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Did I fail?

I started a fast, I was going to fast for 2 weeks. I was doing fine, but on day 6 close to 9pm I could not sleep. I was SO HUNGRY. I had been fighting it, but I just could not sleep and I felt severe hunger. So I went to the refrigerator and ate a little bit. I felt SO MUCH better. I stopped my fast on my app and then restarted it as a new fast. I’m going to try again for two weeks. I think the reason this happened was that I got the wrong type of magnesium today and it caused me major diarrhea. I think that restarted my resting digestive system. I’m not sure. A part of me feels like a failure, but, another part of me feels proud still. I feel like I can start again but now am waiting for the right magnesium to come in the mail.

I would appreciate any supportive comments or suggestions and especially any pointers on what to do if I ever feel insanely hungry again on my fast (although I only felt hungry after I took the wrong magnesium and had severe diarrhea so I’m hoping that was the cause)

Thank you so much

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You should stop your fast anyway if you get severe diarrhea. You made the right call! This wasn’t a random urge to eat out of boredom, stress, or habit. This was your body telling you very clearly that it was physically not OK. You should always listen to that.

Definitely wait for your new magnesium to come before trying another fast.


you did great!

last fast I wanted to do for 5 days but had to quit after only 3. I was so crazy hungry and had been going through some emotional work which made it really hard not to eat. I was in the office and just ate whatever and after the food kicked in I felt great. first I thought I had to cancel my fasting reward (which is always a massage at the end) but I told myself: hell no, I deserve it nevertheless!

And 6 days is a really long fast so don’t worry. I wouldn’t start a two week fast right after though. Give yourself some time to process the last fast and restore your vitamin supply in your body first


You didn’t fail. You did the right thing by listening to your body - trust me, I just junked in a 14 day attempt at day 10. You’ve done so well - but your health is more important than a target.

Maybe you try again with a different approach to magnesium, we’ll be here to support you whatever you do.


Why would you consider this failure? Going 6 days is probably well enough for your body to reap a ton of benefits from the fast. As well, you now have those skills and self-discipline built into you for the next longer one! The fact that you’re starting the fast again makes your situation all the more commendable.

You probably became insanely hungry for a good reason, and your body told you it needed food. When I fast (usually up to 6-7 days a year, for health reasons), anything past day 3 or day 4 becomes easier really, because my hunger cues die down or stop altogether by then. So, the fact that you became so hungry on day 6 means that you were listening to your body’s signals.

As a side point, I’ve had to end a fast in the past after 3.5 days, abruptly, when I got hit by a stomach virus a friend passed along to me, and I didn’t feel safe not eating and vomiting.

I have faith in you that you’ll make your 2-week goal happen now that you’ve conquered 6 full days! Pat on the back from your fellow Redditor :-)


I’m impressed with six days!! and glad that you listened to your body. You should be proud. Also, you get a ton of the fasting benefits starting just a few days in, so you surely did improve a lot of markers.

I have a few thoughts too–since you stopped the fast briefly, maybe it make sense to do a more full refeed before restarting. According to longevity research Valter Longo, the refeed benefits are huge–and then start a new fast. I suppose it depends on your goals. EIther way, congrats and take care.

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