| | Water Fasting

About to Enter Into the 100s Club! On Day 7 of Water Fast.

Hello! Just wanted to share some of my excitement with some people who would understand, I’m almost under 200 lbs! When I started this fast I was I was right at 225 lbs and now at 20l lbs, for an overall loss of nearly 24 lbs! I am no stranger to fasting, the longest fast I have completed was a 25 day fast, but that was over 2 years ago. Recently I have started doing shorter fasts, usually between 3 to 5 days, but my body is needing a long term fast, and I intend to make it to 15 or 30 days, if I can. This fasting go around, I was the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life, and let my eating habits get way off track over the past few years. I’ve noticed it was much harder at the beginning of this fast than before, because of being heavier and eating crap. The purpose of this fast for me is not only weight loss and healing, but to better my eating habits again and incorporate IF back into my lifestyle. For the past month I have cut out all soda (any sugary drinks), and when my fast is over I intend to stick with a mainly vegetarian/peacetarian diet, which is easy for me because I’m not into land meat much anyways, and have already been cutting that out, too. The hardest issue I had with foods was soda and carbs. Oh, btw I am female, 30 years old, and about 5’4. My goal for now is to make it to 130-140 lbs, which is what I used to stay around until I put on weight. However, my ultimate goal is to get down to around 115 lbs since I am on the shorter side. Thank you for taking the time to read, and if you have any advice or words of encouragement, I’m all ears!

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Hey I’m 5’4” and my goal is 138, even getting down to a size 3, my body wouldn’t break that number. I’m 204.6 and into my third day of water fasting. I wouldn’t mind buddying up since our stats seem to be very similar though I just turned 40.


Thanks for posting! I’m in a very similar boat (5’3.5” / 28 / SW 225 / GW 110-120) but farther up the river (CW 217) and it’s motivating to see someone on the same journey succeeding. I’ve experimented with IF and keto but feel extended water fasting suits my goals right now (which is also getting far away from the heaviest I’ve ever been).

I’m on Day 5, my current fasting record, and the nausea and fatigue peaks right about now. I get through it by constantly thinking about 199!

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