| | Water Fasting

I did a 20 hour dry fast. (Cross post from r/snakediet)

I started at 5pm. Slept well, got up at 4am for work. Showered, brushed my teeth and gargled with Listerine in case of fasting halitosis. Went to work, did just fine. Got a little bit of a dry throat, but nothing terrible.

Came home. I have 3 young autistic boys, 5, 8 and 10 years old, all very energetic and low to mid functioning. Normally when I do an early shift at work like that, I’m exhausted, and end up falling asleep because I’m just so tired. Even with drinking coffee or energy drinks. My husband goes to work, so it’s just me with them.

Anyway, I broke my fast a little after 1pm with a cold brew coffee from Starbucks on the way home. I was not tired at all! I had plenty of energy. Did some cleaning, played with the kids, enjoyed my day, and even managed to stay up later than I thought I would, about 11:45pm. I definitely think all that energy was a result of dry fasting.

Another thing I noticed is that my skin looked better. The pores on my nose and cheeks literally shrunk. I had less redness, and my skin seemed better.

Another thing, I have a scar from a surgery where I had my gall bladder removed back in 2009. It turned into a keloid scar, very red and puffy most of the time. I looked at it, and it’s more normal in color and it’s not puffy. Sometimes it’s painful, but I haven’t felt any pain lately.

What else? Oh, I have keratosis pilaris on my upper arms, that is smoothing out and feels softer. And varicose veins that I gained in my three pregnancies look smaller and lighter. Even the skin on my feet looks better. And I’m 45.

Oh, and I lost about 4 lbs. (188 to 184, I’m 5’4”) I don’t care if it’s just water weight, I’ll take it. My jeans were also looser.

So now I would really like to start a dry fasting practice. Possibly combined with snake juice fasting. But I have some questions. I have watched some of Cole’s videos, it’s a little confusing because he’s gone from rolling 72 long fasts to snack fasting. I went back to his very first videos because they seemed more informative.

So questions. I want to build up to doing 3 days. 3 days dry, and then maybe go into snake juice fasting. How is the best way to do it?

Breaking the fast. Breaking with Starbucks cold brew may be not the best way to break a longer dry fast. I have read snake juice and coconut water are the best ways. But in regards to food, Cole has said that he doesn’t care what you break with, you can have some fruit even, as long as the meal is kept small in order to minimize weight regain. What’s the concensus on fruits like watermelon and berries or oranges?

How come nobody mentions veggie soup? If you make it homemade, you can have it low carb, you can add whatever you like, make it salty or less salty, and you get all the minerals and vitamins from whatever veggies you choose. It seems like that would be a great meal for replenishment of water and electrolytes.

Where else can I find good valid information on dry fasting?

Thanks for the advice and comments in advance!

TL;DR I dry fasted for 20 hours and it was great, lots of healing with some weight loss. How do I keep it going?

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Amazing results. Just keep doing that everyday. 20-4 dryfast protocol. Look at it like your body is doing spring cleaning for the first time in your life. Keep up this 20 hour a day protocol and the benefits will keep coming.


There’s a video that first caught my attention on dry fasting. Some is a bit extra, but he has a good amount of experience. Diet wise, I’m not a raw/vegan or vegetarian. I usually break mine with water and broth in small portions.

See Ray Maor and his video on How to Dry fast. https://youtu.be/9yqsJXhnae4

Somewhere I remember a more science based person state that the chemistry happening in your body can make its own H2O.Still worth its own research.

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