| | Water Fasting

Day 1 of water fast [21 M]

Ive been on again off again with a lot of fasts but this time I’m not quitting for a few reasons reasons

  1. I’m starting to notice a lot of health implication like heart burn and severe sweating. I think keeping myself hydrated for these upcoming days on strictly water will be good for me

  2. I’ve been drinking alcohol heavily for the past months and I need to detox my body. I’m pretty sure my liver and kidneys are slowly dying

  3. I’m grossly out of shape. My face looks swollen because my jowls are so huge. My knees hurt because I’m heavy. My back hurts and I can’t stand for too long (which sucks for me because I work in retail and must be on my feet all day). I just feel unattractive and very insecure, which hurts me in social settings (which also sucks because I work in retail lol). I could do some good by losing a few pounds of fat.

  4. I’ve been thinking about going vegan for a while, and water fasts are super vegan lol. This should help me with transition as it’s much more extreme than cutting meat and dairy out my diet.

Things I worry about going on water fasts:

-not having willpower to endure -peer pressure from friends and family to eat -going to parties or family functions and being tempted by alcohol -feeling weak, lethargic or dizzy at work or in general -breaking my diet and binging -gaining even more weight after breaking fast -people’s judgement and perceptions of me knowing I’m not eating

Hopefully I can pull this off. I hope I can depend on this community for some encouragement! Now I’m gonna have a nice helping ice water.

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Its hard. Very hard. Most people cant do it simply because their lifestyle does not allow it. Long term water fasting is very challenging. But like everything gets easier the more you do it. Just take it day by day. Try 24 hour water fast, then 48 hour water fast, then see if you can do 3 day water fast. If you can do 3 day water fast then you can probably do much longer water in the future. Dont forget to supplement if water fasting for over 7 days, i recommend losalt.You got this!

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