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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Hey hey

My info as follows and has been going pretty good for 4 bloody whole days in a row, not much for some but huge for me:

Type: OMADContext: day 4 of being able to stick to omad in a row - I have previously had longer runs than this but that’s when my husband and I were separating so I was not eating from stress anyway.Length: generally 23 hours fasted and 1 hour eating Why: I believe that this maybe the healthiest way to eat, to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and to help age slowlyNotes: this time it’s been slightly easier for me to stick to as I started on OZempic…


Type : Water, coffee tea
Context: 20:4 transitioning into OMAD. Rounding out after a completed one hour fast yesterday and feeling great.
Length of fast: Indefinite!
Why : To control my wild eating habits and lose pounds to a healthy weight

Notes: Scale went down another pound this morning after my 24 hour fast followed by my OMAD. I’m thinking about eating earlier on Sundays so we can go out together and following it with a 24hr fast into my usual eating window the next day. I was surprised how I flowed into it after my time in 20:4 to OMAD. Been eating brown rice as my only carb, even with my macro going over 100 carbs a day I don’t have the crash I used to when I ate them mindlessly. Still striking for protein around the 120 gram mark, I think this has contributed greatly to my ability to stay full during the next day. And salt! Sodium in my water is super helpful.


16:8 fast, on day 3 now. Trying to lose weight.

Mini vent- I took my my kid into the pediatrician for a well child visit this morning and basically the first thing out of the doctors mouth was “I’m going to ask mom to start phasing out processed foods in the house”. My son is a perfectly healthy weight, which I verified with the doctor. We don’t eat that much processed foods. I love to cook from scratch- I gained weight during my second pregnancy and have been having trouble losing it due to a back injury and depression (unhealthy coping, overeating, regular but not excessive drinking, etc). I’m a size 10/12- so yes, I’m overweight and trying to lose but I’m not HUGE. And while we certainly have some processed foods the vast majority is healthy fresh foods. My kids eat a ton of fruits and veggies. I’m VERY conscious of what they are offered at home. And they are great eaters, better than me. I have struggled with overeating but I don’t eat much processed foods. I’ll overeat our healthy meals, or I’ll skip the fruits and veggies to save them for the kids etc. It just made me feel like shit that the doctor came in and saw us (really me, because my kid isn’t overweight at all) and immediately thought “this is a family that eats a lot of processed foods”. Even the processed foods that we buy are the “healthier” versions, ie organic low sugar granola bars.

Idk, I’m working on losing weight. But my kids aren’t overweight at all and it felt shitty that the doctor assumed I was feeding them crap when they eat healthier than just about every other kid I know.


type: water and coffeecontext: day 3length: 16:8why: lose some weight!notes: i get some hunger pangs now and then, but 16:8 is honestly not too hard and I’m cutting out breakfast, my most carb-filled meal. I did get into kombucha recently though, and just found out it’s full of carbs too… worth it for now!


OMAD. Day 6, I’m doing this as my Lent sacrifice. I also really need to lose weight.

I’m drinking a lot of water, sparkling water, and coffee.

My meal happens whenever I’m home with the wife and kids. Usually around 6:00 pm.

I’m new to this, and it’s not easy, but I told myself that if I can’t do this, I’m going to look into weight loss surgery, which I really don’t want to do.


First ever fast ended today. Began with a 20:4 (started at 10pm, ate at 6pm the next day, restarted next fast at 10pm

Type of fast: 20:4, water and coffeeContext of fast: first ever, so beginning I supposeLength of fast: IndefiniteWhy?: weightloss mainly, I’ll be looking out for health benefits as wellNotes: I’ve jumped in at the deep end. First day was OK, drank a lot of sparkling water, coffee and herbal tea. The only thing I really missed was having some protein milk in my coffee through the day. Things I would like to improve on - using my 1200 cals during the 4 hour window in a more thoughtful way. I’d also like to consider a full day fast at the weekend (don’t feel it’s a good idea during the week as I work long hours).


Day 2 of 16:8!

Had a much harder time making it to my eating window today but I did it. I stuck to my eating plan (no fast food and limited sugar).

I had a bit of a stressful day and I didn’t eat for comfort. I’m kind of proud?

On to day 3…


Mindful decision to cut my 48 hours down to 44 - if I left it to 48 it was going to end up being closer to 51 due to child commitments and too late in the day to want to eat, and I was then going to decide it wasn’t worth eating for another 24 hours and whilst there are benefits to 72 hour fasts I would rather it was mindfully chosen.

Amazed how I wasn’t actually hungry and eating a small portion of a lunch I’d normally scoff was enough to satiate. Didn’t even feel a desire to follow up with anything sweet. I think I may incorporate more regular 40-48 hour fasts.

Weight down 0.8kg from yesterday but that’s likely a blip from not eating in 2 days!

Edit: info: on again -off again faster - 14 hours is approx my non fasting state since I don’t eat breakfast. I’m a few days into sticking to 18-20 hours

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Categories: omad stress coffee tea habits morning 24 hour fast eating window macro carbs sodium lose weight overweight fruit struggle shit sugar losing weight weight loss 72 hour fast lunch 48 hour fast gain fast