountable. I have...
i am doing a 72h fast, i wonder if i should start drinking snake juice 12h after eating or should i wait at least 24h? i heard first day sodium isnt important as potassium, maybe should i drink snake juice...
I’ve read a few older books that advise breaking fasts with juice which seems contrary to avoiding the dangers of refeeding syndrome. Does anyone know where the origins of breaking fasts with juice or fruit came from?
Almost done with a 7 day juice cleanse. What foods should i refeed with? And for how long? A general timeline would be great. Thanks
Sometimes I like taking shots of pickle juice because I like the taste and its also a great source of electrolytes. I’ve been thinking wether or not it has any calories and breaks my fast. I’m getting mixed answers online...
I'm 3 days into my water fast and have been craving something new to taste. What other alternatives or things can I stuff onto my tongue that won't cause a break? I'm new to all of this and I'm tired...
I am planning to go on a raw vegetables and juice intermittent fast for 6 days and then refers on the seventh I am wondering if after that can I repeat the same 6 day juice and veg fast or...
Sometimes I like taking shots of pickle juice when I get sick of snake juice. I like the taste and its also a great source of electrolytes. I’ve been thinking wether or not it has any calories and breaks my...
I’ve been heavily considering doing a juice fast as I just received a juicer recently as a birthday gift. Thoughts? Good lengths for a beginner?
I had posted on here about wanting to be 130 pounds from 165 by February. I now weight 147 but it’s like I’m still squishy. I only did one 5 day water fast and one 9 day water fast. Now...
TL;Dr at bottom I'm currently 55 pounds overweight. Goal is to be ripped and get healthier. I have done 4 days dry fast but wasn't working at the time. Was really low on energy. Same with 10 days water only fast....
Hey everyone, I’m new-ish to Reddit and new to the Snake Diet subreddit, but have years of experience with IF and extended fasting (but so far only up to 5 or 6 days). I have at least 67 pounds to...
SNAKE Juice Keto Diet Electrolyte Powder, Unflavored, Fasting-Focused Supplement Beverage Mix, 30 Easy-Open Packets I got these packets on Amazon and had a couple questions for anyone else who has tried them. 1. How many packets in how much water should...
day 1 - Feb 12th will edit to add every 5th day completed.
I am used to drinking plain water while fasting, and I'm thinking of adding green juice since I'm drinking the water anyway. But will this ruin/break my fast? I'm talking spinach juice, kale juice, celery juice, lemon juice, lime juice,...
Should one Water 💧 Fast before starting a Prolonged Dry Fast.
I want to lose around 24 pounds and I am confused. I just jumped into the snake juice only fast and feel fully fine tbh after 60 hours. But just watching Cole’s videos for motivation, I saw a video posted a month...
Hi guys, I'm currently on day 3 of a planned 5 day dry fast. I was thinking of adding 3-7 days of water fasting followed by 3-7 days of juice fasting to finish things off. Has any of you tried...
Hi everyone. I’ve started doing rolling 72s and have managed to go from 94kg to 88.5kg in the span of 6 days. I’m currently at the tail end of a 96 hour fast - breaking it in 4 hours. My...
Im 25 kg overweight with pure fat. Discovered this snake juice diet few months ago but i didn't give it a try because i found this Cole guy too gimmicky for my liking and his SJ recipes just seemed...
A friend is telling me that he Juice fasts and get's all the benefits of fasting while keeping his bowels moving. He says that is healthier because his bowels don't shut down. I think he is just full of cr@p...
I’m on day 21 of a 30 day fast. I’ve taken herbal tea and a couple pieces of sugar free gum since I started. I’m also taking electrolyte tablets. My ketones are 4.5-6.1 by keto mojo. I did a dexa...
I'm super new to this whole Snake Juice Diet thing. I tried to find as much information as I could by watching some videos on YouTube, joining the groups on FB + reddit but it's all still really confusing to me. After...
I plan on taking a one-day break after the 10 days dry fast is over. I plan on drinking water (duh), orange juice and eating fruits. I will then start another 10-day dry fast. Starting weight: 215 LBS Current weight: 196.8...
Preface: I know one of the goals of the snake diet is to remove the need for medications, and I don't need to be reminded of the harmful aspects of amphetamine use. I've done quite a bit of experimenting over...
So I’ve been doing weekly 4 day fasts M-F and breaking it Friday afternoon since May 18th. Keto snacks on eating days not exceeding 1200 cal. Standing at the office and will ride my motorcycle to the beach and walk...
Hi everyone, I just drank masala tea during my fasting window, have I broken my fast? Ingredients: Masala Cloves Ginger Water
Is one more beneficial than the other?
BACKGROUND: I have been having some crappy dental pain issues over the last 8 months. What started out as removing a single wisdom tooth, has turned into removing the second molar (beside original wisdom tooth). During all of this, I...
