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IF and Keto. Does it have to be done together for weight loss?

I see a lot of people having success combining IF and Keto. Are there successful IF weight loss stories out there that did not involve keto?

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Keto has a ton of food restrictions on top of us already fasting and eating clean for the most part. I do OMAD without caring a lick about keto, and I’m kicking butt and taking names. I’d rather not be in food prison 😂


That’s what I’m doing i lost 53 lbs so far only 47 to go

I’m at a plateau at the moment sadly so I’m upping my calories from 1200 to 1500…..i think I’ve been eating too little and my body was in starvation mode for the past 2 weeks lol


They do work really well together because keto typically suppresses appetite but they definitely do not have to be done together. If you’re already doing keto go ahead and IF but keto is a bit of an adjustment so don’t feel like you have to it unless you want to put in some work.


I was having great success with intermittent fasting, and because so many people do it with keto, I added keto, and it kind of screwed up my progress.

I find keto to be so restrictive/weird, and once I came off of keto, I kind of binged on the carbs I couldn’t have for months. I gained all the weight back.

Screw keto. Eating eggs and bacon and cheese and avocado for dinner was somewhat fun, but never felt healthy to me. However, experimenting with eating windows/IF seems to complement other kinds of more conventional eating methodologies like CICO.

I’m a fan of IF, just not with keto. Everyone else’s mileage may vary


Yes, I’ve had great results with just IF. If keto works for someone, more power to them so much of this journey is finding what works best for ourselves, but I want a more balanced lifestyle change that sets me for long-term success.


No Keto here and I’m down 25lbs in just over 2 months. I eat tons of veggies, beans, rice, everything that’s not good for Keto. I also have had a few cheat meals in there. Totally not necessary to see results, but CICO is where it’s at. Edit: and I have PCOS so losing weight is typically miserable.


I do 18/6 IF with a vegetable focused diet. I have little grains and no refined sugars. Works really well for me. Not really into Keto as I enjoy fruit from time to time and do not want to restrict any natural foods in my diet. So far have gone from 198 to 185.1 lbs. I also dont worry about counting calories and am just focused on eating lots of veges and less higher calorie foods. Ive done cico for a long time and would like to have a more chill food lifestyle and healthy weight. So far IF has really been great for my physiology—my body does really well on it. I do get hungry but i huge reduction in head hunger.


I think the problem is that people think the choice is basically keto/high fat or the high carb standard American diet, where the real sustainable change is finding the way of eating that works best for you (which I think for most people includes a moderate amount of everything) and being intentional about what you’re eating. Like when I have a baked good, I make sure it’s exactly what I want, not just like, a stale donut that’s there.


In 7 months, I lost 30 pounds and still retained majority of my muscle with just 23:1 intermittent fasting.

No KETO, No alcohol, no drugs (that means caffeine as well), no supplements, no surgery.

Here’s my proof:



I don’t eat met, so I wouldn’t even know where to start with keto. I lost 50 lbs over 2 years on IF, which is the only thing that worked for me. I’m small and my calorie intake has to be so low to lose weight that any other method isn’t sustainable. I do track calories and can’t average more than 1400 (that’s with 20k+ steps a day every single day!) or I’ll gain weight and need to have at least 2-3 days a week under 1000 calories to lose even a little weight. OMAD helps with those lower calorie days.


IF has synergies with CICO and Keto and exercise in general. It isn’t required to be doing a keto diet, it may help if you have hyperinsulinemia due to be insulin resistance or are pre-diabetic or diabetic (T2). Even in those circumstances it isn’t required if you are sticking to your eating windows.


To me, IF is reaaaaaallly hard almost impossible if I’m not already doing keto. A few clarifications:

1/ I do extremely clean keto with zero processed foods and almost no cheese. So that means I eat: meat, fish, oil, lots of leafy greens, some berries, the small amount of tomatoes, eggplants, carrots etc. I get plenty of fiber that way, and it’s very healthy. So keto does not have to equate cheese and bacon (I eat none).

2/being on keto helps because it already curbs my cravings, hunger and insulin spikes, so that when I do have to fast for longer it does not feel like death (unlike when I do eat carbs, skipping a meal is impossible and I pass out).

But at the end of the day, each body will have a different response, and as long as you moderate your calories, eat from healthy whole foods and find a window that works for you, keto is not necessary !

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