What happens when you do strength training but eat a low protein low carb high fat diet? Do you just retain muscle mass or is there a way to add muscle on such a diet?
so, using the calories in calories out law, if you are consuming more calories than you need, then you will definitely gain weight, and the other way around is weight loss. if one person is consuming high amounts of carbohydrates, as...
Sour cream with 18% fat costs 1€ and sour cream with 30% fat costs 2€. I thought the former is healthier because less saturated fat = lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but then why is it cheaper? Why would people...
Before I get downvoted to hell, i just want to see if y’all noticed any benefits with a low vs high carb diet. Of course this comes with the assumption that it’s minimally processed and full of variety, not a...
I can't work out which is the bigger culprit; carbs or salt.
Hi, I'm planning on doing a 20:4 intermittent fast in combination with a low carb diet. I'm aware of the kinds of foods that are good for low carb diets like fish, nuts, veggies, fruits, etc. My main issue is, I'm not...
I'm a guy who is skinny fat (5'8 and 160-ish lbs), the fat usually accumulates around my abdomen mostly, and then secondly in my face. I've been trying to do regular caloric restriction with high protein diet along with full...
Keto is high fat, low carb, and a decent amount protein. Vegetables are optional. Most people only do keto for a few years and then revert back to their normal eating habits after they get the health results they wanted,...
# Hello friends, I see many success stories with Cole's high salt low protein keto diet. Can anyone give me an example of 400 kcal meals that are less than 20 % protein, high salt,high fat. Thank you!
Hi folks, There are certain groups of people that are still recommended to specifically reduce their consumption of fat as a macronutrient. From personal experience, I'm familiar with post-cholecystectomy patients (not all of them, but commonly). Also I believe people with...
I am trying to find foods that are nutrient-dense, low in calories, and high in fat.
Be careful, people - as the article says, get good medical advice before drastically changing your diet: Liquid diets like those favoured by Shane Warne can strain heart, say experts Professor Garry Jennings, the Heart Foundation’s chief medical adviser said that, in...
Need some guidance
I have been doing a 16/8 fast for the last 4-6 months and I have kept my calories around 3-500 calories below my tdee so around 1500-1600 calories while hitting the gym as normal 4-5 days a week. I still...
Carbs digest faster than fats. But is that because carbs take less energy to digest? Or because the body goes into overdrive like a high intensity workout to digest them quicker? Maybe fats take just as much energy, but that energy...
Bought it cuz it’s healthy but I have no idea what to do with it lmao any suggestions?
In germany "Magerquark" is extremely essential in fitness/bodybuilding since its extremely lean and a package of 500g(65g protein) is like 1,5€ MAX. Its also really good for digestion and contains good amount of minerals. In its pure form...
I am 5’8 and 169 lbs
Hi! I'm not sure if anyone here would really know the answer to this, but I was just wondering if there is a reason to do rolling fasts over what Cole recommended in the Fat Girl diet video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VD9rjN1zek) --which...
Dear redditors My question regards the Keto-Diet: To my understanding (and I am a medstudent and im currently studying metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) we dont NEED to eat fats if we want to go on a keto-diet because acetyl-coA...
Are there any major cuisines that are naturally lower in fat than others? Ie, cuisines and cultures that tend to consume less fatty foods?
Does anyone have any tips on good sources of healthy fats that are also low in omega 6/high in omega 3 other than fish? Would grass fed beef tallow be one of those items?
[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31960664](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31960664) ; [https://doi.org/10.32394/rpzh.2019.0083](https://doi.org/10.32394/rpzh.2019.0083) [Szypowska A](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Szypowska%20A%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=31960664)1, [Regulska-Ilow B](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Regulska-Ilow%20B%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=31960664)1. ### Abstract The differences between the metabolism and the physiology of cancer cells and the cells of the human body are assessed and used in most anticancer treatments. These differences encompass, among...
Related questions: - Are eggs a good source of fat? - Is it good to have multiple sources of fat or is it fine to stick to one? - Does not eating enough fat lead to health issues, particularly regarding the brain?
Assuming a sedentary lifestyle, would it seem to be much more difficult to fast (esp longer fasts) on a high carb diet? Because of insulin spikes and drops?
