Which one feels safer? Which one provides the most healing, in the shortest amount of time? Which do you prefer?
Has anyone had a pos/neg experience on the carnivore diet?
Any thoughts ? Any actual science behind it's benefice/risks ?
Hey there! Sorry if it's been asked already, I tried searching for it but couldn't find anything. I want to do the title : 72 hours dryfast, into carnivore for a few days to stay in ketosis and then...
This last fast was the longest one I've done of 10.5 days plus 25 days of water fasting that followed. Going on short hikes wasn't as difficult for me throughout the fast this time, but of course that could be...
So I am 6'3, 230lbs and I am eating for a 4 hour window every two days. I have lost 30lbs fasting like this and feel great. I am going to start going to the gym and I'm new to...
Heard that it have increased in popularity and provided multiple health benefits such as fat loss and higher energy level.
Experience and results on a carnivore diet? Does it matter if you have a bit of carbs every few days?
2 Reign thermal energy drinks a day between 03:30 and 11:00. Desk jockey, sit on my ass for 8hrs a day at work 06:30-15:00. Resistance band and body weight work out maybe a total of 30mins a day at 16:00....
For those on the carnivore diet, how does dry fasting work for you? I’m thinking of changing my diet to a carnivore diet as I’ve heard/read many testimonials of positive changes that are happening in peoples live since switching to a...
Well... This really is the real deal! I've been carnivore for three years to improve my mental health and I've regularly water fasted during that time to help my slow digestion. After researching dry fasting and realizing that constantly drinking water throughout...
I recently became a carnivore and from what I’ve read, you’re supposed to eat very light food like soft veggies and/or fruits a day or two after breaking the fast with water. But is there t dangerous to eat meat 1...
I typically train in the morning, come home, black cup of coffee, and then begin work. I will work for around 3hrs or so and then eat my first meal. My second meal comes around 6-7hrs later. I am eating...
Obviously there's cultures, religions, diets, and personal ideas, but why is it that meat that is available comes from herbivores? Any differences in nutritional quality?
So I am 6'3, 230lbs and I am eating for a 4 hour window every two days. I have lost 30lbs fasting like this and feel great. I am going to start going to the gym and I'm new to...
Does your body make vitamin C etc. when on this diet?
First there was keto and now the "carnivores" are on the rise. The "carnivore diet" seems to become a new trend and many people claim that it has benefits like: • losing weight without calorie counting • being healthier and feeling better • no...
I’m on a carnivore diet so that might change things up
I'm starting OMAD and snake juice now. Only about 25 lb from my goal weight. Anybody else try this?
Hi everyone Does anyone else follow dryfasting and zero carb??
Any tips ? I plan to do 5 days DF, into a week of Water fasting and then a month of carnivore only, will I regain or I'm good ? I read that it has to do with my insulin,...
Has anyone cured these things through dry fasting? If yes, maybe you could elaborate on how you did it. How often and for how long? And is it possible to cure them with shorter fasts like 24-72 hours? Thanks so...
It may sound funny but people who do prolonged fasting, do you at some point stop farting completely?
Over the last several months I’ve noticed a lot of discomfort (just shy of pain) in my knees and sometimes my hips, primarily going up and down stairs, and especially when lying in bed. I’ve been trying to rule...
Does anyone have any type of dry mixed with water fasting plan for someone 100 pounds overweight(F, 5’7) to lose 50 pounds in 5 weeks? I want to do this twice with a break of 1.5-2 months in between to...
I read the info on this forum about them. I just bought Morton’s Lite and some Magnesium Pills. I do carnivore. So my electrolytes will need to come near entirely from these two items. Thots?
Hello everyone, I am thinking about dry fasting to see how it can affect my cycle. I have extremely painful period with vomiting diarrhea backpain. I have missed countless numbers of days from school and older from work. I...
I have intense seb derm, eyebrows, face, scalp. Anyone found relieve with fasting? If so did it comeback after you ate again?
have anyone tried eating 5 days +\- maintenance and then dryfast 2 days after? 90% carnivore meals with added fruit before physical practices.
I have a very good diet but for the past month i have been eating junk food now i want to start my carnivore diet routine but first i want to do a 7 day dry fast to detox my...
Back in the fall, I lost 10 lb (and kept it off) doing the carnivore diet but then I had to move house and I couldn't keep up with all of the cooking while packing up everything. I've been doing...
We all know predators like Tigers, lions, cheetahs, wolves etc fast, that is no question. It is very rare for these types of animals to get kills and meals day after day, realistically it never happens. But the question is...
Had anybody heard of this guy. My mate showed me him and is obsessed with him. I checked him out and he seems like a wacko. Does anyone know credible this dude is and should believe any of his info?...
