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Laughed at the gym

Today something really unfortunate happened to me. I went to a cycling class and the two front desk girls looked at me then at each other and laughed. This is the first time something like this has happened and to be honest it was really humiliating and dehumanizing, which makes me just want to give up. Regardless, I stayed in the class and finished the workout.

For context, I am a 28F 5’4 and weigh 229. I started IF a month ago.

Would anyone mind sharing tips on how to stay motivated and unbothered when this happens?

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Laughing at someone trying to improve themselves at the gym is like laughing at someone at the library trying to improve themselves. Says more about them then you, keep up the good work and posting. You never know who you’re motivating:)


People laughed and made fun of me.I continued fasting and lost weight and then guess what someone said to me.? You did not lose that weight by yourself, you had help.I promise, I spent many days hungry doing OMAD.Then my friends started to say, I look like I need a sandwich.With that said, people will talk no matter what.You have to give yourself pep talks because nobody will do it for you.You got this and you have to keep going.The ultimate goal is health.You know what needs to be done!🥰🥰🥰


That sucks, it was very cruel and insecure of them to do that. Especially since gyms love to advertise this idea of being a “judgement free zone”.

If they’re out there holding their breath, waiting for you to fail. Make sure they suffocate 🙃

You’re out here working on yourself, growing and glowing and they’re stuck at work, passing the time by putting other people down, so who’s really winning?


That’s the kind of s#*t that would motivate the crap out of me. I had a doc tell me I needed a bunch of meds for my BP. When I asked her about loosing weight and if that would help she replied “oh hunny you won’t be able to do that”. Went back a year later at my goal weight, 78 pounds lighter. It was just the fire I needed. Report them. But use it.


That’s really messed up. Maybe write the gym an email explaining what happened and how it made you feel. People go to the gym to help get fit. Discouraging people who are trying to get fit and making them feel uncomfortable is stupid. They need to know this is happening.


They sound very young and immature! I know it hurts, but you have to brush it off. Who knows what they were talking about or what’s really going on in their lives. You may be just assuming things and no one should torture themselves like this. You better show up at the gym again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next! That’s how you win.


If you ever go there again and you see them, file a complaint. If you do, then surely those girls will get in trouble.

Anyway, when this happens, you have to ignore it. Look forward and keeping moving towards your goal. There are going to be people who try to put you down, but don’t ever forget why YOU are doing this.

Block the haters from your mind by remembering your goal. Once you reach it, those girls are gonna be eating their laughs. Trust me.


Life is a beautiful thing. We get to experience so much in these life times. Our bodies are our vessels for that experience, and only you can fuel and nurture your body to life your life experience to the fullest.

Come back to that when your feeling down about other people’s opinions!


A couple of years ago I would see this lady around 7 or 7:30a. She was walking. Walking with a walker, the kind with a seat and hand brake. I was working from home because of Covid. I would see her Monday thru Friday if I looked out my window during that time. I would sometimes be out and while out, I would see her walking, streets away from but near my home.I still see her sometimes. She has lost a lot of weight. I was a little bit jealous actually because I knew I needed to be doing the same. I don’t know what her circumstance is or what she’s been doing but her determination has motivated me to lose the 25lbs I’ve lost.

Stay focused. Big picture, these people do not matter in your life, they don’t pay your bills, they’re not the ones you lean on for support. You know non-mf’n factor people. Stay focused achieve your goals.


This calls for action. Email the management about this discouraging behaviour. This is simply not done. Assuming those folks work there. It can be really disheartening to experience such unkind behaviour. Gosh! I imagine this happening and I feel horrible. Personally, I have started these tiny actions I take, starting with asking them, “so what’s funny “. The aggressors never expect to be called out. These are tiny steps which we can start taking for ourselves. The world will continue to be full of a%%holes. Hang in there.


I’ve been teaching spin since the 90s. Take the class! That front desk staff sound like rude nobodies. All group fitness instructors LOVE a motivated beginner/restarting de-conditioned person because your success is why we do the job. We live for it. Go to class and meet the instructor meet the people around you and prepare for a way better experience. Im so sorry you went through that. Please feel free to message me directly if you want any tips on spin or the gym or if you just want to check in and tell me about your first class, or if you want to vent before you go. And GO Spin is almost magic in its results.


Whenever I see a runner on the road with a weight issue, I always say to myself Good on ya!!! You’re trying to better yourself and that’s all that matters - F**k those nasty girls. You can lose weight; they will not lose their meanness.


