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I need support, its long overdue.

So, a while back in the fasting sub someone made a comment on a post, something along the lines of how people post ambitious goals in the sub, only to fail and disappear and that the ones who actually succeed are the ones you don’t even hear from basically.

I agreed at first, like yes people do post their goals and sometimes they seem really drastic for first timers, but actually its ended up putting off me getting support.. I’ve been failing miserably since I let myself slip up on my birthday (2nd feb) and I’ve been too terrified to post and find someone to buddy with because i dont want to be one of those people who posts and fails and disappears.

Before my birthday i was doing OMAD and everything was really well, then i thought i could treat myself for my birthday by extending my window (aka no window) and since then it has been tragic. Infact its been really hard to even reach 23 hours. Ive managed it a few times throughout the last 2 weeks but I end up giving in and I’m not even sure why, especially since I know OMAD is achievable for me.

Anyhow, I’ve been wanting to do an extended fast in the hopes it might curb my appetite for all the food 24/7. But i really need someone there for me, yknow? That shit helps..

EDIT : Id like to note i have done a few extended fasts in the past with great success, so i know i can do this.

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I’m in a similar boat. I was doing great recovering from the little things I let myself have over the holiday season until last weekend. I normally do 18:6 with a 24 hour timed OMAD once a week. Last weekend was a stressful time and I just went off the rails untracked without fasting for a whole week. I was supposed to start up again yesterday but I had hunger earlier than normal, gave in too soon, and then ate over my calories with multiple snacks throughout the day. Today is a new day, I feel defeated, but I’m just going to keep putting in the effort every day until it clicks and I can get through the hunger and into the clarity of fasting again. If you want someone to talk to my inbox is open! I would love to commiserate and hear more about how you’re feeling.


I’m currently on a schedule of 46ish hours and then a refeed. I started listening to a podcast by a woman named Corinne. She’s so damn sassy and really makes me want to me accountable and stick to my goals. I have fallen off so many times, but I know you can get back on it like I did. Let me know if you want to be my fasting buddy! I have what’s app and Kik.


I’ve been doing Omad and lazy keto for just on 3 weeks and am loving it. I’ve overeaten this weekend as I had a really long hike yesterday and felt I needed to eat more. I’ve just finished my meal for today and am pressing ‘start fast’ in my Life app. I’m confident I’ll be firmly back on the wagon this week. I need structure and Omad definitely helps me with this. If you need an Omad fasting buddy I’m happy to check in with you, send me a pm :)


I totally relate to this! I was doing really well with 18:6 and keto. Then my husband and I went to japan for 5 days last week and then caught the flu the past 3 days! So it’s been so rough getting back.. today was my first day back on keto/IF. I had some major cravings but jumping back in! Also started my period today on top of everything! So the scale read 8lbs heavier than when I left for japan. I refuse to get discouraged and I know I’m in this for the long game and there will be easier and more difficult times like now.

With that being said I would love to be your fasting buddy! I want to do some longer fasts!

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Categories: omad extended fast shit recover stress calories snack keto courage