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Keto vs very low carb and IF/OMAD

My husband and I have recently started to Intermittent Fast and I also throw in OMAD 1-2x/week. We are also doing a very low carb diet. I’m trying to stay under 20 carbs while he is trying to stay under 30. His max for going over carbs is 50 tops, mine would be 25 carbs tops (I do check net carbs as well). We are sticking to relatively whole/natural foods with the exception of adding cheese, heavy cream and grass fed butter. Not over indulging or binging and we don’t do any snacking. My husband does 16/8 and I do 18/6. We only eat our 2 meals a day in our eating window or 1 for me on my OMAD days. We also workout 4-5 days a week.

That being said I’m trying to figure out if we are going to halt our success by not being strictly keto at 20 carbs or less and having more fats than we would consume normally.

We started fasting for weight loss, but it was really to teach ourselves to stop over indulging and binging. Which truth be told this has completely changed our mindset about food. We don’t over eat, we are getting full quickly, we aren’t having crazy hunger or cravings (we have some cravings but can ignore them successfully), we meet our macros and we don’t go over them or our calories for the day. I just don’t want to throw our bodies off by having a few too many carbs on accident. Idk if this makes sense, but we are newbs and figured we’d get some info from others.

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I do something similar. Mostly omad, sometimes 18-6. I try to usually follow keto guidelines but don’t track and sometimes allow myself some small carbs if I really really crave it or some social situation demands it. Seems to work so far.


I did keto and OMAD all of November, and OMAD most days of December except when family ate multiple meals etc, and didnt do keto. Still lost weight but only about %60 percent as quick as I did in Nov. Not sure if that’s due to not eating keto or to eating more calories in general

Edit: definitely feel like crap eating carbs and fasting, I get way hungrier and have less energy. So I’m going to start keto again, I just did it since I had so many holiday dinners and didn’t want to give up my favorite foods.

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Categories: keto low carb omad intermittent carbs binging snack eating window fasting for weight loss tea mindset macro calories energy dinner