They could’ve been laughing about something else. One of them could’ve been telling a racy story about how she hooked up with one of the trainers, and then got nervous that you overheard. Who knows.

The stories we tell ourselves are important. Even if they were being cruel, you’re not there for them. You’re there for you.


Odds are they weren’t laughing at you. You might think that they were, but ask yourself honestly if you heard someone laugh behind you, would your mind automatically go to thinking they were laughing at you, or do you think you’d assume it was something else? Maybe this requires you to get out of your own head and get some perspective. The fact is that people at the gym, 99.9 percent of people you will see at the gym are really just focused on getting their own workout done and aren’t paying any attention to what other people are doing.

Since you are already down to take classes, I recommend doing crossfit or weight lifting or something besides cycling. If you take a class that teaches you how to do some basic aerobics or weightlifting exercises then you can gain more confidence since you will know what to do at the gym when you don’t have a class. Also muscle burns more calories than fat so if you build some muscle you will burn more calories when you’re not exercising. Good luck!


First they laugh at you and then they ask you how it is done. This might sound clichéd but it’s true - I have experienced something similar; lost around 100 pounds. When I was losing weight, people kept on telling me that I would fail, the diet I was following wouldn’t work, etc. And now the same people come to me asking for advice.

KEEP ON BELIEVING IN YOURSELF. At such times, it’s important to REMEMBER WHY you started your journey towards fitness and MAINTAIN YOUR FOCUS.

People can’t do something themselves and they will tell you that you can’t do it too. But from time to time, great people have shown that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

This incident is a great way for you to LET GO of what others think about you and by letting go, you are being the bigger person - no point in arguing, just show them the results!

Go Feri (feri in latin means free)!


Hopefully this isn’t an experience that will repeat itself… But should it, I would smile and ask, “What’s the joke?” If they were laughing at you, make them admit it they’re shit.

But also… are you sure they were laughing at you and it wasn’t just poorly timed unrelated laughter? Some otherwise unoffensive inside joke? I used to live in a foreign country where I didn’t speak much of the language, but was actively trying to learn. I admitted to a friend (of that country) that I felt really discouraged every time I attempted to order food or something in the native language because the worker would always laugh. She explained to me that someone who looks like me speaking their language was exceedingly rare and unexpected, and that their response to the shock of it was to giggle. Cultural thing. Not meant to offend. Wish I would have known it earlier because it seriously knocked my confidence in speaking.

So I guess my advice is… try to think the best of people and assume that there is a reasonable explanation for perceived bad behavior and you are just not privy to it. Even if it’s not true I find it nicer to think the best of everyone. I also find it less stressful to just assume I am not nearly interesting enough to be the subject of a stranger’s thoughts, and they are not nearly important enough to waste time worrying about.

And if you know it was directed at you… Feel confident that you are better than that. And award yourself bonus points for overcoming multiple hurdles for your workout.


The thing is that people who spend too much time at the gym can be losers in a different way. Like if you have a well rounded life in other aspects then just know you’re doing great and that may be all they have going for them.


That is messed up…I’m sorry you encountered such treatment

No one walks your walk in life. You walk your own path. No one knows your struggles, your experiences, your trials and tribulations

A good friend of mine spent two years losing 75 pounds and getting healthy enough to do a 5k. She changed her life. The day of the 5k she was asked to start towards the back as they didn’t want her to slow down the “real” runners. The next day she had her checkup at the family doctor, and the doctor launches into a spiel about how her BMI falls in the obese range and she needed to simply “eat less, exercise more”

She came over to my house in tears and she went on a two week “bender” of binging. Thankfully she had a good group of supportive friends and a strong sense of herself.

The only way I do it is to remember one day at a time, one step at a time. You will have bad days, you will have bad weeks, but the struggle doesn’t define who you are. Nor does the comments that rude, inconsiderate people at a gym may say. You do you. You put one foot in front of the other and walk through each day. With your goals, dreams, and approaches firmly in hand

I wish you all the best. Focus on what you accomplished and the changes you’ve made. Not on what others say. I know it’s hard to do so, but walk your walk


I’m not sure why they were laughing? Hopefully not at you! Because without you and people like you that gym would have to shut its doors and shitty people like those two front desk bitches would lose their job! 100% you need to speak to management and tell them. If you don’t want to speak to them in person, e-mail or call to complain.

