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Meal when acid reflux

When having acid reflux, is there any meal that could be privileged to contribute to alleviating the acid reflux from the nutrition perspective?

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I have a hiatal hernia and have had acid reflux of varying degrees for perhaps 30 years. It is far less severe in the past 3 years or so. The changes I have made: I’ve lost a substantial amount of weight. I don’t eat for 3 hours or more before bed. I don’t eat sugar. I limit dairy consumption. I no longer consume prepackaged or processed foods. I do not overeat.

Most of all, though, the greatest relief has come from Omeprazole (Prilosec). Prilosec worked nearly completely for 25+ years, initially with a prescription, and later over the counter. I took 2x20mg daily for many years, then down to 1x20mg, and for the past year or two, only occasionally as needed. The reduction in usage has coincided with my dietary changes.


I had to try an elimination diet to see what triggers my reflux and I had to start eating earlier which helps. But in severe situations I mix baking soda and warm water. A bland diet can be helpful too.


Gaviscon is the best for acid reflux immediate relief, but a long term acid med from your doctor is the best bet to alleviate it all the time. Not many meals will alleviate acid, but you can avoid meals that tend to trigger your acid. For example, red sauce, heavily spiced meals, and heavy meats (ie steak) often cause acid


I had valve issues over 15 years ago and i had surgery to correct it.

If it is common, there is prescription medicine. It reduced the acid for me but i always had fluid at the back of my throat.

Don’t eat before bed.

Don’t eat or drink large volumes at a time.

Prop the head of your bed up so it is on an angle.

I had trouble with anything with flavour (like garlic or ginger but really everything spice related), raw vegetables, soda, chocolate, tomato-based dishes, and I had to eat a very low fat diet (under 20 g a day). It was miserable and still had symptoms most of the time.

This didn’t apply to me but they also tell you not to drink alcohol, coffee, or smoke.


Check out the Acid Watcher Diet. … it’s not really a diet but more about changing how you look at food. It’s about learning which acidic foods cause your reflux and healing your stomach and esophagus through food. I have followed it as best as I can where I live as things are becoming less available due to price increase on everything. Try eliminating all processed foods, sugars, onions, tomatoes to start. Then check out the diet and follow it. I know a lot of people who have been able to get off their medications for acid reflux thanks to this diet. I have been able to decrease my own medications.


Water with Celtic Sea Salt, Lemon & ACV on the rise, Mastic Gum, Bone Broth, Aloe Vera Juice, HCL boosters, mineral deficiency such as Zinc, Iodine & Magnesium.

Chew Food properly & dont gobble it down. Not drinking with foods, wait 30 minutes after eating & don’t eat before bed.

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