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Family and Friends (Rant)

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has experienced this, but I will give you a bit of background. I grew up eating a lot of food. My single mom had weight issues and fed me pizza and a bunch of other garbage for almost every single meal because it was easy. I weighed 230 lbs at 13 years old. Since I played football people didn’t seem to care. In high school I topped out at 270 lbs. At the end of high school I trimmed down to 235 lbs by way of cutting out junk and eating chicken and rice, typical bro diet. I gained the freshman 15 in college and went up to 250. I then joined a competitive oly weightlifting team and quickly excelled. I learned how to lift some serious weight. This is where my eating got out of control. In a year and a half I ballooned up to 295 lbs at 5’11. I was strong and leaner than most guys my weight, but I had a very obvious addiction to eating food. I stopped weightlifting and focused on school and weight loss. I did IF for 3 months, went back down to 245 lbs, didn’t sustain it because I was eating like a fat ass and ballooned back up to 275. COVID hits and I get up to 295 AGAIN. Depressed and out of options, I luckily came across the snake diet. I’m down 18 lbs in 3 weeks and feel fucking awesome. I told my parents and friends I couldn’t eat certain days because of my fasting….

They called it UNHEALTHY.

The same people who fucking watched me struggle with weight my entire life FINALLY telling me that I’m unhealthy… because I choose to not eat for 3 days straight. My parents shook their heads at me. They tried KETO for MONTHS and are probably just as fat if not fatter than when they started (they didn’t know what CICO was….)

My friend is sending me articles from nutritionists (that make money from people eating what they suggest) and calling me an IDIOT for me taking control of my own weight loss.

Where were they when I was being a fat ass at 295 lbs, eating 2 dinners, 2 burgers a meal, and I actually ate a 7 patty burger in front of my friend that called me an idiot. NOBODY CALLED ME UNHEALTHY BACK THEN.

I have a brother who is 6’2 320 and doesn’t go to the gym or do any sort of fitness. He eats out every day. You know what my parents had to say about that? JACK SHIT.

I don’t even listen to my family and friends anymore. Can’t wait for them to ask me for advice when I get to my goal weight.

Anyone have any similar experiences?

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Yes all the time. I get a lot of comments saying that its not healthy etc… but i promise you when you keep dropping the weight, they will be asking you for advice.

It wasn’t until i dropped -80lbs that my relatives were asking me for my routine. Keep going, you are in full responsibility for your health! Don’t let their comments get to you.

I wish you all the best :)


People are uncomfortable with change. It’s just how it goes. If you feel good, don’t sweat it for a second. If complete strangers start walking up to you on the street and tell you you are too thin, then reconsider. Your health is all you truly have. Good on you for taking control when those around you cannot. I was lucky enough to have supportive family and friends who were concerned about my weight. I wasn’t always big , not I until my late thirties.


I lost 30lbs combining Keto and Snake. The skinny shaming comments have been rolling in from all directions and it’s messed with me. I actually gained a couple of pounds on purpose just to get them to stop but will probably go down again. I’m at 120 right now but I was as low as 114 from 145. Still in the healthy 20% body fat range for a female of my age and height.

To an extremely overweight culture anybody who is thin and fit will look sickly. That’s how badly overweight this culture has become. Also, your friends and family do not want you to change in anyway because that will make them confront their need to change and I can’t bear that thought so it’s best to just degrade you.


Keep it up, brother. It sounds like you are on the right path.

During my last two years of high school people made fun of me and called me mean names like weakling, skinny ass, toothpick, etc.

Thee are the same people that called me fat ass \~2 years prior when I was overweight.

You know what these people never did- told me I look good.

People are real good at telling others what that person perceives as what is wrong with you. I’ve come to realize over the years….people are just generally assholes.

In your case, it sounds like people knocking what they don’t do and making up excuses why they don’t do it, and applying those excuses to you, instead of themselves.

My question about all of this- why does nearly every single religion call for fasting if it is so unhealthy?

My $0.02. keep at it bro, it sounds like you are doing just fine.


Yes! Someone else who gets it!!!I am going through almost the exact same thing right now. My saving grace is that my mother is supportive and my brother is a huge help because he went through the weight/weight loss struggle as well.I love my grandmother to death, but she is convinced that I’m going to die and keeps calling my fasts “unhealthy” as well.I can understand how darn frustrating thing like that can be, but your hard work is already speaking for itself!

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