Hi guys I've just completed my 2nd dry fast and I'm not pleased with the results. My first dry fast was around 1.5 months ago. I did 70 hours with no food or water. I felt great, my digestive system cleared up,...
I’ve been trying to find out more information but it’s been hard. For meals, it seems some people eat whatever. Some eat a small meal. Some people eat a large keto meal. As for exercise, everyone seems to say low intensity...
Hey, I want to start my fast tomorrow and I want to know what is the fastest way to loose weight? I need to loose 25 pounds before December 5
Hey y'all! I'm currently on an extended 30 day fast and on the last day of my period. I began fasting 5 days before my period, but I noticed that my cramps that are usually unbearably painful on the day...
I have both acne on my face and back, chest. My acne get less red during lets say a 20 hour fast but it is still there and it get reduced a bit only? Is there any benefit of...
I'm currently on a 5 day dry fast that ends on Sunday. After that I'll be water fasting for 2-3 days before refeeding. My thoughts going forward is to do a 2 meal a day carnivore feeding with water between...
This post is not related to fasting for weight loss. I have always had health issues and have tried out and solution I thought could help including complete dietary overhaul After decades of learning I have mostly bought into the Carnivore...
Would any type of fasting be beneficial to reverse anemia? I recently found out I'm iron deficient, and doc says I need to take iron supplies until they figure out the cause. I doubt it's due to diet, but may...
Anyone else feel like crap after refeeding? I completed a 7 day fast then refed 2 nights ago. All day yesterday and most of today while back to eating I’ve felt super brain foggy, bad mood and low energy. I...
Hiya, just wondering if i were to eat 1200 calories a day with no exersize while doing the 16:8 IF method, how long would it take to lose around 10lbs? ( the 8lbs is just a minimum) im 19, 5'4...
Would it be a good idea to flip flop between omad and dry fasting? One day omad next day dry fast, One day omad next day dry fast flip flopping between both ways of eating through the week. Would I...
So basically im 500lbs (226.7 kg) and i want to do rolling 5’s with 2 days off to refeed. I’ve been seeing so many opinions on how to refeed but what should I honestly do. I really want to lose...
Hi! I am trying to stick to my workouts with dryfasting. Omad, carnivore I noticed even if I have a sip of water after my workout, I want to drink a ton. The bloat and digestion is way better for...
Is the process so powerfully detoxifying that you can eat or drink absolutely whatever you want when feeding because all the toxins will be eliminated when you dry fast again?
So I’ve been trying to eat healthier overall and thought I was doing pretty good until I keep seeing all these videos popping up on YouTube talking about how we shouldn’t eat vegetables and that most of them like kale,...
For those that have done long dry fasts, did you prepare in any way before starting your dry fasting? (Intestinal and liver cleanses, enemas, diet changes, supplements taken days before fasting, etc.) And do you think any preparation is necessary?...
Dry fasting all day is easy, then gradually getting myself to eat healthy when I break the fast. The goal is to break my unhealthy eating patterns and replace with life long healthy, clean eating. Most of you on here...
Hello guys, has anyone of you been able to get rid of their white coated tongue with dryfasting? I am currently 69hrs into a 120hrs (maybe 144hrs) dryfast. I have been keto for several months before and even tried...
Hey all, Just finished reading Paul Saladino's book the carnivore diet in which he recommends basically only meat in his carnivore plans level 1-5. However, looking at his website the first picture shows him with a bunch of fruits, honey...
One of the biggest benefits to dry fasting is that it prevents loose skin. At least, I know that extended dry fasts do. I'm unsure if doing rolling 48 or 72 hour dry fasts continuously throughout the year will be...
I’m on the carnivore diet for autoimmune reasons, and eat almost exclusively beef. So, I didn’t have any other options here. Maybe bone broth, but I didn’t have any. Anyway, I ate a small portion of beef every 1-2 hours...
I’m about to break a 7 day fast. I was wondering what advice people have to do this safely. I would like to roll this into a carnivore/keto diet so I don’t really want to do the whole watermelon and...
I know this sounds very silly and far fetched but i wanna know are vegetables actually toxic ? Most of the animal based / carnivore community argue that fiber is a lie and that we don’t need vegetables since they’re...
I’ve lost about 150lbs doing IF and CICO since last summer. I’ve recently started going to the gym and along with that have prioritized increasing my protein intake.. I was taught in nursing school many moons ago that the body...
I swam competitively for 12 years. I could eat upwards of 3 to 4000 cal and maintain a six pack. Even years later it’s really hard for me to control my eating. I go through phases of fasting and/or counting...
Eating only Meat, Egg, Milk, etc and of course your body needs water although on provided by animals. I’ve heard people doing it and they’ve been very healthy and have even lost lots of weight and have gotten very strong....