Well done for finishing the class. And don’t giveup, whatever your goals are. 💙


F them. That should piss you off for more motivation. I don’t have any idea about you but can tell ( I think I’m part psychic, not really sure but I guess a lot of things correct) you are a better person and have more going for you than they ever will combined. You will get where you want to be. Get mad about, while you work out.


Tunnel vision and move on, is what I tend to do.

(But if I pay for something, I would report any unprofessional treatment. I am sure you can find out who the manager is.)

Also keep in mind that when we have insecurities, we tend to interpret signals the worst way possible.


Those girls are inconsequential in the story of your life. You’re the protagonist and have set goals that need to be met. Respond to cruelty with kindness and draw strength where you can. You got this! 💪🏼


Stoicism, (essentially working out what you can control, and ignoring the rest) failing that “smile” at them.

They will never know the satisfaction you will feel by having to work at something to succeed.

The rest is just gatekeeping, the whole “you don’t belong here” thing. You’re as good as anyone else, don’t forget it


What really helped me overcome many situations in my life recently, and I hope it helps you too is to focus on what you can control.

You can’t control how people act towards you, but you can definitely control how you react to it. Make your feelings a driving force, let them push you to prove your worth and try even harder to better yourself. The only person with the power to bring you down is yourself. You are strong.

“Who then is invincible? The one who cannot be upset by anything outside their reasoned choice.” - Epictetus


Agree with posters saying to take action here. OP, do a service to future gym goers who are unfortunate enough to cross those vile creatures and email their upper management. At the least, they need to be spoken to and see how they affect others. Everyone deserves to get fit and healthy in a peaceful way, especially when YOU are the one paying for it.

Gahd, sometimes takes every fiber not to give up on humanity.


Think about this.They must feel awful to outburst like this.It has nothint to do iwt u . And everything to do with them.

They probably will always be in shitty relationships treated like cumrags at best.

You will achieve what u set out to do!


F them, do you. Part of getting in shape for me was to also get my low self esteem fixed. I listened to a lot of positive motivation talks and books in between gym sessions. I used to have to ask for the seat belt extender when I flew, went from 385 to 220 so I get it. It would fire me up to work out even harder just out a resentment to teach them a lesson, you can also slash their tires too /s


Use this as fuel to get stronger.

Every time you want to skip a rep, think of them laughing.

Every time you want to cheat on your IF diet, think of them laughing.

Every time you are tired and want to quit, think of them laughing.

Every time you want to sneak a midnight snack, think of them laughing.

Don’t get your feelings hurt, work hard and in a year steal their soles away when they see your progress.


Fuck them. Their opinion of you changed absolutely nothing about your life. They were a minor inconvenience that you had to deal with. Every time you step into that gym, you are one day closer to your goal. Don’t let dumb bitches stop you from getting there.


First, let me say that their behavior towards you was unacceptable, and I’m sorry for your experience. If the gym is what motivated you to start, the best thing I’ve found is to make friends in the spin or weight/exercise classes. Workout buddies are important to me because I look forward to seeing them and we encourage each other on! Good luck with your fitness journey! Don’t let them bring you down. Sometimes I have memories of people’s careless words in my head as well, but I have to remind myself: it is I who put in the work and live in my own body. Not them. They don’t have the power to stop what I’m trying to achieve.


Please do not give them (anyone) power over you or how you feel. You are a wonderful human being and frankly doing what’s best for you. NO ONE can make you feel poorly about anything. Only you control your feelings. Fill yourself with self love. Internet hugs from afar.


The most important thing to remember always is that your goals are personal and nobody external to that process matters. In general, the amount one should care about someone else’s opinion is proportional to your relationship with that person. If my wife tells me something, I pay close attention - and people who love you don’t want to hurt you. The front desk people matter not a bit to your life and your goals. Also, is it possible that they were talking about something else and you misinterpreted them? Anyway, you are making a concerted effort towards improving yourself and nobody else should be able to steer you away from that.


Are you 100% sure they were laughing at you? I ask because I’ve found myself assuming that. If they were, then I agree with other commenters you should send an email to the gym. Include the time and description of what they were wearing


They hire cheap labor for the front, often sacrificing quality for cost. If you like the place I’d send a complaint to the manager as others were probably affected as well. If nothing changes in a few weeks I’d look elsewhere as it may imply poor management.