Is one really healthier than the other?
Hi I'm curious If I'm allowed to have a sugar free monster energy on a 24 hour fast when the goal is weight loss, I also hate any type of coffee and tea . I checked my fitness pal...
A few years ago, when trying to find a weight loss lifestyle that works for me, I ended up trying keto, I really didn't enjoy it, so I stopped. However, I was in ketosis, and my general cravings were minimized,...
It’s ok with fruits etc. but any low calorie options that can sweeten it up a little? I’ve been eating a lot of it lately and it’s getting a bit old. Thanks.
I am sure this has been asked a thousand times and I hope it doesn't brake any community rules but I was wondering what are generally considered "healthy" macros under the assumption that low carb dietary style is the way...
I am very interested in fasting and I tried time-restricted eating first (18:6). I heard a lot of health benefits of fasting and ketosis but I have some questions. If I fast for 18 hours and then eat carbs, doesn't that...
Sex Male: Age 20s Weight 172 Wishing to ask for principles atound which to build a monthly diet for someone who is living alone.
Fish - overfishing is obviously bad for the environment Avocados and nuts - out of season in North America right now, fossil fuels used for transport, drought in areas producing nuts in North America also bad Olive oil production, also...
it involves keto omad 1000-1500 cal per day, and cole says you’ll lose minimum 20, max 50 (?!) lbs per month? i am wondering if this is physically possible. also wondering if rolling 48s will “fuck your metabolism” as he warns...
So, there seems to be a lot of conjecture online, whether evidence-based or not, that saturated fat should be consumed as part of every meal. Conventional thinking seems to indicate that poly/mono unsaturated fats are beneficial and saturated fat should...
I have never tried this (and I don’t think I could, to be honest), but I’m curious to know what you guys think about low-protein diets. I’ve been searching and even came across how a low-protein diet can [prolong someone’s...
I got my third shot earlier this year and made a big mistake afterwards which involved taking 20mg of adderall and exercising. I believe it really damaged my heart (but I don’t have proof). There’s an odd feeling of “distension”...
In the past I have successfully lost weight on low carb diets (anywhere between 10-25 pounds). It usually would take a significant commitment to see results. Of course, I always end up back to my old ways and regain it....
I few summers ago, I did 18:6 and that seemed to work really well. Would that be the best ratio?
Just listened to a podcast with Dr Fung and he said that between 24h and 36h fasting you burn protein and after 36h you start burning body fat. What do I burn during the first 24h fast then?
It is easy to maintain a lean physique while eating low carb, high fat, and high protein diet or keto. What are the downside of getting most of you calories from fat and protein and essentially neglecting carbohydrates?
I'm interested in ways to trigger fat burning and/or how to increase metabolism.
What’s up y’all, in your experience what’s the quickest way to get fat adapted? I’m tweaking my diet soon and would love to hear some advice on this. Thanks!
Is Eating 30% carbs, 30% fats, 30% protein bad for you? Does it really matter?
No cooking oil involved.
Question in title
Does anyone have any experience with dry fasting getting rid of back fat? I have a lot. It’s a big embarrassment for me.
Has anyone had a pos/neg experience on the carnivore diet?
What is the thing with the “rice and chicken diet”? I feel like both people who are cutting and bulking are eating like that?! (Not everyone, I know:)). High or low in calories? I don’t understandddd
From what I have read, the fat in nuts in general has been found to be good for you. https://i.imgur.com/EyE3opX.jpg
Can someone eat as much of this as they want? The tub Contains 7 servings (100 calories with 0 fat, 6 grams of carbs, & 18g protein).
Preferably, having low net carbs and high unsaturated fat, but even if they don't I'd still like to hear them.
Is a low carb, high protein diet truly effective? Every website seems to say something different.
[https://www.backpacker.com/skills/low-carb-diets-make-you-stupid/](https://www.backpacker.com/skills/low-carb-diets-make-you-stupid/) I am doing a phd and I'm wondering if upping my carbs will help improve my cognition or if the science in this article is just bull?! Thank you!
I been searching the internet like a fat stupid pig to find info on this diet. Can some one put me in game I want to do rolling 48’s eat a can of spam a few pickles like 3-4 and repeat....
