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Learnings from my first 4,5 day dry fast

I broke my DF at noon of the 5th day. Two reasons: 1) I went for a walk. After about 1 km, I noticed that I was so tired, I wouldn’t be able to come back on my own, if I would walk any further. 2) I talked to my mother on the phone for half an hour, at the end I could hardly speak, my mouth was as dry as a desert. And there are four telcos waiting for me tomorrow with me as host.

How I broke my DF:

12:00 - 14:00 sipped 1 liter melted mineralwater. Had a light bowel movement. Got appetite for food.

14:00 - 15:00 ate 4 poached eggs with golden fluid yolks, homemade guacamole with 1,5 avocados, three small tomatoes, juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper, 1 spoonful yogurt. 880 kcal, 78g fat, 11g carbs, 33g protein, 80%-5%-15%, count it as keto.

15:00 - 20:00 keep hydrating with mineralwater and very light green tea. Took a shower, washed my hair. At 19:30 a kidney shot with 4 sp lemon juice, 1 sp ACV, 1 tsp baking soda in 250 ml water (still quite gross). Drank my last glass water at 19:55. Brushed my teeth.

What I have learnt from my 1st 4,5 day DF:

  1. proper preparation is the key: my last meal was lasagne, some swiss chocolate. Keto would have been better. No baking soda to prepare my kidney for the long DF.

  2. fasting is not only for the body, but also for the mind: netflixing during a fast is counter-productive, meditation would be better, if you can’t sleep.

  3. light exercise like walking in fresh air helps to burn extra calories.

  4. fasting is easier if you don’t have to work during it. Unfortunately this I cannot change, at least not for the next few months.

Result of my 1st 4,5 day DF (my goal was weight loss, if it’s mostly fat, the better), weighed at 9 am in kg:

81,3 - 78,9 - 77,4 - 75,8 - 74,1

Right before I broke the fast, it was 73,9 at noon.

Now at 20:00 after refeed (0,65 kg) and rehydration (ca 3 liter) it’s 76,2. So 4,5 days 5 kg less.

2021-02-14 20:00, I’m kicking off the 2nd round dry fasting. Open end as usual, no pressure on myself. Will post an update once I’ve passed the 48h mark.

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Make sure you eat something nutritious when you break your fast. Liver is a good pick. Oranges or vitamin C supplement is another one. Preferably something nutrient dense.

And as always if the object is fat loss then avoid carbs until you hit 10% body fat. This is particularly important during a refeed.


I’m starting tomorrow and I know I’ve not gone into this keto - carbs on top of carbs 😂. But I’m not being hard on myself over it. I’m hydrated and will do a kidney shot and then when I start my second one (straight after) I’ll be in ketosis

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Categories: dry fast mineral carbs keto tea kidney baking soda a fast sleep calories weight loss dry fasting liver vitamin body fat ketosis