Also, their laughter implies they are ignorant. Eventually they’ll learn the hard way how tough it can be to stay in shape. Therefore don’t treat their actions with the same respect as others.


Fuck those bitches. Their actions say a lot about them, not you. Good on you for staying in the class. Their actions may hurt you now, but in the long run they are but a moment of your entire life.

You’re not doing IF of them, but for you. Every day that you feel stronger, healthier and happier you will know what you are doing this all for. For you. For a better quality of life. Keep it going and kick some butt.

I would bring this up to their superior. It is not proper business behavior, and if I were their supervisor I would like to know. They could be quite detrimental to the business.


You do exactly what you did: you ignore those 2 sickos, don’t allow their ignorance to affect your health and you kick ass in your road to health. Remember all external is fleeting but a crap personality is forever.

Honestly, I would inform the manager because they might lose customers


Are you sure they laughed AT YOU?

Alot of times when people are self conscious or unsure of themselves or what they are doing, they think everyone is looking, laughing or snickering about them, when it’s often not at all.

Front desk is usually in their own worlds having their own conversations before and after you.

Just another POV


Wow. So sorry this happened to you.

  1. Use their juvenile reaction as MOTIVATION to fuel your commitment to IF and to working out.
  2. Speak to the manager about their behavior.

Stick with it! In no time you will be turning heads.


That’s unfortunate that this happened to you. It sucks, plain and simple. However there is an opportunity here. You can turn that situation into motivation by remembering what that felt like and let it motivate the fire inside of you to hit your workouts extra hard. When you feel like ending a set, do a little extra. If you get tired then use this to dig deep and press on. You hit a wall, let this motivate you to go through the wall. Try new things that you either have never tried or have avoided. For me it’s running.

You will notice that your clothes will fit looser. Your belt can be tightened a notch. Do not let small victories go unnoticed or taken for granted. All the while, remember what you felt like and let that help motivate you to the new you.

The most important motivation comes from within. But external motivation can ignite the fire inside.

I hope this helps. I’ve had similar things happen to me in the past, and I still remember those moments when I need extra motivation.

It’s a powerful thing when you can flip adversity around and turn it into a source of energy to feed on.


I have been a front desk person at a gym. There is so much going on (interpersonally) among the Gym staff that you can be sure that their reactions are not about the gym member. It’s likely the front desk girls were joking about who was going to come in next, pink shirt or black, or the one who has a crush on so and so or many things. And then you come and we laugh because our of joke to each other - basically unaware of you. It’s insensitive because it’s not relating/connecting to you. But it’s definitely not focused on judging you.


I don’t think they were laughing at you. Just some perspective here, when we’re in uncomfortable situations our brains are very pessimistic. We think the worst. Or maybe I’m niave and it’s hard to believe that anyone could be so cruel. When I started training for a half marathon my pace was so slow.. but I was faster than everyone on the couch that wouldn’t even try! Good luck!:You can do it! ♡


First off, I’m surprised you could cycle comfortably with your massive testicles /s. Really though, continuing to go to the class after this is a baller move that speaks of some nice mental fortitude.

Stay motivated? This is fuel my friend. Remember these two laughing at you. Prove them wrong. Keep making progress. Continue to invest in yourself. You’re worth it.

Lastly I’ll leave you with some David Goggins “ If you walk on water, your haters will say you’re walking on water because you can’t swim.”


What were you wearing? You can be the fittest, most muscular, sexy person in the world but wear something stupid and people will laugh at you. Gyms are notorious for this. I don’t laugh but I cringe quite often.

Also, it could even not be related to you why were laughing, you just got there at the wrong time.


Ask those girls to speak to their manager and complain in front of them about their insulting behavior. Anyone trying to do get fit and live healthy should be admired and encouraged. I am so sad that gyms employ these people!


Some people cannot help being judgemental ! It’s difficult to not get influenced by it . However , if you get influenced it will be your loss . So move on and shrug away any irritant tht comes in the way of your journey


To the people saying “use it as motivation” is not really helping tbh, it will just make other ignorant people think that hurling abuse at overweight people will help them lose weight (when it doesn’t tbh it just makes it worse).

Let’s not encourage bullying, because it’s not a good thing at all.


Don’t get discouraged. You’re trying to get healthier and feel better. Don’t let two people that have so much pain and hate inside, they are not happy, they are not kind.

Do not let hate defeat you!

Edit to add: E-mail management, their actions are inexcusable. So rude, so nasty.


