| | Water Fasting

Whats the consensus on physical activity during dryfasting.

For water fasting it was very easy for me to exercise. Even on my longest of 15 days I was exercising to 60-70% of my max intensity.

I am pretty new to dry fasting. So far have done a few 16-20 hours, a couple 24 hours, and one 30 hour.

Now that I am starting to get towards the day and a half to two day goals and eventually three day goals I have to know whether I will still be able to exercise decently.

  1. Gym: should I avoid this or is there a way I can work out while not destroying myself. If you are able to do weight training or body weight resistance what % intensity out of 100 would you adhere to?

  2. Sports: is ping pong ok but tennis is not? Should I not even play ping pong. I guess the real question is should I avoid a high heart rate while dry fasting?

  3. Rock climbing: is this ok while dry fasting? Its very physically demanding even more than gym. probably around 90-100% intensity.

  4. Flexibility/Foam rolling: will my muscles get weird if I try to stretch while i am dehydrated?

What have your experiences been exercising while dry fasting? Have you had any close calls where you had to break the fast due to feeling bad from over exertion?

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I think you really have to know your body in order to do it. I’ve been water fasting for about 10 years, dry fasting for about three. I get my blood levels checked once a year, they are amazing.

I follow carnivore, ketovore, but I will have mainstream junk on special occasions.I’m a huge proponent a vitamins and minerals, if you talk to anyone who knows a lick about fasting they’ll tell you water doesn’t really hydrate you, it’s electrolytes, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

I recommend water fasting to almost anyone, but dry fasting has to be done after you really have a good connection with your body.

Most people don’t.

So, all that said to show what preparation I believe is needed to dry fast safely, follow your gut.

Extended dry fast aren’t really needed if you aren’t trying to heal someone intense.

A day here or there is enough to really do an amazing job for healing, HGH, balance Ghrelin and speed autophagy, there is no real reason to bust your ass dry fasting, you can sleep through it honestly.

I can say, as a 36 yo female with only 127lbs on my 5’8” frame I can walk 10 miles a day while dry fasting, I even helped fell a tree and stacked all the lumber (it was a 60 foot pine, so a lot of heavy lifting for a girl my size who does not lift, and a lot of running around)

I was not thirsty the entire time.

Had I been thirsty I would have broke my dry fast, had an electrolyte drink, some bone broth, and waited a few hours and then refed.Since I was not thirsty, and felt amazing, I washed up, played some video games and went to bed lol

Next day I felt dry, throat and head was a little achy, broke my 24 hr fast with some body armor lyte and then waited to have my bacon and eggs, felt fine, not dizzy, not weak, nothing.

I listen to my body.

Anyone attempting a dry fast cannot treat it as a competition, this is not a battle, this is a rest.

You have nothing to prove.It’s about taking a break, letting yourself heal, and then refeeding with nourishing foods that will rebuild what’s broken.

I see an awful lot of people battling themselves to dry fast, and while I’m always supportive, I hope every one of them is in touch with their body enough to know when to say when.

TLDR I personally have done it, but the level I am in touch with my body and the level of care I show my body by feeding it a real human diet and maintaining vitamin and mineral levels is off the charts compared to some (and my blood work is proof)

As we are raised to mistrust ourselves and live in a world where we are not taught to take proper care of ourselves, I do not recommend high activity to anyone dry fasting.

This is a serious thing that should be taken as such.

Most people are so out of touch with our instincts that it’s unsafe for them, they’ll ignore warning signs and end up in the hospital or worse.

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Categories: water fasting dry fasting heart muscle keto vitamin mineral electrolytes sodium potassium magnesium dry fast sleep weak refeeding