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Hunger Pains! Feel like I always have to eat!

Hi ya’ll! I’m looking for some advice or tips… I’ve been doing IF 16:8 for the past several months and love it, but during my feeding window I feel like I want to eat everything in sight! I know this has to totally be a mental thing because during my fasting window I don’t struggle nearly as bad. I even do a longer 20 hour fast every week without to much struggle.

Any tips for getting over this mental struggle? I loved the post a week or so ago about the Japanese word “Kuchisabishii”. It means “mouth lonely” and is when you just eat out of boredom. I’ve been trying to just remind myself of that when I’m struggling, but I haven’t had much success.


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What do you normally eat during your feeding window? I certainly notice a big difference in my hunger depending on how I break my fast. If I start with too much carbs, especially sugar, I just want to eat everything in sight the rest of the day. So I try to keep carbs towards the end of my feeding window.


Eat everything in sight. Just make sure what’s in sight is veggies and fruit. Nobody got fat eating all the broccoli and strawberries they possibly could.

If you’re talking about eating all the refined carbs in sight, that isn’t really hunger, that’s the sugar talking. Maybe slow down your eating; take the time to chew, put the fork down in between bites, let your brain catch up with what’s actually happening in your body. I think it take 20 minutes for your brain to register fullness.

r/volumeeating might be something to try. Basically, veggies and fruit are very dense, low-calorie foods that are nearly impossible to over eat. You’d have to eat 6 pounds of broccoli to get 1000 calories.

Also, make sure you are getting enough protein and healthy fat during your meals.


I like to think it’s my fat cells crying because they are shrinking and dying. I just rub them and say sorry you don’t get to win today and drink some water. If I can I take a hot bath. Make a reward instead of sacrifice. 🥰


Great thoughts! I do try to prioritize protein as I lift weights a couple days a week and am trying to not lose to much muscle while I’m losing weight. I could definitely eat more vegetables though and haven’t tried green tea. I do drink a lot of water which helps. Carbs and sweeteners are definitely my achilles heel though, I’ve cut the majority of them out, but definitely still crave them.


What do you have during the fasting period? Sweeteners can trigger hunger, as can jaw movement (like with gum). As well as what the others said re too many carby foods during the eating window. Try appetite suppressants as well like coffee/green tea if haven’t yet. They’re IF classics for a reason!


I identify with this. It’s one of several reasons my eating window is in the evening from 5pm to midnight. What I eat has never been an issue as much as how much I can eat. I can fast all morning and afternoon NO PROBLEM. In fact, I’ve followed that eating window every single day except 11 days since May. But, if I don’t follow some of the things I list below, then in 7 hours I can out eat my energy requirements even with no off days. Especially during the winter months when I’m not doing as much around the house and yard.

-Eating healthy foods is definitely the foundation, and emphasizing protein and fiber rich foods first will help. But, I can assure you that I can eat super-duper healthy and still want to eat more.

- Have a plan for what you are going to eat during the eating hours, and not just for the meal that breaks the fast. Most people don’t have much of a problem delaying if they know they’re going to eat dinner out. That’s partly because they’ve made a plan. If you know what to look forward to, then you have less reason to repeatedly return to the kitchen. Your plan for what you are going to eat might change a bit when it’s time to prepare the food, but at least you weren’t eating in the meantime.

-Don’t think of the eating period as being dedicated to food and eating. It’s just the window where eating should occur. This can be more difficult on non-work days and for those of us who are at home during our eating hours. So, plan activities to break up time during your eating hours.

-Remind yourself that you do not need to prepare for the upcoming fast by eating more than you need right then. If, over the long term, you are losing too fast or going below a healthy weight, then perhaps you do need to eat more or reduce your hours spent fasting.

- With all that in mind, my eating hours look like this:

That fiber supplement helps me reduce the portion size of the light meal, and feel full longer so I snack less before bed. I get to that almost uncomfortable full feeling faster.

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Categories: pain tips struggle 20 hour fast struggling carbs sugar fruit calories reward tea muscle losing weight eating window coffee evening morning energy fiber dinner lunch snack portion size