Hey, everything in this world needs courage and the people who think they’re flawless are just clueless. Just know that no one’s opinion matter and if someone shitty thinks they are better than you then let them be in this illusion. You know who you are, you are working every day to better yourself and that’s what matters. Your own peace matters. And if someone shitty says or does something, just ignore them because they don’t matter. This is what I have learned. And I hope my words give you power and a big hug. I hope you achieve everything you want to. Rooting for you!!


Is it just me or does anyone else have the opposite reaction?

When I see folks at the gym that look like its their first time, I think: Hell yes, you got this. Every day is day 1.

Maybe its just me?


If they are there together they most likely need the support of the other person and probably don’t go alone because they are too scared someone will do the same thing to them.

I took to a low carb diet and went to the gym as often as I could, I felt a bit like I stood out at first but it passes very quickly. Focus on your own journey and just ignore everyone else. I lost 19kgs and trying for more.

You’re are already a kinder and better person than them, if you’re not doing the same thing to others


You have to start somewhere! Not everyone in the gym is gonna have a healthy weight that’s what I tell myself. I’m in the gym recently and look pregnant sometimes because my stomach is big. I’m 5’7” 236 lbs started out in January at 265 lbs. just don’t be too hard on yourself at least we are taking control of our health and making positive changes for a better future 🥰❤️ most importantly, don’t give up on yourself!! keep up the good work👍


When people disrespect you like that call them out. What they did was really rude. When you go next time don’t put up with their crap. Talk to the manager, and tell them you wrote a letter to corporate about the level of disrespect. Actions need to have consequences. That was NOT okay. Keep on working on you my friend, and you will attain your goal.


With that action they only proven themselves to be inferior to you in terms of willpower.

They can’t even muster the willpower to not judge while you have the willpower to go there and deal with their BS in order to improve yourself and do something for your health.

One word comes to mind to describe them, It starts with a “T” and contiues with “wats” :P

Let that word be your mantra when you encounter them, just mark them as such in your mind and ignore them. They are the real life equivalent of internet trolls.


First, call the gym and file a complaint. I truly doubt ant business man or woman wants their employees to sneer customers away. Also, I would leave a review on google maps and yelp. Secondly, make those bitches eat their words, you ignore there nonsense, and you go as often as you like. You stick with it, and show em, you are on a path to giving yourself permission to treat yourself well.


A tip for you miss, dont give a crap about what anyone thinks, you do your thing and leave those tools to their crappy selves. I had a similar situation at the gym I go to, 4 jock tools trying to bench 200lbs were laughing at me while I was on the treadmill, I’m 6ft and 330lb I’m a very husky guy but im also very strong. Those assholes were still at it trying to motivate their skinny asses and bench 220lbs at this point when I finished on the treadmill. So I asked them if the bench next to them was being used just to let them know that I was calling them on their BS and I loaded up 325lb for my first set (did 12 reps) then loaded 350lbs for my second set (14 reps) and that shut them the hell up good. Dont let anyone’s BS get into your head like that. Shitty people need to bully/ridicule other people to make themselves feel better.


Just a guy here. I don’t have any experience with girl talk so just know I’m being sincere and mean no harm: 1. F’ them but bless them too (Don’t go dark but don’t hand over to them your inner power to control your actions) 2. Rise up with the utmost strength. Not even try… But BE firm and BE grounded in yourself. Stay in your lane while remaining mentally sharp and focused on what you’re doing. If it takes purchasing those toilet plunger sized, noise cancelling headphones -do it and enjoy the concert so you’re leaking energy thinking about them. For goddesses like you shouldn’t trifle or even wink at lesser inferior middle school minded children. Another reason to rise up is. bc you live with you and it’s much better to live with love in your heart for your mind, soul, body and spirit that it is to live with the opposite of that. In other words, it’s not “them” or the “out there” that’s the challenge. Put another way: You’ll be able to run away from them. But you will never be able to run away from you. The challenge, therefore, will always be in choosing the right perception or vibrational energy and sustaining that. The logic of it is: Frequency (choose positive attitude), Amplitude (Choose positive self affirming feelings) and time. That is truly where “the magic” or what some refer to as “miracles” exist. -All the best to you….According to your set will and driving desire 🙏


God I hate people like that. I’ve always felt judged by people in the gym, which I thrive of sometimes because I get on that treadmill and run a 5k in under 30mins or I pull out the bosu ball and do single leg deadlifts while balancing on it and it’s my way sticking my middle finger up at those who judge a book by it’s cover. I’m sorry that happened but good for you for not walking away and giving up.


