| | Water Fasting

Anyone feel we’ve been lied to about how much water we really need to drink??

I am just over 48 hours into my dry fast. Want to go 7, but 98 hours is longest so far. Dry fasting has made me think quite a bit about my relationship with food, but also water.

I was watching a YouTube video from Dr Berg about daily water needs and he said he drinks 2-3 glasses of water a day - tops. I am pretty much the same way. Never could drink 64+ oz a day. I’d never come out of the bathroom. He said too much water just messes with your electrolyte balance - your body peeing all the time is a sign you are dehydrating yourself.

And I did try water fasting with snake juice, but no way can I drink 2 liters of water a day. Most of the water we drink is to aid in digestion. If we aren’t eating food, why do we need so much water - even with electrolytes- which I’m not convinced we need. It seems to me, we don’t want to drink too much water because we will upset our electrolyte balance. So people say “add electrolytes to the water and you can drink more”. But… why?!

Just seems like another one of those myths - like we will die in 3 days without water…

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Being dry fasters, we now have access to much more water than we did when we were not dry fasters. So I too think that we don’t need quite so much water. The fat that we eat also has water in it. I eat a 96% carnivorous diet with a lot of fat and butter, so drinking water is not such a big deal for me now.


I think it depends on the person. I naturally need to drink 2 - 3 liters a day maybe even upwards of 4 if I’m working out a lot, but I also sweat more than anyone I know. Ever since I was a kid I was prone to heat exhaustion and dehydration.

If I don’t move around too much and try to keep cool, I do ok with dry fasting. But like, a brief walk could work me into a sweat (and I’m not overweight or unfit– literally just sweat a ton).


Those people have archaic information. Just keep your pee at a healthy light yellow colour when feeding and you’re golden. Look into tap-water vs. distilled+minerals vs. high-grade mineral water if you want to optimise, but that’s probably not essential. When w.fasting, same rule applies about your pee as above; when dry-fasting, you can go for at least a couple of weeks if you’re sensible about how you do it. Drinking your pee is a good way to tell how hydrated you are, when feeding: it becomes delicious after a while, like becoming accustomed to the taste of alcohol, and is in moderation pretty good for you (I think subbing all the fresh water you would otherwise be drinking for pee though may be over-doing it as I think fresh water has a very beneficial flushing and cleansing effect) and then you just know by taste if it‘s too strong or too weak.

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