| | Water Fasting

First week completed— 8lbs gone!

Yes, I am aware that this was most likely water weight, but seeing that scale number go down is enough to make me keep going on this journey!

F30, SW:233, CW: 225, GW: 180. Been going back and forth 16:8 and OMAD. Cut out all sugar and just drink water and black coffee, goodbye soda. When I do eat, focusing on low carb and lots of protein.

The first couple of days were pretty difficult, but each day has gotten easier. I think I can do this!

Question— do you ever allow yourself a cheat day or is that just a recipe for disaster?

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That first week boost is a great motivator, even if it’s just water weight! Makes you realize you are closer to your goal than you thought.

IMO cheat days are a bad idea if planned out as a regular occurrence. That being said, it’s very healthy to be open to extending your eating window if certain things come up. I’ve done it a few times because I was invited by friends to a late dinner or drinks. In a few weeks I will be pretty much eliminating my window for a few days because of a trip where we are trying out a few good breakfast spots (my window is usually 2pm-8pm). I decided that was more important than obsessively sticking to my window.

The goal, obviously, is to make something sustainable.


I’ve allowed myself non-fasting days every couple of weeks, but I try to limit them to times when they really matter. For example, having dinner and then a nice brunch when my partner’s parents are in town, or a wedding with a farewell breakfast the next day. “Cheating” by myself for no other reason than than “I want to” really messes with my mindset. Because then I’ll just do it all the time!


Congrats! It’s good that you understand that a lot of your weight drop on the first go is going to be water weight. That big initial drop can certainly be encouraging, but you do have to be mindful that you’re probably not going to continuously see weight drops like that week after week. Actual fat takes longer to get used up by your body, expect maybe 1-3 pounds per week moving forward. You can’t let that be discouraging, you’re in it for the long haul after all! Just be consistent and keep at it.

I do have some ‘cheat’ days. I tend to not intermittently fast on weekends, I don’t really think of that as cheating, I just think it’s good to shake up your routine every once in a while. What I do consider ‘cheating’ is eating significantly over my TDEE, or eating some junk carbs like pizza/ice cream/etc. I won’t say it’s a good behavior for everyone, but moderation is key. Having a naughty but delicious treat every once in a while won’t kill you, as long as you can stay disciplined and get back to your good behavior afterwards. If it triggers your sugar/carb addiction and affects your discipline, then maybe it would be better to avoid ‘cheating’ altogether for a longer while. Do keep in mind that one big cheat day can sometimes cancel out a whole week’s worth of disciplined restraint. So don’t go too crazy, or just make sure it’s really worth it to you and be ready to accept the consequences!

If you hit a plateau and can’t seem to get past it, I might suggest trying an extended fast, like 40+ hours. Everybody’s different, but for me doing an extended fast seems to shock my body into getting over that sticky number and get back to trending down over time. 40+ hour fasts might sound intimidating if you’ve never tried it. And it can be a little stressful at first, for me it’s toughest around dinner time of the first day. But there’s a secret surprise on the other side of that rough patch - I always feel hyper alert and genuinely GREAT the next day! Knowing that part is coming really helps motivate me to do these longer fasts every once in a while. Just something to think about and maybe try if you want.

Good luck, and stick with it! It really does feel so much better when you’re not as heavy, it’s absolutely worth your hard work to make that happen!


Good job! Probably not all of it was water, if you had a decent calorie deficit.

I don’t do “cheat” days but I do allow myself a “free” meal or something, every now and then (well, I used to, I can’t taste anything, right now so it’s pointless).

You just have to have the mindset that it’s just that one time and then get right back to business. You can’t think, “Well, now I’ve cheated so all is lost, might as well keep eating.”

Being too restrictive can also be a recipe for disaster.

Years ago, I did a program called Rapid Fat Loss by Lyle McDonald. It was very restrictive and he suggested a free meal, twice a week, for psychological reasons. It really did help me stay on track the rest of the time, knowing that I could do that. It did not impede weight loss, at all.


That’s great! Way to go!

I try not to look at them as “cheat days,” which makes it sound like you’re doing something wrong. Some days circumstances won’t let you fast everyday. I’d say just enjoy the non-fasting day and start again the next day.

This only works if it’s flexible enough too fit your life.

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