I dropped from 89 to 67kg in a span of two years with intermittent fasting. For the past six months I'm not seeing any difference. Tummy and thigh has so much fat left but i fear to go on Omad...
What snacks or bars have low GI and can be eat immediately ?
Considering the role these nutrients play when it comes to hormones, but I wonder when or what causes it to become a problem? Is it a lack of activity and a slow metabolism that causes saturated fats to become problematic...
Cole says to keep the protein under 20% of the calories. What is the minimum amount of protein I should aim for? He mentions you can go as low as 80g protein. Is that enough for building and maintaining muscle?...
Dr Fung has said that low carb and fasting are crucial for permanent weight loss, but after reading his articles and the Obesity Code, to me, it looks like unless you have diabetes, fasting and not eating below maintenance on...
Hello I fast everyday and in my eating hours I eat around 1300 calories. Its been that way for a long time and I managed to lose around 20 pounds but I wonder if I am really doing it right?...
As it appears in the title I want to know what's the best diet to a person who hit the gym for lifting and fast omad on regular basis ? I think vegan is a hard for a person who fast On...
I'm not sure how safe it is for me to do a multiple day fast. I'm wondering if a 24 hour fast or just eating little throughout the day can provide similar benefits.
So I wanted to start IF, and now I am not sure anymore, because of the following: Is it true that I have to go low carb? I actually thought it's about not eating too much calories, but I heard somewhere...
Why does the food industry put so NONFAT, NO FAT, etc varieties of products. Why is fat hated on so much? To me I have been switching to a higher fat and protein diet because to me it seems to...
When we work out and lose weight, our fat cells shrink but are still there. Does dry fasting really dehydrate the cell to the point of it's death and subsequent removal or is this a myth?
I'm kinda confused and I'm researching it trying to understand.
If I eat the same amount of calories for example 1200 calories, which would be better for losing weight faster. low carb calorie deficit 18:6 vs high carb calorie deficit 18:6? Would I lose the same amount of fat...
Is it okay to eat some amounts of saturated fat as long as you don't go over the 100% daily value of it?
I looked up too much discussions about low or moderate fat subjects, but can't find any scientifical explanation about essential fat acids. Are they usable from body fat or must we take fat daily? I need an explanation about fat...
Not for weight loss. For the average male who trains regularly. Fasting when I feel like it. ​ Cheers.
Just wondering if anyone has any tips for feeling very tired and sluggish while fasting? I usually do 18:6 fasting but i work a very physical job and find it very hard to stick to because i feel so tired...
Hi, so I heard doctor fung talk about how fasting for periods of 3-4 days won’t slow your metabolism. He showed a chart of someone’s metabolism when on a traditional low calorie diet wich included carbs compared to someone fasting....
I'm sorry if the question sounds stupid but I've noticed that if I do lots of exercise with intermittent fasting I lose weight sure but my waist to hip ratio actually worsens, could it be that burning too much calories...
What are peoples thoughts on doing fasting with low carb/keto. Or is it not needed
It seems that coconut meat has quite a lot of saturated fat in it (approximately 11 grams per 1/3 cup). Yet you do not generally hear advice to limit coconut. Is it more complicated than it seems?
Please help me make sense of this. My understanding has been that a food’s total fat content is the sum of saturated fat, unsaturated fat, and cholesterol. If this is true, then Oreos (7g total fat, 2g saturated fat, 0mg...
If natural flavors are extracts (like vanilla extract which has 40 cal per tbsp) shouldn’t they have calories? Is this why diet drinks can stall weight loss?
- Does the usual bodybuilding diet put strain on organs (kidneys etc), considering the inordinate amounts of food consumed especially meat and dairy that is consumed besides the supplements? - And how do the hormones or supplements being fed to the...
So I’m currently only consuming 1300 calories a day with a goal of 30 grams of fat a day as well. If I remain within the 1300 calorie goal but go over the 30 grams of fat I am allowed...
I know the drink recipe but how do I start the fasting and how long do I do it? I weigh 190 and my goal weight is 130. I am 31year old female. 5 foot 1. Tired of being unhealthy....