Distilled water (pure H20) with added electrolytes is the best water. It is the cleaniest water available containing no toxic chemicals and no heavy metals, it is 0 PPM. Dangerous facts about tap water: -Chlorine in tap water kills your gut...
Recently I got a few Braggs e-books and in all of them they suggest only distilled water especially in their fasting book. They have a point that we use it for babies in formula. It makes me think that we have...
I noticed on my 40 day water fast after a while distilled water became very bitter and uncomfortable to drink. But spring water was just as good as it always was. Why is that? I know truenorth center drinks distilled...
Should one Water 💧 Fast before starting a Prolonged Dry Fast.
I am brand new to fasting. What type of water do you recommend? I have seen so many suggestions with distilled, mineral, purified, and spring. I'm pretty unsure, haha.
If someone's trying to be health conscious and drink more water, but they keep peeing it all out, even when drinking less than recommended amount, would drinking sole water, or even fruit infused water help create electrolytes to retain the...
Noob to fasting but I did a 40 hour or so fast recently and once I got over the initial hump of hunger I felt amazing. For water fasting, should I drink coconut water periodically for electrolytes? What’s the easiest...
I'm sure this is a dumb question, but I'd love to hear your opinions. I track my water intake every day and aim for at least 168 oz. I'll be incorporating Snake Juice water starting today. Since it's so full...
Hello., I plan to start a 7-10 day water fast after the weekend. I have done a fast before that lasted for 10 days and it did help me quite a lot but it has been a while since I've...
If you're serious about fasting, feel free to message me. I am looking for a partner who seeks motivation and advice throughout the process. ​ Fast starts on: 08/28/2022- 09/11/2022
Can we take multivitamins during water fast ? Anyone ?
Can I smoke during my water fasting period ?
Hello! Edit I will go to go on a water fast and I wanted a motivated buddy who wants to go on the same journey so we can motivate each other to keep going. who is in?
I saw this brand in Costco and was wondering if it hydrates you like regular water?
Just started my first water fast. Going for 7 days and I’m going on 22 hours fasted. Started wondering if there was an optimal water to drink (spring, tap, sparkling, warm, cold, hot, alkaline, purified etc.) during a water fast?...
So I recently tried water fasting for detoxing and weight loss, but I had to stop on the second day because of irregular heart palpitations and chest pain. I'm about 60 lbs overweight but have no medical problems and I...
How bad of an idea is this? Dry fasting and depleting the water from your system by drinking salty water. The point being to enter ketosis faster The thing about Dry fasting that I like is - 1. RAPID KETOSIS, max 24 hours....
Any recommendations? It’s worth it or should I stick to DF. I’m doing it for health maintenance/prevention
These are 2 of my favorite drinks but I want to know if I’m able to drink them on a fast
I want to drink the most beneficial water while fasting. What is it? Has anybody ever tried mixing waters or drinking different kinds while fasting? Fiji and Essentia were my go tos but now I’m branching out. So, I was...
Chia Seeds contain omega-3, which is prone to oxidation. Will adding chia seeds to boiled water result in oxidation and a health hazard?
Anyone know how many calories chlorine and sweat contain…?
Hi, I haven't ate anything since 9 pm Wednesday April 4. I want to do a 3-5 day fast. For some reason cold water really makes my stomach rumble and have crazy diarrhea. Is this normal? How come nothing happens...
How come, when you go low/no carb, you lose a lot of water weight? Is there something about carbs and storing water in our bodies?
Ay so Im starting a 3 day water fast for clear skin and I need someone to hold me to it. If I feel alright at the end of it then Ill extend it.
I have an event coming up for which I'm planning to lose weight fast. I'm planning to drink lots of water and Gatorade. Wanted to know if there are any side-effects to drinking Gatorade or if I should just stick...
So I'm on day 13 of 21 of my fast and for the last 5 days my weight has gone on an upwards trend of 5kg gained :/ Now I did drink a lot of himalayan salt water in the first...
I’ve heard it breaks the fast but it’s actually encouraged to drink lemon water during a fast, why is this?
okay ive never water fasted, i wanna lose weight. is 15 days extreme?
