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Don’t know where to start?

I am wanting to lose weight, and I am thinking about fasting but where can I start?

Is there a free app? Should I talk to a doctor? A lot of research I am doing is locked behind paywalls so any websites I can try will help but anyone with info, websites, apps. If you can help me please do. J I’m know it is based off hours but not much after that

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You don’t need anything fancy you just don’t eat, there are apps that are just timers and are free type in fasting app

To start simply start skipping breakfast or shrink your feeding window

How much fat do you need to lose ?


It is different for each person. Some people need to work their way into it starting by reducing a meal at a time or OMAD. For me, it was easier to go all in. I’m an all or nothing person. I do rolling 36’s but have thrown in a 72 or 48 hr if I’m up for it. I don’t have a desire to go any longer just because I like to play it safe. You just need to find what works for you and remember to listen to your body and don’t push it beyond what you’re mentally and physically able to do and also remember to love yourself. I’m here if you need to talk at any point, send me a DM.


You got this and it’s very easy once you realize. You have 2 options depending on your determination and will power: go all in or ease yourself into it. I’m a wildcard so it just depends on how I’m feeling.

To ease into it this week just skip breakfastNext week don’t eat for 16hrs and eat within a 8hr window. (I.e fast 8pm to 12pm and eat 12pm to 8pm)Then after you get use to that for a few weeks try (18:6; 20:4; 23;1 24, 2days 3days and so forth).

I started off 16:8 around November and ended up doing more 20:4/23:1 than that on accident lol. And in about 3hrs I’m going to end my 3 day fast. I’ve lost 35 pounds since doing this but had like 2 weeks of break (holidays + my birthday) so all of January I was very serious and consistent.

It is so easy and the pounds will melt off it’s insane lol. I have about 30 pounds before I reach my high school weight (9th grade not 12th 🤣). You won’t regret it and you will definitely reach your goal weight within a year if you stay consistent. Also try lower your carbs and removing sugar out your diet. Good luck and you got this!


Where to start? I recommend skipping lunch, but still eating breakfast/dinner. Do that for a few weeks, then start doing intermittent fasting (16:8). Let your last meal be at 3pm-4pm and don’t eat again until 9am-10pm.

Also, a good rule of thumb, don’t drink sugary drinks like orange juice or milk (or really any kind of juice or pop at all).


  1. Is there a free app? I don’t know of any, but I don’t think you need one even if there is.
  2. Should I talk to a doctor? It’s never a bad idea to consult your physician. But it is HIGHLY recommended to do so if you have ANY kind of medical condition (diabetes, pre-diabetes, digestive, etc.).
  3. Any websites I can try? YouTube. Do a search for “Intermittent Fasting” and you’ll find some good ones. Stick to the ones by legit doctors and you can’t go wrong. See Unlucky-Clock5230’s comments below on Dr. Jason Fung.
  4. Where can I start? Start slow, then progress according to your comfort level. A 16/8 cycle (you’ll learn this in your research) will get you acclimated. It’s a short hop from there to an 18/6 cycle. From there, a OMAD (one me a day) perhaps. And after that, maybe try an extended fast. But begin at the beginning.
  5. I am wanting to lose weight. That’s a good motivation. But there are other benefits to fasting that, I believe, is what makes people want to adopt this as a lifestyle, such as autophagy (you’ll learn about this in your research).
  6. Other stuff: Calories still count. It’s not just about when you eat or skipping meals. Keep your meals nutritious and avoid processed foods, fast food, and limit sugar. All the standard nutritional advice you get from your doctor still applies.
  7. Be kind and gentle to yourself: When you are ready to start your first fast, don’t kick yourself in the ass if you break it earlier than planned. Congratulate yourself on the attempt, and try again the next night. When you have a success, share it here. There is so much support in this community. Look at all the responses you’ve gotten already.

Good luck to you.


Picture this: you’ve just finished binging an entire pizza, 2liter coke, and a bag of family size snickers. You feel like dog shit…. “Why am I cursed to live this fate?! Why must I be obese?”. You cry yourself to sleep, hoping tomorrow is a better day.

You wake up the next day & you stare at yourself in the mirror, determined. No longer will you be 400lb - you’ll be the next vogue runway model! A measly 200lb weight drop & my cheekbones will be popping. How exactly can I lose weight super fast…..? I have an idea! What if I just never ate again until I’m the weight I want to be?! Fasting they call it? This is perfect! Based on my calculations, if I’m 400lb, all I have to do is not eat for 200 days and I’ll be 200lb! This is awesome! 200 day fast, here I come!

You manage to go about 12 hours without thinking about food. Another 2 hours…. now it’s night time. Somehow you make it the entire day without eating, and as you’re falling asleep, you become possessed. Hungry Howies is on the phone whilst you prep a fat bowl of cereal, chips, and whatever else is in the pantry. You’re 400lb, so what’ve you got to lose? A binge was inevitable. Tomorrow you’ll actually fast the entire day, followed by 199 days, then you’ll be your goal weight. Easy right?

This cycle repeats itself for a year, and before you know it, 365 days have passed and you’re still aloha dancing in the 400s. You were never able to fully fast for as long as you wanted to, and no one ever told you it was time to stop.

Instead of this, you could’ve started walking 5k steps a day & gone on a 1k calorie deficit, meaning you could’ve ate every singular day for a year whatever you wanted, as long as you created a deficit, meaning you could’ve eaten roughly 1500 calories a day. This, after a year, would’ve left you at about 296lb; while not ideal & you’re still obese, it was something that was doable, and you’ve got the rest of your life, so another year with this approach will be as easy. After 2 years of this, you’ll be left at about 192lb. Crazy!

ONE of these situations above WILL happen. Both CANT happen, & it’s up to you to properly educate yourself enough to understand which choice, while not as immediately gratifying, is the correct one. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey.

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