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The Snake Diet is a powerful yet dangerous tool in the wrong hands.

Hello all, long time Snaker, started following Cole back in january of 2018, have been experienced with all kinds of fasts, dry, OMAD, rolling 48’s, rolling 72’s etc etc. I’m probably watched almost every single one of Cole’s videos and I don’t even drink fresh water anymore.

Here’s the deal and this is the hardest lesson to learn, Snake Juice fasting is AMAZINGLY effective. Done correctly (IE Only drinking snake juice and adding some type of steady state cardio each day), one can literally change their appearance completely in a month.

HOWEVER, and this is the problem that I and most experienced Snakers have encountered more than once.

You can lose the weight fasting but you MUST still change your eating habits.

If you’re a carb and coffee addict, you’ll lose all the weight but you’ll gain it right back as quickly as you lost it.

I learned this the hard way, I did a 10 day snake juice fast, lost 35lbs, ate clean for about two days then right back to my old crappy eating habits. The result, within 2 weeks of finishing that 10 day fast, I had gained all the weight back PLUS 3 additional pounds.

Cole preaches a FASTING FOCUSED LIFESTYLE which means you don’t go back to whatever got you into the mess you see in the mirror. You MUST relearn to eat and exercise.

The Snake Diet among the newbies is beginning to get the yo-yo diet moniker because of all the people that continue to f*** it up.

“I have 3 weeks before I go on vacation, can I lose 30lbs?”

This is the wrong attitude. For those who wield the snake diet correctly, you can change your life, for those who don’t, you can throw yourself into a bulimic cycle of overeating and fasting and end up worse than you were in the beginning.

Plan to lose weight FOREVER, not just to look good in two weeks or for a few days, FOREVER.

Stop Fasting Alone.

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While I agree to a certain extent, I disagree with the carbs part. I’ve done this and still eat carbs (albeit, under 100g) and have not gained anything back. Just don’t eat crappy, there’s no reason to cut out food groups.


You regained the weight back and more because you went straight to your shit eating habits (Overeating) not because you ate carbs again. One can use snake juice to drop the amount of pounds they want and then stop fasting and still not regain anything as long as they don’t overeat, this is why cole said that if you regain everytime you refeed then you need to stop putting everything in your mouth like you are a beer about to hibernate


The only answer for any addict is for them to want to change enough to actually change. There are plenty of addicts who know they need to change but they don’t want it enough. People can yo-yo an any diet that includes the fundamentals of cutting back on sugar, highly processed foods, and calorie restriction. Even if an addict does want the change, they’re still going to spend years undoing the damage to their neural pathways and will have setbacks. This is the case for any addict no matter what system they subscribe to. I don’t think there’s one person in this sub who hasn’t fallen down on a fasting-focused lifestyle on occasions.


I beleive that Cole’s diets is powerful but also completely Unnecessar. I had done it for a while and ended up blimic. If the goal is like you said to lose weight forever than just do it the regular way ie. work out, eat healthy, dont eat too much. Mix in some 24s every couple weeks. Like you said, If you want real results, change your lifestyle. But that lifestyle doesent have to be a fasting lifestyle. Huamns aren’t carnivores we should be eating multiple times a day. Eat healthy, workout (ie. resistance trainin) focus on putting on muscle not just burning calories or “losing fat”. BUT MOST OF ALL, your goal should be to be health, not look “sexy”. If you focus on being “healthy” the aesthetic results will come.


Only thing I can say is if you lose 35lbs in 10 days you are overweight to begin with surely. No healthy human will be throwing off bodyweight like that. You probably return to your obese eating habits. Just try to keep eating lean


One thing to look into is your body’s weight anchor bias. After a certain time at a specific weight your body re-calibrates to thinking you should be that weight. That’s why the yo-yo happens. If you make it your lifestyle however, the re-calibration is at your lean weight because you’ve keep the fat off for a long enough period.


I’ve maintained for a few years doing OMAD, plus some cheat on the weekends. I’m going to start doing Dry OMADs now (Skeleton Diet) after basically doing my current 5 day fast but being as dry as possible (dying for water at night).

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Categories: omad juice fast tea cardio habits coffee 10 day fast yo-yo lose weight carbs shit beer sugar calorie restriction a fast muscle calories overweight obese 5 day fast