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Do you really need to take elecrolytes during a 3 (3 and a half) day fast?


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Really depends how you feel.

I’ve done a 6-7 day fasts with only water and black coffee. But I was deep in keto for months prior and had done multiple 2-5 day fasts leading up to that (also all without electrolytes). Once or twice during those I would add a touch of salt to water, and I was working out during this, although nothing too heavy.

Is it possible? Yes. Is it ideal or necessary? No.

If you start to feel tired, weak, light headed, headache, anything around your heart, you need electrolytes or to stop fasting.

If it’s your first fast or you weren’t heavily fat adapted prior, I highly doubt you could pull this off without solid electrolyte management.


So our body need daily electorates even when you are not fasting, there is enough research about this that there is no arguing. Your body also burns through them super quick. That being said, when you do intermittent fasting you don’t need supplements, if you can get enough electrolytes from the food you eat. The problem is that most people don’t. For example I think it’s hard to eat enough magnesium and therefore I take supplements instead.

When you do a longer fast (over 24 hours). Your body use up all the electrolytes in your body during that time. When you fast your body flushed more electrolytes then normally.

Is there any health risk if your body use most of the electrolytes? No, you can go even 2 weeks and you will not risk of dying. But your body is still dependent on them. You need electrolytes for proper muscles development, so you can safely assume that you muscles will feel it. You will have lower energy, and you can experience headaches and other unconvinced. When you deplete your body of electrolytes long enough, you can black out and most likely need to be hospitalized.

TLDR. They are not snake oil, often can they be useful even in short term fasting but are not necessary


As you fast, you will deplete your glycogen. Glycogen holds water. As you urinate you will lose electrolytes that’s why salt was worth as much as gold as one point in history.

If you are on a typical USA diet you are probably consuming several grams of sodium. If your body is used to that going to zero will be rough. Go ahead and try it without lytes, not muy recomendation. If you feel like trash add electrolytes especially magnesium to get back in yo the game.


So far I’ve done 3 to 5 day fast without any elecrolytes and sodium. Have felt terrible every time.

Now on a day 1 fast (of a 5 day total plan) where I will be adding some sodium and electrolytes if I can find any around me in local supermarkets. And hope to see better energy levels.


It depends on the person. Personally, I take them from day 1 as I get headaches & fatigued easily. There are extended day fasting electrolyte capsules on Amazon that really help me. Also comes in a sleep version (I don’t sleep well on EF’s ). https://www.amazon.com/Extended-Electrolytes-Himalayan-B-Complex-Vitamins/dp/B08ZYWC5Q8/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2H6EEVDFIYNFW&keywords=reset+electrolytes&qid=1671498469&sprefix=Reset+el%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-5


On average you will deplete your store of electrolytes in between 3 and 4 days. On a long fast in the spring I crashed in the middle of day 4 with the typical signals of electrolyte deficiency. I ate some salt and it resolved in around 15 minutes. Some people might need electrolytes for a three day fast, some won’t. On one hand it’s probably safest to just start the end of day 2.
Also you really don’t have to buy any expensive products (although they might be simpler). Some salt, some NoSalt (for K), and a Mg supplement. Also I found during a long fast that the level you need in the first week or so is much higher than what you need after that. I believe your body readjusts and conserves electrolytes. After the adjustment I basically just took electrolytes as needed by keep a very close eye on my bodies signals, and it was not very much.

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Categories: 7 day fast coffee keto 5 day fast electrolytes working out weak heart intermittent fasting magnesium tea muscle energy oil sodium sleep vitamin deficiency three day fast