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Time of day to take electrolytes on 7 day fast

Ok so been doing OMAD for nearly 3 months. Starting an extended 7 day fast today.

Obviously needs to take a mix of Himalayan salt, potassium salt and magnesium ( I’m using solgar mag citrate tablets )

Do you take your electrolytes all at once ? And if so when ? In the morning , afternoon , evening ? I’m guessing with salts you spread it over the day as that seems quite salty to chug at once.

Using this as a dosage guide: http://land-boards.com/T2D/2017/09/06/electrolytes-are-not-optional-during-a-fast-ketogains/

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Update. Went to hospital to get checked out. All blood results, heart scan and BP came back fine. Thinking it may have been low blood sugar and vigorous exercise as body not fat adapted ( my theory ) hospital don’t think it was excess potassium.

Next time I won’t go for a fairly hefty hillwalk halfway through three.


So had to break the fast today. Reason got pretty terrifying pins and needles like all over face and in hands forearms. Hands were cramping pretty badly. Have been drinking ‘snake juice’ and I think next time I’ll just try with pure water.

I think I may not have needed so much potassium dosing 1tsp in 1.5 l water. 3120mg per day . Sodium was 2.5 tsp in the same 1.5 L mix. I wasn’t super active although walked every day. In fact it was on a hill walk that started to get the effects of intense pins and needles.

Anyways lived to tell the tale. Plain old water next time

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Categories: electrolytes 7 day fast omad potassium magnesium morning evening keto heart blood sugar sodium