I m 22 hours in into my 5 day dry fast, feeling low energy and tingling legs, other than that everything fantastic, anyone wants to join me ?
•I am female 5’10 around 210 pounds
Ignoring that one may be easier than the other (all dependent on personal preference), is there a benefit to one slightly longer fast over 3 ‘medium’ fasts? (Or vice versa)
I was using Zero, but it got all buggy on me. So instead of just reinstalling it after uninstalling, I’d figure I would check out something new. Any tips?
Just checking is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar. Sorry mean bowel movements
Anyone have recommendations for the best / classic books recommending a fasting lifestyle from the last couple years? I’m looking to get back on track and looking for a good book to inspire me
Hello everyone, I am a 20 y/o male and I am fasting for 40 days for religious and health reasons. Is lemon water (water with the juice of a squeezed lemon) acceptable for a water fast ?
I did a 72 last week and it helped me push through knowing other people were also fasting. Anyone want to join me on this one?
I've been fasting for a while, and just heard about the use of pickle juice within the group. I am plant-based so won't be partaking in the spam component, but would just drinking the pickle juice still have benefits to...
I am torn between dry and water fasting... So why is dry fasting better than water fasting? Thanks
Can I take B vitamins with snake juice? Can I add magnesium to my snake juice ? Creatine ? Do I consume protien isolate in refeed?? After 72hr fast, If i consume my meal within hour of about 500cal wont...
my main goal is to lose 50 pounds in 3 weeks and the researches I've done suggest that one day of dry fasting equals 3 days of water fasting in terms of effectiveness. what's your take on this?
I heard someone mention something about mixing MIO with their Snake juice and was wondering if that was alright to do. Never tried it before but im trying to buckle down and get used to 48 hour fasts first then...
I am going to do a 3 day dry fast and I was thinking of going straight into a water fast after the 3rd day? Is it okay? Or should I do 3 day dry fast and eat for a...
I have done a 8 days water fast (1 day of them was dry), but have struggled with lack of electrolytes and therefore felt pretty bad, haven't enjoyed the fast. Do I have to fear the same to...
If I make the Snake juice recipe, is that for the whole day? I drink 2 gallons of water, so can I just add the snake juice to my normal daily intake thru out the day otherwise I’d have that...
Leading up to this I did mostly keto, and a lot of intermittent/several day fasts. I only ate the 5th and 6th of this month. I want to do a 7 day dry, follow by 7 day water...
hello! i broke my fast two days ago (not in the right way), i was fasting since february 8th (i broke on the third day tho, pretended nothing happened after) and i'm restarting today. when ur in the first three...
I heard fasting can raise cortisol levels.
Hello, I fasted for 52 hours, then I ate in the next 24 hours. I do gym lifts and yoga. Will I lose muscle if I fast again right after I ate? Thanks for help
can you gain or lose weight when you in intermittent fasting and positive energy balance if you lose weight how
Does anyone know what the science is on performing oral sex on a woman while on 3 day water only fast? do the fluids you naturally swallow break your fast and activate your digestive system?
Snake-Juice doesn’t sound very enjoyable to drink, I think if I heated it up it would be more palatable. Also, with a dry fast, why do I need to avoid all water? Eg showers. Thanks
My side hurts bad i dont know if its a muscle problem or something wrong with my kidneys.
Anybody know if Cole still recommends this?
Or vice versa? I think I read somewhere that it might be dangerous for the human body. So, if we start a dry fast, it should remain a dry fast until you end it. Or if it's a water...
I'm planning on doing a 21 day fast, cos I've done short ones before. Do you just eat like normal leading up to the fast, or should you start lessening the food and types of foods, and how many days...
My business partners meet me over zoom and I’m wondering if it would be feasible on there. Let me know your experience!
It’s supposed to be close to the water we used to drink right? So shouldn’t we just drink it all the time?
So I wanted to use the weekend to prepare for my dry fast starting on monday. I’ve read that you don’t advise waterfasting before a dry fast. Does that imply a snake juice fast as well? I wanted to load up...
I can deal with the hunger that comes with prolonged fasts. But I have ADHD and I usually eat out of boredom and understimulation. I already know tea is a good one. Maybe some kind of gum that doesn’t have...
These are very good and sweetened with stevia ... Will it break my fast ?
If if I were to do OMAD or 20:4 TRF and made dinner my one meal or dinner time my eating period every time does your body still fast effectively or are you going to see better results if you...
Sorry if this is a common question, but I was wondering if you should force yourself to drink the snake juice even if you aren't thirsty? How much "should" you drink in a day?
Post here about fasts you're starting or to provide progress updates in order to minimize overall clutter in the subreddit. Can also ask questions or set up accountability.