Yelp the shit out of them, and be candid in your review. F- them, but turn their negativity into power and rise above them - let that motivate you, because once you get to the physical “you” you are achieving, your inner self will match that great exterior. Hold your head high and don’t let bastards or bitches keep you down


Please don’t let those judgemental pricks stop you from improving yourself. You’ve made the first step on your journey which sometimes is the hardest. Comments from people like that reflect their own insecurities. Believe in karma, as nothing good can come from their judgemental attitudes.


Fuck that shit girlie! You have no space for people like that, you are focused and you are strong and you wil achieve your goal. The best form of revenge is living your best, beautiful life. Keep going to that damn class and soon you will be shaking that ass with the best of them. Some folks are so vapid and insecure they must put others down to feel good about themselves. This appears to be the case. Sweep that crap outta your head and keep at it. You can do it, one day at a time, one class at a time. Anything you have to work hard at is worth achieving and you be proud every day that you are going after it, not standing behind a desk being a bitch to other fellow humans! Go kick todays ass girlie!!💪🏻💪🏻🖕


Talk to the gym management about your experience. Those two front desk girls should be fired. If they’re any reflection on the spirit of your gym, then you definitely need to get out of there and find a better gym.


Either use the anger and shame as fuel to ignite your motivation, or better yet, more sustainable, simply let your anger and shame just exist. Commitment is completely agnostic of emotions. Keep going as you were.


I’m so sorry this happened. They clearly have issues if they were laughing at a person bettering themselves. You are the better person in this scenario and all of us are on your side. Next time you need confidence to do things just remember how many people are on your side and in your shoes. You got this, those girls don’t got nothin’.


Good for you for staying! Those two girls are clueless, and clearly have yet to learn how to be decent, or chose not to. Regardless, that was unacceptable, I’m so sorry this happened to you. Be proud of the fact you still went in, and did your workout. Kindness for the win my friend, you could’ve been mean to them and you werent. 🌈❣️🏆


I was typing out this long response but then realized you said “two front desk girls”. Report them to a higher authority in the gym, doing that will absolutely discourage people from going to that gym and I’m sure their bosses really don’t want that.

As for you, the best thing you can do is not to let them take up any more of your time or thoughts. Who honestly cares what they think, what matters is that you’re doing what you want to do.


When I encounter people like this, I like to tell them that while I am working to change the way I look and will reach my goals, their problem is on the inside — they are shitty ugly human beings and will never ever be happy while they try so desperately to bolster their meager self-esteem making others feel bad.


I was 235 at your age. I’ve decided to fast and do cardio at the same time. I would wear the sauna suit while doing cardio. People would take pictures of me and would laugh, but I stare right back. I went from a size 16 to a 6. You gotta remind yourself, you are here to sweat. Not look cute and wear just a sports bra and lulu lemon. I didn’t pay the gym to flaunt or gain social media followers. Not here at the gym to be vain. I’m here at the gym because I’m paying to use it as everyone else. TO SWEAT. TO LOSE WEIGHT. TO GAIN CONFIDENCE. And it was worth it. Now a lot of people are asking me where I got the sauna suit. The gym staffs knows who I am. And I’m still doing IF. It might be hard for the first month, but by the 2 month you will see results. Don’t give up. The sad part is, I’ve always wanted to wear uggs. My mother laughed at me due to my cankles. Couldn’t wear knee high or thigh high boots. I was a size 10 1/2 shoe size and couldn’t wear winter boots. Back then they didn’t have wide calf boots. But fasting helped me. It was worth and it still helps me keeping my thyroid in check. Just remember, you are going to the gym just as everyone else and to sweat. Not to worry about people’s judgments or get their shitty approval.


Same as everyone else here. Don’t let it get to you. I often felt sad and humiliated, and would spiral. However I did end up losing the weight through hard work, but have put it all back on slowly through the years, and similar stuff happens but now I get angry and call people out on it. Not saying you should do it, but I enjoy watching them squirm once confronted. Especially as they know they are misbehaving, I don’t have the time to write a letter etc and this might be a better way. But personally, don’t be afraid to go up to them and ask what the joke is. People don’t like being called out, but I can’t stand bullying childish behaviour like that.

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