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Feeling bad after post-fast first meal?

I recently fasted for two whole days. I had a couple decent waves of hunger pains and grumpiness, but nothing terrible and was able to get thru it. Other than the mild pains and grumpiness, I actually felt pretty darned good throughout the fast. I took a basic daily multi-vitamin, fish oil, vitamin D, and some turmeric supplements during fast (as per usual). Other than that, just water and coffee. I did some walking the first day of fast, and some fairly intense cardio on exercise bike the second day of fast (as part of normal weekly exercise routine). I successfully completed a full 48-hour fast.

I was very much looking forward to a big sloppy meal as a “reward” (I understand this is not good thinking on my part). After I gorged the meal (eggs, sausage, pancakes with syrup)… I actually felt bad. Like crap, actually. The meal was filling and all, but it just didn’t make me feel good at all. I got zero joy after eating, like the kind of I-am-a-biological-being-and-can-live-longer-now joy. In fact, I was quite tired after eating and felt tired the remaining part of the day. I ended laying around basically the entire day. The day after, I started to feel fine again.

Can anyone explain this? Why did this happen? Also, more specifically, this doesn’t point to some underlying condition I should be worried about it, does it? (Just want to make sure.)

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Try 48 hours again but when you break fast - eat more eggs and sausage and no pancakes with syrup this time. See how you feel.

Carbs always make me feel like shit after a fast probably because I was keto than going back to carbs.


I literally just finished a 48 h fast too! I’m doing it to fix some health issues I have and have been reading a lot about fasting. While there’s no need to be super careful when refeeding at 48h, you really might want to go healthier, like a freshly cooked meal of vegetables, grains, etc. I find my taste buds and sense of smell get much stronger after 48h fasts, and even “bland” meals taste delicious. Today I had a tray with lots of roasted vegetables (and a sprinkle of feta cheese), then a salad of chickpeas, tomatoes, cucumber, and some herbs, and fried oyster mushroom. This is much gentler on the stomach than bacon, sugar and white flour.

I should also say that eating has a huge impact on our metabolism, so such a heavy meal probably got your body working hard to digest it, hence the sleepiness and tiredness.

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Categories: pain vitamin fish oil coffee cardio reward carbs shit a fast keto refeeding stomach sugar digest sleep