I’m going on my first water fast for 3 days and was wondering if it would be dangerous to work out while fasting. My main goal is to lose weight but at the same time I don’t want to faint....
I’m having a hard time understanding how everything effects the kidneys. I’m five days into a 9 day fast. Is plain water okay still? Should I exclusively be drinking snake juice or water with baking soda in it?
How necessary is consuming salt and how much should I intake? I’ve done shorter fast before and have had problems with nausea and headaches.
https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8h2MDvJ/ Something about this tiktok seems off to me - drinking 1 tablespoon salt in water a day?
Hello everyone, I am a 20 y/o male and I am fasting for 40 days for religious and health reasons. Is lemon water (water with the juice of a squeezed lemon) acceptable for a water fast ?
coconut water is supposed to be a great source of magnesium, but it contains nearly as much calcium, and they "fight" each other to get absorbed. so, do we actually *absorb* the magnesium from coconut water?
For my first water fast I’m trying to go 14 days. other than drinking water what do I need?
By my calculations, only 3.35lb/1.5kg is fat. So about 10 lb is all water weight???
I'm 75 hours into 30 days fasting, and I saw in other post that electrolytes are easier to drink with sparkling water than just normal water. So, sparkling water is soda?
Eh question says it all
I'm wondering how long it's gonna take to kill all the bacteria in my small intestine. Would anyone have an idea?
Hi all, I was reading about coconut water and its glycemic index and multiple sources say it has a glycemic index around 3, its just water with sugar in it, is this a special type of sugar that metabolizes slowly almost...
Hi all, simple question, is it okay to drink regular water during my Spam and Pickle diet? Didn’t know if drinking regular water instead of snake juice, will flush all the electrolytes out my body that I’ve just eaten. Thanks!
By ginger water I mean like a whole ginger grated into a pot of water, boiling the water and simmering for several minutes, then straining any solid pieces and drinking the water. Will the ginger juices and nutrients that have...
Has anyone had any issues with water fasting and taking a pre-employment drug screen?
Should I only just drink when thirsty or should I get as much in a possible? Because literally I can eat a meal and not even think about drinking anything.
Has anyone retained a bit of water the first 6-10hrs into a dry fast. Any possible reasons.
Starting weight: 315 pounds Current weight: 289 pounds
Are there any long term health risks to drinking the caffeinated aha drink?
I've only done water fasts, longest being 24 hrs and did great, this time I want to do 72 hrs dry but im craving water so bad, would I lower the benefits if I just change to wf for the...
Doing a 3 days water fasting would be nice to hear some history from y'all
Like one of the ingredients in the hair product has water. Also can i use oil and grease for my hair
I have been working up towards an extended water fast and I know that it has effects on the heart. I use nicotine pouches as I have been quitting smoking and those increase your heart rate. Should I be worried...
If I'm doing 20:4 intermittent fasting and my eating window is 5-9pm, I think I would become bloated etc if I drank water during or straight after the 4-hour eating window. But I'm also concerned I will become dehydrated in...
Found some organic avocado oil from avohass.com that claims monounsaturated fats help absorb water soluble nutrients. How true is this since it seems like no one really brings up how to increase the absorption of water soluble vitamins.
If I fast from 8pm-12pm and wake up at 7am, for those 5 hours how much salt should I be adding to my water?
Pouring a can of tuna over some pasta. Include the water in the can or no? Does it have nutritional value? Or is it a excess oil/fat that will work agains lean muscle growth? Thanks.
Just checking is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar. Sorry mean bowel movements
I currently have to take medication orally and haven’t perfected swallowing the pills dry. Is there a benefit to using the minimum amount of water possible and DF the rest of the day, or does any liquid nullify the specific...
I know lemon juice and the like will break a fast, are there any options that will work with IF to make things less plain when fasting?
Ive been freezing my electrolyte mixture into little pill size balls so that I can quickly and easily swallow them. It has made getting my daily electrolytes so much less of a pain.
I have done a few water fasts now longest I get to is the 5th day the I crumble. I have an idea and want to run it past you people to see if there's any problems to it....
Hi everyone! I’m doing 16:8 and I work as a cook in the kitchen but I think I had close to 2.5/3L of water today and my pee doesn’t have a color anymore. Does this mean I drink to much?🤔