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50 F here. Need encouragement

Like the title says 50F. Struggling with stopping and starting. 5’4” 165 lbs. most comfortable at 125 lbs. Can’t seem to stay on track once stress hits and I’m in my head. Any encouragement or advice appreciated! FWIW I got to 145 lbs last year w IF but gained it back when I started internalizing stress. I’m in peri menopause

Edit: yes it’s job stress I’m internalizing. When I lost before I ate to satiety of whatever I wanted in my window. Back then I gave up diet soda too. Starting today I’m giving it up again. Switching back to black coffee and water.

Edit: I put the Life app back on my phone and I AM doing a 36 starting after supper tonight

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Try to find low calorie snacks or drinks if you can’t control emotional eating. I stopped emotional eating by thinking

  1. I want to be thin and healthy more than I want food right now and 2. If I eat outside my eating window, I need to restart my 16h fast and I have to wait extra for my actual meal. I fill up on teas, carbonated water or zero calorie sodas on days that I really need something for myself. You are doing this for yourself, so don’t give up! There will be days or longer periods when you won’t make it to the full fasting interval mark, and that’s ok. Every day counts and every day is different. But you can do this!


I’m 50F and 5’4” too. I have a demanding job and the stressors that come with that, city living and simply existing.

I started doing 16:8 for various reasons. I was surprised that the biggest benefit for me has been how it’s really helped reduce my stress levels. I’m doing a bunch of things so I don’t think it’s just IF, but IF has given my day more structure which does help with the stress. Nailing my sleep has by far been the biggest help. When I’m well rested things don’t get to me as much and I have the energy and focus to do all the other things that I’d otherwise skip. I work out regularly and make sure to get outside every morning after I wake up. Even if it’s just to stand in the cold in my pajamas.

I do a lot of things that many people don’t or won’t. All of them combined have been life changing. I cut out alcohol, switched to a plant based diet and am now vegan, I do some form of exercise every day, I have a bed time/wake up routine that is non negotiable etc. I’m in the best shape of my life and I’ve never felt so calm and “centered”. I didn’t make all these changes at once, but once I started seeing changes I started learning more and adding to my routine. I don’t ever see myself going back to my old lifestyle.

Any change is hard. There’s always a period of unpleasant adjustment. If you just push through a little more each time you’ll see the benefits waiting for you on the other side.


I have no idea what menopause feels like so this advice is coming from not knowing your level of stress.

Whenever I feel like binging, I take my dog for a long walk - like an hour to keep myself out of the house and away from food.

I always feel so strong afterwards as if I survived the wilderness. You deserve to feel that strong.


It really won’t matter what anyone else says. You have to want this for yourself. You have to be ready to change for your own health and fitness/happiness. I can say good luck, but until someone wants something for themselves and is ready to make the change it simply won’t matter. Realize what your pros and cons are. What means more to you? Your health and appearance or the food addiction?


I’m having the exact same problem with mindless eating once stress hits. But your previous weight loss inspires me too! :) I need to get rid of about 40lbs; 41F. I’ve heard (obviously easier said than done), that distracting yourself with anything else, preferably something physical, helps disconnect that thought process/connection to food. And now that I’ve stated it publicly here, I should follow my own advice. Sending you positive thoughts to help you stay on track


A good way for me to not veer is to just not have junk food in the house, or my “trigger” foods that I KNOW will be inhaled as soon as I open the box! I also find (and this sounds weird) that when I cook, I tend to pick and eat much more than if we order out… I order pretty healthy, but am big in portion control, and what’s good is that I’ll have the leftover for the next day or two. Veggie based soups (not cream based) are good to have on hand as it fills you up along with delivering nutrients. I keep mostly nuts, protein bars, popcorn, turkey jerky, pickles, and cereals, for when I just want to grab and go. I’m peri menopausal, so all this is new to me, too!


This might help some - I’ve found a lot of walking workouts on YouTube that might be beneficial to stave off hunger. I’ve been researching that a hormone (Gherlin) signals hunger. But it’s like a wave - if you let it go for 30-45 minutes, it should go away.

I started slow with 13/11, then to 14/10. I’m now pretty consistent at 18/6. If you’d like a fasting buddy, DM me and we can encourage each other!


I don’t know what your exact ‘schedule’ is with IF, but what I do is 20:4 Monday-Friday, but then I do not fast on the weekends…and I eat however I want on weekends. If you’re doing fasting 7 days a week, maybe you could consider being naughty on the weekends, or at least one day a week to give yourself a break? Just an idea, based on what I do with IF.


I’ve stress eaten for most of my life. I’m 53f just started menopause. Hormones going crazy won’t help and they also add to you wanting to eat more. Give yourself a break and be kind to yourself. If you’re stress eating then adding more stress by giving yourself a hard time will make you worse. I finally broke my pattern with some therapy this year, a specific type that was developed for people surviving trauma, and used by people such as Bruce Perry (Oprah Winfrey’s therapist). It’s called EMDR and it took just a few sessions. It removed my shame, it’s just gone, and the binge eating has followed naturally. I know the pain and the self hatred that comes with binge eating, and also how meno takes away any control you have over your body. Join the r/menopause group, it’s supportive and full of info. Lots of people on there with the same problem, and others doing IF too. Take care of yourself, and I’ll say it again, be kind to you.


I can’t tell from your post if you’re breaking your fast early or eating too many calories during your non-fasting periods.

If life is causing you to stress-eat, maybe tell yourself you can eat whatever you want after your fast is over.


motivation WILL come and go. it’s not human to want the same thing always. ppl with habits and routines don’t always WANT to be in it. they’re not superhuman. the difference is that people learn how to just do, for the most part.

i don’t mean ignore the voice in your head or the feelings of emotional discomfort. those moments are temporary and FAKE warning signals of distress that you need to learn to develop a dialogue with. you will not die, or free fall, or be hurt without that comfort. get curious about the impulse to eat rather than fear it or live in its power!


It’s OKAY to slip up, every one does it. Obviously trying to remain consistent but I’ve messed up and I’m still down 15 pounds. If you slip up, acknowledge it, promise to be better and get back on that horse. You got this.


Are you counting calories? You shouldn’t be eating more than 1200 each day? Track what you eat in myFitnessPal. When you’re out calories but are hungry, take a walk or drink tea or black coffee. What works for some is to watch a dirty movie and…. Just saying that a few ppl have said that


I am 49f and have been doing 16:8 since July. I have lost 25 lbs so far. It’s been slooow but steady. When I am craving hard I drink a zero calorie sparkling flavored water drink that helps me because my brain thinks it’s a treat. Also I try to be most active in the mornings when I tend to be hungrier.


5’5” here. SW 204, CW 167-169 as of late. It works. Consistency is key. My goal is 132 lb but it’s taking some time. I wish I could snap my fingers and make it all disappear but I have to go through the ups and downs and check in here to stay motivated. Lately I’ve been lifting and therefore feeding more. Felt like my 20:4 and 18:6 weren’t giving me the energy I need. So I am doing 16:8 with a weekend break. I mainly eat clean. What works for me is self talk and staying active. You can do it! I’m also 51 years old and a woman going through menopause.

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