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Neon’s fasting retreat- need a pep talk or somethin

Ok this is just a little vent sesh to help keep me on track.

I could use a little pep talk, my fasting friends.

It’s the morning of day 3 and I feel like things started nosediving around bedtime last night. Which is really disappointing because Day 1 was fab. Most of day 2 was as well. Then late last night things started going downhill. Is day 3ish typically a jerkface?

So after I posted my day 2 Checkin last night -

Definitely don’t trust a fart ladies and gents! And If we aren’t eating how is there any gas to toot anyway? That’s what I wanna know!

I’ve been up since 4am trying to get back to sleep w no luck. Finally got up and am about to have some coffee (7:30am). I had planned to stop including stevia today (insulin spikes and all that) but Honestly I feel so crappy that if I take away the one joy of sweetened coffee (only 1 packet) I may cry lol.

Good news is the hunger is gone again. Hopefully it stays away. And I’m down another 2 pounds as of this morning. 👍👍👍

Is this type of roller coaster experience between the days common??

I just wanted honor my experience by acknowledging the suck right now. Just venting is helpful sometimes to keep going. Don’t worry I’m not quitting! I’m coming up to 57 hours fasted which is officially the longest I’ve done in many years.

Thanks for your support!

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I can’t speak to your experience but I just completed a 5 day fasting mimicking diet (so I had about 500 cal a day which compared to zero is a lot!). That being said, day 1 was fine. Headache crept in end of day 2, day 3 sucked (ibuprofen helped), day 4 was amazing (prolly hit ketosis) and day 5 was chill except when I picked up a pizza for the kids. I actually pulled over to put it in the trunk so I wouldn’t smell it lol! This am is fine. I thought I’d rush to the kitchen on day six (eggs and spinach in toast is my plan) but just had coffee with cream and it’s like the best thing ever. I don’t feel hungry yet… so I hope you are able to power through but have some broth or something or salt and electrolytes if you need it, esp with stomach issues dehydrating you. And kudos for getting away in your retreat. I had to cook dinner for the fam most nights which was tough so I made sure to have my tiny bowl of soup first.


I did my first fast and crumbled 3.5 days in (was aiming for 5 to 7 days.) I could withstand the hunger but my body was moving so slowly and I had tons of work to get done.

Anyway, I ate and realised damn - wish I just kept going. I was so close to finishing 5 days. Just hang in there. You are closer to the finish line than you think.


Sorry for your Butt Pee!! Maybe it’s just bile leaving your system. Have you fasted with those specific electrolytes? Any chance those could be causing the problem? When I have too much magnesium I have similar symptoms.


Different for everyone, but Day 2 always sucks for me. It is the only part of a multi-day fast where I really struggle (up to Day 6, at least). For me, once I fight through day two I feel amazing days three through five. It is totally worth the energy and willpower takes to push through: Days 3-5 are trippy euphoria days for me and I love that feeling.

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Categories: morning sleep bathroom coffee 5 day fast ketosis electrolytes stomach dinner magnesium struggle energy