Hey all!
So I have briefly done Keto in the past and really enjoyed it. I had initially done it to fit into my wedding dress but now I’m ready to go full time and commit permanently. The problem I’m running into is that my endocrinologist does not support me doing the diet. When I asked why, she just responds, “it’s not a good diet”. So my problem is, I started insulin and immediately gained 20lbs. I am on A LOT of insulin. Aprox 100 units of long acting and aprox 18 units fast acting with each meal. How did you guys (that were on medication) alter your meds while starting keto? If I stop using insulin my sugars will be high for awhile until I get into ketosis. I can’t consult my doctor because she won’t support it and it’s very frustrating. I am in Oklahoma and it is very difficult to find an endocrinologist who supports anything other than the standard diabetic diet.
Thanks in advance,
25 year insulin dependent diabetic and I swear some of the endocrinologists I’ve had just know how to manage diabetes with insulin and medications they’re oblivious to the notion that T2 is not a progressive disease like T1, they want to treat T2 the same way they treat T1 and are fearful if too many people can fix T2 their specialty will lose value because there will be more endocrinologists than are needed.
Not all are like that, find one that at least says, “hey whatever works for you.” That’s a good start and you can let your results show for themselves. Or just ignore the Endo you have, reduce how much insulin you take to accommodate your lack of carb intake and use your best judgement.
I take U-500, which functions as a 24-hour insulin, and U-200 which functions as fast acting it’s concentrated so I don’t have to put as much in as I did with U-100. 240 units of U-500 daily, and between 5-30 with each meal on a sliding scale.
That was before fasting and keto. It causes massive weight gain, insulin isn’t the best thing for anyone because of how it balloons you up in weight. It’s crazy they don’t work on getting people off it rather than try to “fine tune” your dosage. Titrate up, is what they like to say far more than ween off, when it comes to insulin.
I’m not an expert by any means but you’re going to need to find a doctor that support keto in order to assist you or you’re going to have to monitor your blood sugar levels very frequently and adjust insulin as needed until you make it through the transition period.
Um if you’re type 1 diabetic dont mess around with fasting, you could get hypoglycemic and go into a coma, you need to watch your sugars carefully. And remember even though fasting looks like a cure to all your problems that’s just how its portrayed in the communities, what I’m saying is dont drink the cool aid