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Did anyone of you healed "join paint" ? Especially in the wrists?

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I have, but mine was a combo.

I had horrible wrist pain in my dominant hand (right) so bad I had to wear a brace for months.I could have gotten a cortisone shot, but I’ve heard bad things so I skipped it.

I ended up pregnant with my second baby, and that (along with my husband and first baby having horrible stomach issues) made me look deeper into how diet can hinder healing.I immediately removed all sugar, grains and junk dairy and ate no more processed foods.

I lived on bacon, eggs, avocado, beef, chicken and fish, I even cut coffee briefly, but ended up reincorporating it when I learned about bullet proof coffee.

My inflammation just disappeared.

No more tooth pain, no more stomach issues and no more wrist pain.

I fasted while pregnant but only intermittent fasting and after she was born continued that and added back in water and dry fasting as she started eating solids.I had been fasting in-between pregnancies though and I feel it did me a huge service in healing to be a better happier mom to my littles.

TLDRI healed my wrist pain but it takes more than fasting, it’s diet change that’s needed and it should be long term. I went keto/carnivore and it saved me, not down on vegans at all, but being vegan hurt me just like being carnivore could hurt some, definitely do an elimination diet to see what’s triggering your inflammation and slowing your healing.

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Categories: pain stomach sugar beef chicken fish coffee intermittent fasting dry fasting keto