| | Water Fasting

Starting to IF today, need some advice and encouragement!

I(F30, 5’2”) am 189lbs, my goal is to get to 140lbs. I admit the idea of bulking up does not appeal to me, with that said my main goal is to drop the fat. My goal is also to eat less meat in my diet, I’m not going full vegan or vegetarian.

I do plan to eat more salads when out, I have two restaurants that are salad based restaurants near my work and home. And I do plan to meal prep as often as I can.

Here is the first week, may you critic this for me a bit? After I get paid (a week from this post) I plan to purchase a gallon jug that has a filter on it, that will allow me to get the water I want and need for this diet to continue. Once I get the jug the goal is to drink water all of the times I feel hungry, full stop, outside of eating times.

Day1: one cup of peaches (dole cups) for breakfast before work, before 10am. Eat my lunch, usually from 1-4pm (lunches change day to day) either salad or meal prep (the meal will always be 3 cups worth of food or less), and at home (after work) two or three fruit cups and loads of water as my meal, if I don’t eat a salad. Goes to bed.

Day2-4: repeat of day one

Day5-6: start the day off (11am-12pm) with 17.5 ounce mug of 3 green tea no sugar, 4 slices of bacon, 4 eggs, and 2 tortillas. Don’t eat again until 8-9pm, 3 bacon slices, 1 cup of white rice, and fruit cups or fresh fruit(s) on hand.

Day7: cheat day, I am allowed either something from FreeBirds (they have vegetarian options I like), Burger King (they have the impossible whopper which is a nice cheat for me), or any other restaurant with vegetarian options.

Note: if I eat out the goal is try to keep it vegetarian, vegan, or add more grilled or baked vegetables to the order instead of fried items.


Literally remembered after I posted. I work in a furniture warehouse, from time to time I will move furniture around, or load it in vehicles, I don’t know if that matters but I figured I’d make clear I’m not sitting at a desk as a job.

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I think you should jump onto r/cico cause that schedule you have going isn’t IF. Calories in/calories out seems more of what you’re going for. If you’re wanting to do IF, read up on it in the sidebar of this sub.

And as others have said, I’d recommend not consuming the fruit cups. Tons of sugar. Just have regular fruit if you want fruit - still has sugar but it’s natural sugar and better for you.


Just to be clear, are you trying to do intermittent fasting? Unless I’m reading or understanding this wrong, these days are all more or less eating several times throughout the day and evening. It’s fine to start with a sustainable schedule though.

I think for the most part you have the right idea, eat better foods overall. Watch out for gotcha items though. Those fruit cups are often filled with added sugar. A salad is basically only as good as what dressing and toppings are on it. Make sure you’re still getting enough overall nutrition during the day, usually around 1,200 calories minimum. Perfectly fine to eat less meat, but in general more protein will make it easier - certainly lots of vegetarian and vegan sources.

Good luck!


You’ll probably have an easier time with the diet if you cut out the fruit cups / sugar.

Sugar is fast digesting and will usually spike your energy levels up/down, so you’ll feel unpleasant all day. You’ll probably also be hungry.

The BMR (Base Metabolic rate) for a 140 lb woman at 5’2 would be 1,308 calories and a maintenance of 1,570 daily calories.
Ideal weight for a 5’2 woman would be 99-120 lbs, and a BMR 1,218 and a maintenance of 1,416 calories daily.

Veggies aren’t cheap, but they aren’t super expensive, but you’ll have an easier time if you fill with a lean protein. I typically eat about 1400 calories in a day and have it as 1 meal (Lunch). It keeps me full all day and I feel amazing. This is what my meal will look like:

Extra large salad consisting of:
50g spinach (about 2 handfulls)
50-100g iceberg or romaine lettuce (about 2 handfulls)
100g bell pepper (about half a pepper)
50-100g cucumber (1/3 of a medium english cucumber)
4 olives
1 green onion
100g of cauliflower or broccoli
200-300g of chicken or turkey (I usually buy smoked turkey legs from Costco or roast a chicken. Break up the meat into pieces and keep it in the fridge).
15g olive oil
40g apple cider vinegar

I’ll sometimes swap the chicken/turkey for fresh salmon which I’ll pan sear with 10g of butter.

For dessert, I’ll have a chia seed pudding, which I make overnight.

25 g chia seeds
10g Hershey’s cocoa powder
10g sweetener (I use monkfruit / Erythritol as my sweetener. This isn’t cheap, but it takes forever to go through a bag)

I’ll also usually add a small handfull of nuts and a Keto protein bar to the mix to get added calories if I’m still able to eat anything. Typically, after eating this, I’m full for like 4-5 hours and satisfied until about 11 pm. I usually eat my meal between noon and 1 pm.

The overall cost per day of this meal is about 10-15$ depending on whether or not I have the protein bar.

For simplicity, I repeat the same meal every day, the changes are the veggies. I sometimes throw a small avocado or some cheese into the salad as well, but those are huge calories, so I don’t do it all the time.

The most important thing is to weigh your food. If you want to see consistent results, you’ll have to stop eating out.


No offense, but I’d be shocked if this actually works for you. For starters, this isn’t IF at all (which is fine if you have a good plan). On some days, you’re going all sugar (why all the fruit cups?) and salad, and on others you’re going high protein/fat. Consistency will help you create good habits. Also, I’d recommend not planning cheat days before you even begin the diet; you’re just setting yourself up to fail. If your diet is actually working and you’re shedding weight, trust me, you’re not going to want to set yourself back with a scheduled cheat day.

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Categories: courage meat lunch fruit tea sugar calories intermittent fasting evening nutrition digest energy chicken oil vinegar keto habits