| | Water Fasting

Health concerns at age 70

I’m 70 yo female 225 lbs all in my belly-need to lose minimum 50 lbs, goal of 60. I have moderately high blood pressure, high cholesterol, GERD, lung cancer survivor, no diabetes (amazingly) no known cardiac issues but a family history of both. I do very little exercise, due to joint strain and shortness of breath. Walk the dog each morning but it’s usually a 10 minute affair. I plan to extend the walk time incrementally, using a sit-down walker in case I need it. I absolutely HATE to work out. I have a trampoline but am afraid to use it due to balance issues.

Yoyo’d all my life. I find fasting easy, no hunger except a twinge or two the first day. I’ve done long stretches of IF 16:8 (8p-12 or 1p), but tend to be hungry at night with this method. Also, I eat junk at night- ice cream, potato chips, pretzels, cookies when I’m not doing IF (or I cram it in before 8pm if doing IF). I don’t lose enough weight with this method and get discouraged.

My regular diet is pretty healthy, good fats, lots of fresh veggies, fruit, fish & seafood, eggs, cheese, very little or no red meat but I do eat chicken & turkey about twice a month and drink loads of coffee all day long- with half& half, no sugar. Lots of pasta and I love bread and can kill a jar of Hellmann’s Mayo in a month (cauliflower is yummy with mayo). I can take or leave alcohol, don’t drink soda.

I’d like to try long-term water fasting but am concerned about health. I know I should see my doctor but he’s old school and would probably discourage me. (“Just cut down on sugar and pasta”).

Anybody want to tackle this one?

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For exercise look up Leslie Sansone, she has amazing walking videos. Some are fast-paced, some are slow. If you can walk your dog you can at least do the slow ones for 15 minutes.

Start tracking your calories. You really don’t have to fast or go on a specific diet because to lose weight you just need to consumes less calories than you burn. Currently you are eating enough to maintain 225 pounds. So to start with, reduce your caloric intake to what would sustain, for example, 215 pounds. Then when you get down to that, 200 pounds. And so on and so forth until you get to your goal weight, at which you can just maintain that calorie amount.

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Categories: blood pressure diabetes morning yoyo courage fruit fish meat chicken coffee sugar alcohol soda water fasting calories to fast lose weight