| | Water Fasting

4.5 days into what I hope will be a 60 day water fast. Can I lose 54 lbs in that time?


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I would split it into several fasts, maybe two weeks at a time with a keto week in between. Unrelated: Look into courses at university that deal with learning techniques and time management. You need enough sleep. Personally, I find learning in a group almost always to be more efficient.


Are you REALLY in THAT if a rush ?

(Sorry, I had to ask…)

I just lost 66 pounds in 4.5 months (6’3”M, so… YMMV) and my doctor was appealed at such a fast loss and told me to slow down…

So even if you don’t tell us a reason, maybe consider a slower, altogether healthier approach(or tell me this is with full medical staff around you)

I do OMAD, one cheat meal a week, 24h fast after cheat meal. 48h if I drank alcohol, but now I try a dry January to stop impacting my own diet :)

And with some vitamins, a large mug of coffee in the morning and about half a gallon infusion in the evening, I’m losing quite easily and almost healthily (I hope)…

So these approaches exists, please take time to also consider it (except of course for a life threatening event, but then the doctors would be with you)


I would at least try and get some or make veggie juice at least you’ll be getting nutrients and still lose weight. I did an 80 day juice fast 3 years ago and lost 75 pounds while working out 5 times a week…


I did quick TDEE for you and it is roughly \~1900 calories a day (using age 30 and light exercise) so that means if you do 60 days you might lose \~30ish lbs + additional lbs of water loss. It is a giant undertaking for sure especially if you haven’t “build up” to it from your description.

My longest was 20ish days and I broke it due to activities BUT it was tough without food. I was looking at pictures of food and menus on what I break my fast on… weirdly enough it kept me going lol..

The beauty of fasting is you can stop any time (carefully if extended fast to not have bowl issues and syndrome) and restart later.


As a fellow 5’2” female, I understand how slow it can be. Around 160lb is where I started too (1+ year ago). You said you gained it over the last 2 years… shedding that all in 2 months does not sound reasonable. I’m currently doing rolling fasts (60-90hrs) then one meal to get all my macros. So far I’ve lost 10lb in 2 weeks (note: I gained 10lb over the last few months). I suggest starting with ADF or a bit longer than that but 60 days sounds terrible


Are you insane? What is your plan if you make this goal? How about just trying OMAD with a modified diet? OR alternate whatever fasting choice with a water fast? Good luck to you whatever you decide.


Hello bella so im like you for now, my goal is to lose between 25-30 kg till february from january 1 to fifth i cutted all sugar all carbs all soda everything deemed bad, from january 6 till 9 i tried omad diet and it was great since i wasn’t craving any fastfood then from january 10 till today i water fasted so im keeping a cycle of 5 day water fast and 1 day of eating 20:4 but you should eat very less cus your stomach is gonna plumet! I went to the bathroom 7 times only today so im sticiking with 5 day water fast and one day 20:4 today date is 14 january and as if today i have lost 6 kg now i weigh in 104 kg when i weighed 110 kg in january first i also excersice after work but you should keep electrolytes in check thats the main thing and man i tell you you have to have a strong freaking desire i just coudnt stand it anymore so i took the matter in my own hands literally hope this helps you im looking to see a weight drop at 85 kg till last of february

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