| | Water Fasting

How long did it take for you to see results?

I’ve been doing the 16:8 method for 2 1/2 weeks while remaining in a calorie deficit and drinking 64 oz of water a day.

My face and belly look the same and somehow, I’ve actually gained 3 pounds. This was incredibly discouraging so I’d like to know how others progress started out

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Everyone getting into a healthy weight loss program sees results gradually (more or less) It’s not like with lipo where you can tell immediately. Take a picture of yourself every week and you’ll see the difference as long as you stick to it and don’t overdo it on your diet


I started fasting Dec 29th 2022.. I did 20:4 daily and then I did a 41 hour fast after New Years and then 20:4 after that long fast.. I was 245 now I’m 235. This is definitely my new way of life I feel so much better!!!


When do you normally check your weight? Also you’re drinking more water so you’re going to retain more water weight. Also dubbed “transient weight” This is the normal fluctuation in weight on a day to day basis due to what you eat and drink. You would have had to consume an additional 10k calories more than normal for you to have gained 3 additional lbs which isn’t likely unless you’re making your meals bigger for the 16/8. So there’s a good chance the issue is in how you’re weighing yourself and when.


I had gained a lot of wight over the holidays so it wasn’t my usual weight at all. I lost pounds right away but I am now plateau’d at my regular weight again for the past 4 days despite fasting and exercising :/

I wouldn’t get discouraged especially if you’ve been drinking more water. I’d still drink water, but also stay away from processed foods that have a lot of salt in them. You still need salt and electrolytes in your diet, just don’t consume as many. If that’s the case, of course.


My fasting journey began first week of Dec 2022. Did OMAD everyday and couldn’t see any real difference in the first fortnight.

By week 3, I noticed that my clothes were getting looser and a relative even commented on my weight loss at my family Christmas dinner.

Stuck with OMAD and by early Jan, I started experimenting with longer fasts like 72h and 96h ones. That’s when the weight really started to peel off. I now can fit into my old “skinny” clothes again and more people commented on my weight loss.

Crazy to think I’ve come this far in just 5 weeks.


Minimum 12 weeks. Take weekly progress pics and/or measurements. I think we all want instant gratification which isn’t the case in weight loss. And the key is consistency. I may not have motivation but I show up everyday.


I was the exact same for 3 weeks.. then dropped 6lbs over night essentially. It all depends on what’s going on in your body at the time. Fasting isn’t a one size fits all solution. Also depends on how insulin resistant you are to begin with.Keep going. I promise - all of the future benefits are worth it :) Appetite correction being the biggest one. And energy.

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