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Acid Reflux

I’m on day 7 of a 10 day water fast. I’m not hungry or anything. I woke up a little weak on day 4 and 5. Overall, im good. I was even thinking of pushing it out to 14 days. Whats getting me now is, the acid reflux. This is not something I normally deal with when I’m eating. I eat mostly raw vegan OMAD during the week. On the weekends, ill eat cooked and unhealthy food twice a day. Acid Reflux is something I’m not used to. I looked it up and it says I’m having this issue because there’s nothing in my stomach causing the acid to shoot up. Do you guys know a different reason why I’m having this problem ? Or is the research that I’ve done on point?

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I had the same during my 7 days fast. Mostly it was starting at night when i went to bed. During the day it was happening when i was having food craving thoughts. My guess is, even thinking about food makes the stomach to produce acid as it thinks you may eat soon, and need acid to digest, but as there is not food, stomach is getting flooded with only acid.
What helped me was drinking hot water, or just drinking a lot of water, as water neutralizes stomach acidity. And at night i put several pillows to be sure my head is above heart level.


Have you recently gotten into fasting? It could be that your stomach takes time to adapt to the new situation (less/no food) and is still producing high amounts of acid. But I would expect it to be resolved by day 7. Are you drinking plenty of water? Electrolytes? Any medications you’ve had to take on an empty stomach? I would not recommend apple cider vinegar, which just adds more acid into the mix and could exacerbate the issue. You need something basic to neutralize the acid. You could try a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, or tums (watch for sugar though - it’s essentially chalk so it shouldn’t break your fast)

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Categories: 10 day water fast weak omad stomach digest heart to fast electrolytes medication vinegar tea baking soda sugar