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Can you cure long covid (2yrs) with dryfasting?

Tried many things to cure it, didnt help. Lots of nasty symptoms like pots, exercise intolerance, shortness od breath, gut issues etc due to long covid

Can Dry Fasting cure it?

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I’ve had covid twice, it’s a real virus lol It caused damage to my kidneys and liver and caused me heart issues (for the record, the same thing happened to my Aunt after getting her two dose vaccine Moderna, I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but I’m not a junk science pusher either, so of us can handle covid, some of us will die from it, some of us can handle the vaccine, some will have complications and die from it like every other med out on the market.)

Covid, like any other virus depletes us, so we’ll be dangerously low in things our body needs for normal function. In my case it wrecked my zinc level, so that dropped my stomach acid, which inhibited my ability to absorb my vitamins and minerals.So, I dry fasted, and I stopped drinking anything IN-BETWEEN fasts but body armor lyte (high vitamin electrolyte drink) and bone broth (70% broth) and ate carnivore.I felt better in 5 DAYS.

This is after months of feelings horrible, I was gaining water weight while barely eating 800 cals a day, my body was bloated and miserable, my heart rate was terrible and I was constantly dizzy because of the low blood pressure.I had no libido, no appetite, in a constant fuge and could sleep 12 hours and still be exhausted.My hair turns almost all gray, and thinned terribly.

Got my levels checked and my salts were very low, my zinc was very low, so I replaced it and fasted.Bam, fixed.

So will dry fasting heal long haulers covid? Not alone, you’ll need to completely revamp your diet and be hella strict until you feel great again.

(Sorry for the errors this is likely filled with, baking cookies and spending time with my little ones!)


i havent had long covid specifically but ive had some of the same symptoms brought on by systemic inflammation. as i understand inflammation is also suspected to be the cause of long covid symptoms (so called inflammatory cascade brought on by the virus). my long term symptoms were brain fog, depression, gut and stomach problems, inflammation in the brain (frequent migraines), chronic fatigue, joint pain in shoulder and knees… might have been more but dont remember.

most of the symptoms cleared up by me doing a 2 month fruit fast (i only got into dry fasting later on), at the end of the two months i did a 3,5 day dry fast. then i had a phase of 1 day per week dry fasting. each of those regimens helped alleviate my symptoms, the fruit fast probably did the most healing simply cause it was the first fast i did, im guessing a much shorter dry fast might have had the same effect but i can only speak of my own experience.


Anyone who says yes or no are just saying what they think you’ll want to hear.

It might help but there’s no research to back it up at this time.

But if you’re willing to try anything to help with your symptoms, sure can’t hurt.


There’s no data on this issue but it can potentially help.

If I were you, I would also try supplementing betaine (trimethylglycine), an osmolyte that could help during dry fasts and maybe against long Covid.


Covid is a hoax. You didn’t “catch” an invisible boogeyman virus. You created a common cold from a lifetime of eating processed, de-natured foods and your body decided to purge.

But yes, dry fasting can help. But you might want to go on fresh juice or distilled water for a few days first.

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