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OMAD - what is the ideal time

Is noon-1pm the ideal time to start your OMAD?

I think it is because:

The sun is brightest during the mid point day - our biorhythms are most awake at this time including digestion

Fasting in the morning is relatively easy - esp with a morning workout (reduces hunger for me for 2-3 hours as I’m burning fat)

Fasting in the evening is good for sleep and rest - although downside is I get hungry sometimes before bed. I eat a fat like raw cheese or an avocado which breaks the hunger. Possibly the fast which isnt ideal.

Difficulties: I do have trouble eating all my calories at once or within 1-2 hours

Sometimes before bed I do get hungry. Not sure if I should wait it out and try to sleep or just eat something small.

The ratio of carbs/fats/proteins seems to be particularly important but I cannot seem to understand what it is. 50% fat, 25% carbs/protein? Some days I am full all day and feel well other days I am hungry towards the end of the day. I seem to need complex carbs to not feel hungry - same with anybody else?

Are there any documented benefits between eating all your calories in a 1-2 hour window vs a 3-6 hour window? Is more fasting for another hour or two beneficial?

Thanks, looking for input from folks who have been doing OMAD regularly with success for a while.

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The best time is that which you can stick to reasonably well. That could mean fitting in your schedule, late enough to prevent evening snacks…whatever

Technically, at least 1 hour after you wake and a very minimum of 5 before bed (really 8 or 10) to allow proper digestion before bed.

Yes…there are studies on narrower windows. They win out

Macros is entirely dependent on what overall diet you are choosing. I will say fasting and keto shake hands well


I like that you’re aware of not eating before bed. This is hugely underrated. And if you do, keep it to a small low carb option such as avocado or tinned fish. I feel cheese might make your digestive system work a little harder with the dairy?


Most of the weight loss benefits of OMAD/IF come from a decrease in calories. There might be some other hormonal benefits, but a huge proportion of your weight loss is only dependent on calories in and calories out. Do whatever fits your schedule - the best (healthy) diet is definitely the one you keep doing. 😊

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Categories: omad digest morning evening sleep calories carbs snack studies macro keto low carb fish weight loss