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IF as a weed smoker

I have being doing IF for about 3 months now and I have lost about 6 kg (Christmas didn’t help with loosing weight) and I’m loving it so far, I also exercise and I feel a lot healthier. However, I have broken my fast only a couple times, when I visited my family for Christmas break just because their schedule for eating did not meet my eating period, and when I have smoked weed a couple times the munchies were too much. Does anyone have any advise on how to “hold off” the munchies?

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Hey there, I’ve been dealing with this for a few years and there is no easy way out of this one. The solution is discipline. When the munchies come, drink water. If that’s not cutting it, zero sugar, zero calorie ginger ale is pretty good. But munchies can be pretty hard to fight, especially if you try and “eat just one” like chip or something, then yer f’d. The best way to avoid munchies completely is to smoke closer to your window but try not to eat everything when the window hits. Well, that’s all I got, maybe someone else on here has some more tips, I could probably use them myself. Best of luck!


I’m a weed smoker too but I usually have the opposite in that it kind of blunts my appetite. Something about inhaling smoke makes me not want to put food in my stomach at least not right away. I typically don’t smoke until later in the day though so I’m already done with my fast by the time I smoke most of the time. Maybe try to hold off on smoking until later in the day?


I would highly recommend chewing gum. Maybe something with some flavor like trident tropical or something. When the munchies hit, chew a piece of gum it’ll get you distracted and you’ll forget about wanting to eat. Works for me at least


Find the right strain if you can. I’m lucky to live where I can go into a store and talk to a budtender to get exactly what I need in terms of energy and appetite suppression. Sativa’s where it’s at for me but only certain strains. And lots of black coffee. And keeping busy far away from the snacks. I can get into a project, any project… cleaning a closet or junk drawer, organizing pictures, deleting old emails, pulling weeds in the garden, cruising Reddit…whatever, for hours with durban poison and some good music, without even thinking about food.


Try getting your hands on some high CBD, low (like 0.3% or less) THC flower. This is sold in my neigborhood (Brooklyn) and may be legal in your jurisdiction. I do this to satisfy my vaping cravings but avoid the negatives of weed such as munchies, inability to read, and sleep disruptions. The CBD still helps with my insomnia, and overall my (let’s face it) addiction is satisfied without so many negatives. I’m also not baked all the time and can function at a high level. I don’t forget everything all the time either. But I get the relaxation and anti-inflammatory effect.


As dumb as it sounds, the best way for me to not break my fast because of the munchies is just to not eat outside of my fasting window.


In my experience I’ve found that if I open the door to let myself cheat a little, I end up munching way too hard and feeling like I’m losing my hard earned progress. To combat this I never eat outside of my eating window unless I was hungry before I got high. If I am getting the munchies really hard I remind myself that I ate a full meal before my window closed and that I can’t possibly be hungry, therefore it must be a chemical reaction in my brain telling me to eat even though I don’t need to.


Much easier said than done but if you train yourself to build up these habits, eventually they won’t be so hard to stick to. Hope this helped!


No matter what strain I get, I get the munchies. My solution is to smoke when I still have a few hours left in my eating window so I can have those hours to munch. I tend to keep my eating window a bit later to account for munchies at night. Unless you smoke weed all day for medicinal reasons, I’d recommend only smoking during your eating window with a few hours left.


My best piece of advice is to practice IF for a week without smoking weed and developing good habits. I did exactly that and went back to smoking weed at night and it was a much easier transition. I had more discipline and used water to distract me from those cravings. Good luck!


Man, this was an issue for me because I love indulging the munchies and eating a ton was one of the main reasons I get high.

For me, preparation is key. I eat a much lighter dinner than normal and prepare whatever I am going to eat beforehand. Since I am lazy, I tend to reach for whatever is easiest and if I’ve already set something healthy (ish) out then I know that’s what I will go for.

Usually it’s a really cold bunch of grapes, cherries, or other sweet fruit that takes a long time to eat. I also like radishes sprinkled with a little salt instead of chips when I am high- still crunchy and salty without the calories (or guilt) of a bag of chips. I’ve also gone with a minty gum or a couple of Werthers.

I never feel bad emotionally or physically if I eaten some grapes or had four hard candies outside of my window. It’s when I get into the chips, cookies, pizza etc that I run into problems.


No good munchies in the house.

We are all good at getting creative though. I drink flavoured water when they come on and try to focus on something else.

But if I can not sugar free jello hits the spot :)

Or munchies to break the fast. Make your meal first though!


My best advice as a weed smoker is to either move your hours to fit in with your sessions. I found it easier to stop if I don’t eat at all after a smoke, that first munch starts you off so I make sure I smoke after I’ve had dinner and pudding and am into my fasting hours


Nights I decide to munch out I just let myself and adjust my 16 hours the next day. I love watching movie and eating popcorn baked. So it might just mean I dont eat until 2 or 3pm the next day. I wont do it often but if I want than I will. Also Bengal Spice tea is a lifesaver, feels sweat but its 0’s across the board

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