I dry fasted 44 hours and decided to break it yesterday afternoon. I was feeling weak and shaky so checked my blood sugar and it was 43😳😳 I had checked it earlier that morning and it was 65. I had...
Hi everyone I am curious when you eat after a fast, do you all count calories too? How much water do you rehydrate with? I am omad but want to do adf again. I exercise a lot. Carnivore. Need to make a...
Started my fast on Thursday at 4PM, and ever since my cystic acne which I’m able to keep at bay and manage has exploded. I eat carnivore diet. Only meat and fat. Occasionally other animal derived foods but no diary....
Hi! I have been on a fasting journey for a couple of years now, which started with the keto diet. From keto, I learned of Dr Fung and through rolling water fasts with keto based refeeds, I’ve been able to...
Hey guys :) I just got my labs done and found a severe iron deficiency (pretty sure caused by my copper IUD/excessive bleeding) I don’t want to give up my fasting goals and lifestyle. Does anyone have any experience with fasting...
I fasted for 3 days with a little water. I did workout and dry sauna. My body was good. I felt grounded and lost 4 lbs. I ate this evening to refresh with my meat and fat as I am...
Does anyone have experience dry fasting with Sjogren’s Syndrome? I am about 48 hours into a dry fast and am getting extremely dry. (As you would expect with Sjogren’s Syndrome) I was hoping my body would react well and the...
I'd like to have much more member here in the DF group in order to spread the DF lifestyle rapidly. What do you think about it? If you are positive about that: which actions do you think...
I am trying to reach 72 or 100 hours atleast but dizziness makes it scary and impossible. I have early fasting experience with OMAD or easy 30 hours consecutive fasts. This time I want to go further for atleast a...
I started my second fast. My first was 3/26-4/16. I had a roller coaster ride. I was fatigued and hungry nearly the entire time. This time hasn’t been bad at all (yet?). Sure I’m hungry but I’m not weak and...
Like the title says.. those of you who've tried just full-time keto before (as in, eating regularly, even if its just OMAD), do you lose more weight fasting than you do just on keto? I know for some people it's...
I have several health issues and I’m hoping to heal or at least improve some of them via fasting. I’m wondering if I can do it with a series of 2-4 day fasts or if I need to shoot for...
I get married In 6 weeks. I bought my dress 2 years ago as wedding was cancelled during lock down. It’s now too tight. I need to loose half a stone in 6 weeks. I don’t care how extreme the...
I have done several 36 hour fasts usually one a month work out and eat healthy but this last 10-20lbs just won't seem to go
Made this post, everyone there be saying broccoli bad https://www.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/ys58cs/anything_antinutrientbad_for_health_about_broccoli/ Of course that sub is biased against vegetables, but are they actually right?
I just dont understand what is going on. I was on the carnivore diet (very strictly) for over a month before I started this fast. Im on day 3 right now. When I was on the carnivore, when I used...
225 M 5’10 I’m a fatass. I can’t lose weight. Everytime I try I can’t finish a fast.
Lately I've been overwhelmed. There's OMAD, Keto, Zero carb, 16:8, Snake juice fast and of course dry fast. I'm currently 55 pounds overweight and have some health issues that I know dry fasting can help. Especially some skin issues. I...
I'm coming off a 7 day fast and will start with bone broth, a banana and applesauce. Then I'll wait a bit and make myself some blue cheese ribeye with eggs, cheese, green and red peppers, and diced ham/sausage/bacon
I’ve been doing rolling 48s on strict keto for the past week now. Between the 24 and 36hr mark I’ve been feeling an overwhelming urge to eat carbs and things with sugar. Are these just withdrawals from being addicted to...
Has anyone had any success regaining fertility (I.e. periods) back via dry fasting? What about in the presence of heightened cytokine storm or after getting vaccines?
I began breaking my longer (not intermittent) fasts with a little bit of watery keto food such as: cooked vegetables in blender, pasta sauce, mushrooms, carrots etc. Because whenever i break a fast with liquids i end up spending half the...
What rolling schedule has resulted in the fastest weight loss for you? I'm 30, male, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 265 pounds. I probably need to lose 100 pounds.
Hi! Cole Robinson with the snakediet suggests you can still eat 500-1000 cal day during his plan What are thoughts? I am omad normally and doing a 72 hr fast right now. Carnivore only When I do return to eating I wondering...
I was wondering if intermittent dry fast has more beneficial effects in a range of a 16h-20h fast. I have done 48h dry fasts and really feel the difference but I don’t know if there is any short term. Is...
One-size-fits-all diets are a great place to start your health journey. But we are all unique so certain foods that may work well for you may not work for others. What have you done to personalize your diet? What worked and...
the pain from fasting was particularly bad this morning so i had broke it and i think it may have been a blood sugar spike or something but my arms hurt EXTREMELY bad later if it gets worse i plan...