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How can I lose weight fast before my birthday?

So while ago back in February, my brother made a bet with me since he was concerned for my health.

He said “If you can reach down to 300 pounds or less before your birthday November 25th, I’ll give you $500. If that doesn’t happen, you have to do my laundry and the dishes for 1 month.” We shook hands on the deal.

Fast forward to now, I’m still eating like crap and feel like a degenerative loser. I’m 370 pounds and I really want to make a change.

So I ask if there is a method I can do right now to put into lifestyle so I can show my brother I have what it takes to be healthy again.

Stats about me: 23 year old, 6’1”, Goal Weight: 300 or a little less. After that, down to between 180-200.

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The worst that could happen is you only lose 10, 20, 30, 40 or even 69 lbs just short of the “bet” requirements.

Think about that. If you’re even a few pounds lighter by then you have done nothing but help yourself. You gotta be willing to do this for YOU. You WILL be under 300 and while it may not be as fast as you want to win a bet, you’ll still be winning.

Try it and I guarantee even if you lose the bet you’re gonna feel better and better.


You are in the right place. I would suggest you look up Dr Jason Fung on YouTube. He is a medical doctor who talks about the science of IF, why it works and why it’s healthy.

This sub is a great place to share your progress, get tips and ask questions.

The beautiful thing about IF is that it’s surprisingly easy to do. And it works. No counting calories. You do need to be careful in your eating window to not go crazy. It’s as simple as that.


That’s a lot of weight to lose in a short period of time, but it can be done if you make the commitment to yourself. Losing weight is 90% diet, 10% exercise. Exercise helps, but ultimately modifying your food consumption will help a lot more.


The calorie intake suggestion here for losing 2 pounds per week says 2,254 calories per day is your limit.

Basic ideas:

  1. Sugar is the biggest enemy in your path. Stop consuming it.

  2. Start IF with a plan of eating for an 8 hour window, with 16 hours of fasting (i.e. a 16/8 plan). So Breakfast at 10 a.m., snack/salad at 1, dinner at 5. Once you get used to this plan, push it farther with a 18/6 or 20/4. Try a OMAD/One-Meal-a-Day.

  3. Drinks to consume: Black coffee, Black Tea, Water. Stop consumption of sodas, beer etc.

  4. You can accelerate the weight loss by combining IF with Keto. Eat omelettes/bacon for your first meal and a salad with protein for your second meal per day.

  5. You can accelerate weight loss by adding some exercise to your regimen. Start with walking 30 minutes per day. Add some free weight lifting to the mix every other day.


IF 18:6. Drink a ton of water or carbonated water. Do not eat bread. If you get a burger or sandwich then order extra meat or another burger and just take the bread off. No sweets. If you do have a snack, then only have 1/3rd cup of it. Walk 1-4 miles a day and listen to a podcast. I’d stick to a heavy veggie diet that fills you up but doesn’t beat up your stomach. If you miss it by 5-10lbs then so be it. Enjoy the weight lost and do chores. However, I’d rather work hard for myself than for someone else.


93 days until your birthday, 70 pounds to lose.

Ideally you shouldn’t lose more than 1-2 pounds per week, which would mean 13-26 pounds by your birthday

Take the L on this one, and set up healthy eating and exercise habits. You’ll likely hit your goal weight by your next birthday.

Or you could stop eating and exercise lots - you have a small chance of losing all the weight before this birthday, but more likely you’ll crash and burn because its not sustainable


Dropping that fast will cause allot of loose skin. Do change to under 40 net carbs per day and try intermittent fasting. You will drop lbs and feel better. Not sure about winning the bet. Just do it for you :) I’m on a weight loss journey too. Today I was 240 lbs ….I was 265 when I started…..would like to be 165 lbs. Best of luck to you.


If I was you, I would start listening to some of the IF podcasts, to try to get a better perspective on things. Jason Fung materials is a great place to start, as others mentioned.

(Setting deadlines seems to be counter productive. Especially early on. So forget about all that.)


So you basically have 90 days to lose 50 pounds of fat (you have at least 20 pounds of water that will drop). If you’re focused, you’ve got this. My recommendation is to combine intermittent fasting and a ketogenic or carnivore diet. Success is guaranteed. If it were me, I’d ask him if he wants to raise the stakes, actually.

I would start with a fat fast, for 5 days. Eat high fat, high salt, low protein, low carb. This is a “fasting mimicking diet”. The goal is to get you into deep ketosis quickly and be prepared for fasting. Target under 800 calories per day. Go get 5oz packages of pepperonis or something. That’s your food for the day. Eat them throughout the day.

Then you transition into real fasting. I’d start off with 3x42s. That’s lunch and dinner on the weekends, and on tuesday and thursday, fasting on MWF. Strict keto (not too much protein either). Eat meals until you’re satisfied. Do not snack inbetween meals.

OMAD would be another option. I think you will get better results by 3x42, though. If you do OMAD, keep in mind it’s “one meal a day”, not “one binge a day”. Eat a normal amount of food, until you are no longer hungry.

Once you adapt to one of the above protocols, you could do something like OMEOD or rolling 48’s, but I don’t think you’ll really need to, to meet your goal. If worst comes to worst, you can go on a 3-5 day extended fast at the end.

Drink unflavored electrolyte water during your fasting periods. Either make your own mix or get Snake Juice or LMNT unflavored. Do not use artificial sweeteners or flavorings in anything during your fasting period. If you’re a diet coke addict or cream-in-coffee addict, have one with your meals.

The only other thing that you need to do, and this is optional, is walk lots at an easy intensity. No point in working out hard or anything. Fuck powerwalking, take a stroll instead. If it takes longer, good.

I’m a client of The Fasting Method (Jason Fung’s program), I could send you some program materials/protocols if you want. I also strongly recommend their (free) podcast, go back and listen to every single one of their Q&A episodes, as well as Jason Fung’s books and youtube videos.


If you’re serious about it and truly want it you can definitely loose close to 100 lbs by your birthday. Keto and intermittent fasting helps and has helped me lose over 235lbs . I started last April 2021. First you will lose 10lbs first week, that’s water weight then after that fat loss will happen. I lost around 80 lbs the first 4 months


It’ll require a 180 lifestyle change. Intermittent fasting. 10,000 steps a day. 1200 calories a day. Veggies and protein. My 600LB Life style. Get it done bro (or don’t … and continue simply ‘existing’)


Just break the pattern of eating crappy foods , start a new pattern of eating healthy exercising - the weight will come off very fast - I want you to get the money but at thjs weight I want you to live a healthy life


If you want to lose weight you will have to , at the end of the day, have wasted more calories than you gained. Then there are plenty of different strategies to do that.

If you want to learn more abt this check this free facebook group that helped me quite a lot (I am not sponsored, and this is not advertising, just a recommendation) https://www.facebook.com/groups/5755973654421748

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Categories: lose weight dr jason fung tips calories eating window losing weight sugar snack dinner omad coffee tea soda beer weight loss keto meat stomach habits carbs intermittent fasting jason fung carnivore fat fast low carb fasting mimicking diet ketosis lunch one meal a day binge protocol extended fast working out keto and intermittent fasting