| | Water Fasting

End of day 6 of a first time 10 day water fast

I am a few passed 50 years young. No known health issues other than a pot head cough. I had a go round with cancer in my late 20’s but, i beat that shit down like the bitch that it is. Got a “beer belly” but not really interested in weight loss, i feel like a few extra pounds is prudent…but what do i know.

I spent 3 weeks prior on strictly fruits and veggies 90% Raw, Fruits at first but that seem to morph in to mostly veggies. I cut out everything else at at once cold turkey…nicotine (vape), Caffeine (Coffee, lots), and enough weed to drop a horse, as well as all animal products.

I have already been use to eating 1 meal a day for a few years now an cook all my food from scratch with the rawest ingredients i can reasonably acquire.

Water fast day 1 total piece of cake, had one moment in late evening, after sex (mistake) that i really wanted something to eat..but pushed through. Normal BM.

Day 2, woke up feeling good, plenty of energy, Mowed the grass and caught up on yard work (big mistake) I was very tired after that work, but i always am even when eating. Resting did not help that tired week feeling would not go away for the rest of the day, flu like symptoms late in the day and thru the night. Normal BM

Day 3 full on flu like symptoms all day, not even able to get off the couch, zero energy. BM’s have stopped

Day 4 Some very minor improvement over day 3, nasty headache, leg, and hip aches. go back to work. Blood glucose test=67 …Not good

Day 5 I awoke feeling Human again 90% of previous crappieness was gone, lots of energy but very little stamina. Blood glucose test=87 nice my liver is play along now….must be why i feel better

Day 6 A Little better than day 5 Brain fog is gone, feels like thought processes are in High Gear. Lots of energy but very little stamina. Blood glucose test=85 nice.

I am officially on vacation now (worked day 4-5-6) and will spend day 7 around the house. Day 8,9,10 will be spent in a cabin, in the woods, alone, with my guitar, a jug of water, a camp fire, the stars, and a full moon Sunday Night! cant wait. And yes I planned it this way from the 1st of August.

I feel like i am in the home stretch and i can totally do this, yes i am hungry, but it is just an annoyance. The way my mind is working is way worth that annoyance.

I will Breakfast Monday Sun Up or shortly there after.

If there is any interest (and i did not break any rules and get banned) I will be happy to update the group on the final days when i get back. (i will not be taking a black mirror with me,or any other electronics)


One thing i realize as i write this: I did not research Breakfast at all, if any one has good links, or experience on the topic, and feels like sharing, help a brother out.




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Hi, great job! Glad you are experiencing the benefits of autophagy! To be honest a 10 day water fast is not long enough to be worried about refeeding syndrome lol refeeding syndrome only happens to very malnourished people that have no food for months with no body fat left similiar to nazi concentration prisoners. You can break your fast with any foods for less then 30 day water fast, but it is recommended you break your fast with very healthy light meals, (vegetable soup, vegetables, fruits, chicken, cashews.. etc)


Hey! Same timing as you for same-ish protocol! Went vegetarian (but sticking as close to low carb as I could) for two days easing into a fast that I guess officially began after lunch on Saturday.

Also exhausted days 3 with a bit of easing in Day 4. Now just started Day 6 (well, technically the full 24 hours of Day 5 ends at around 2pm) and last night I couldn’t fall asleep until about 1:30 and woke up feeling like I’d drunk a bunch of coffee already just before my 6am alarm. I haven’t had a reliable source of salt (just moved into a new city new job and haven’t had a single moment to grocery shop) so I think that’s exasperated the feeling of being weak even as I’m very very awake.

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