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Starting my first 72 hour fast and I’m scared

I’m afraid of that little voice in my head that’s going to try to tell me that I should just eat. It can be very convincing. “Why are you doing this? Maybe this isn’t for you. Maybe it won’t be healthy for you because of blah and blah reasons. Maybe you’re not cut out for this and maybe that’s ok. You just went grocery shopping, so why not just eat some of this food you bought since it’s so healthy anyways?” etc. (I just got back from a vacation and told my bf I would go to the store since he has to work a double shift today lol)

I’m also afraid of trying to pull this off around my bf. I’m not sure if I want to tell him or if I just want to say I’m not feeling great for the next few days. Probably the latter.

And I’m afraid that I’ll pass out at some point. A little ridiculous, I know.

I’d appreciate any advice!

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I have fasted for 3+ days around my husband without him even noticing. A simple “I’m not hungry” or “I already ate” (days ago) works fine. Most people don’t monitor your food intake.

The phrase that helps me is “I could choose…”

Not “I have to keep going” - instead “I choose to keep going”.

Not “I’ll hate myself if I give up” but “do I truly feel hungry or can I choose to wait a bit, have a water, and see if it’s temporary?”

Another thing that helps is not permitting any self pitying thoughts. Call bullshit on yourself if you start mentally whining: “oh, woe is me, I skipped breakfast- wah! This is hard. I haven’t eaten since Tuesday!” Those thoughts, not hunger, are what make me give in. Keep them shut up as long as possible. Listen to your body- not our society that acts like you’ll die if you don’t constantly have your mouth full.

You’re in control. Say it to yourself. “I’m in control.” Say it until you realize it’s simply true instead of awkward or silly.

These things work for a 40 year old junk food addict. They may also work for you.


Someone either here or maybe a keto sub called this her “inner con artist”.

I mean Idk you but it’s unlikely you’re going to pass out and if you do you can well, eat something.

I started with telling my husband I was doing the No S diet, so no snacks or extra meals. This made fasting easy to slide into once he was used to me not drinking and munching straight through to bedtime.


If I do a longer fast I usually tell my husband I’m not feeling well, I ate earlier, etc. he DOES pay attention to what I eat so I really don’t fast more than 24 hours. Skipping dinner twice in a row would be too noticeable. Regardless of the research I’ve shown him, he thinks fasting is nearly anorexia AND will hurt my metabolism. I’m working on it. Haha slowly but surely he’ll come around.


I’m 5 days into my fast now.
I started out with intermittent fasting (23/1) and once I got used to that I prolonged it by one day so a 48 hour fast.
It can be really hard to fast when you don’t have a regular refeed schedule.
Right now, I don’t have the urge to even think about food.
Also you should tell your SO (inform him about the benefits of fasting if he doesn’t know already), it will keep you in check.
Good luck!EDIT: Sorry for formatting, I’m on my phone.


The first day is difficult, of course. Keep yourself busy. You’ll be surprised by the energy and mental clarity you achieve, that alone keeps me going.

Fasting during the work week is the easiest. Less explanation to the BF.

Make sure you take your electrolytes. Don’t hold off and take them when you “feel like you need them” Take them religiously.

Listen to your body. If you feel you need to eat, then eat. You can always try again.

You can do it!


It’s much easier than it seems. So long as you’re not underweight or pregnant, it’s not unhealthy. You should do some more research, it really helped me get myself in the mindframe that fasting is healthy and not just another way of expressing dissatisfaction with my body/self.

You can definitely do it. As to telling your boyfriend, that’s up to you. I’ve stopped caring if people in my life think it’s crazy. They tell me I’m going to die, every day I fast I keep on living so after awhile they run out of steam on that.

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