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This fatty is desperate. Please give me good advice folks

Hey all. Fasting is not new to me. I’ve successfully burned all the excessive body fat around 3 years ago, but I gained it back due to bad habits.

Basically I started at \~75kg doing OMAD keto, got into fasting for 3-5 days until I was very lean and happy with my goal weight of \~64 kg, which to me is about 11-12% bf

Currently I’m weighing 84kg. I have a nasty gut and excessive fat in the usual “female spots” like legs, glutes and waist. I tried to fast several times throughout 2020 for a minimum of 3 days but I simply couldn’t due to stress, poor sleep and massive hunger pangs in the evening.

I tried to recall what I did in the past that worked greatly for me, but I can’t pinpoint the details of my previous fasting lifestyle. All I remember is that I didn’t drink much Snake Juice to be honest and broke my fasts with whatever I wanted (still had insane results).

I’m on winter break now and I’d like to drop 20kg in around 40-50days. My main struggle are hunger pangs that *won’t* go away even with AVC shots or what have you. Trust me, I have tried under the Sun to kill hunger. I even took some ephed**ne last week as an experiment (it’s supposed to supress appetite, but I felt even hungrier than usual).

I think in my case dry fasting is easier because if there’s nothing coming in, my body settles down and don’t send me nearly as much fake hunger signals compared to regular fasting with Snake Juice and water. But I find it taxing on my body and it’s a bit harder to sleep because my body feels cold. Either way I’m scr*wed

Please share with me something that actually worked for you and I will try it out. If you told me banging my head on the wall would make hunger go away I’d do it lol

If you need more info let me know


Happy fasting and take care guys :’)

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Try getting into ketosis first with a regular low carb diet, 2-3 meals a day. Then go into the snake diet.The thing that makes snake dieting tolerable is the DEEP ketosis. I think the reason that it was so easy the first go round was that I ate low carb anyway, I was always a stone’s throw from being in ketosis.


If by female spots you imply you’re female, 11-12% body fat is a very low target, enough to mess you up. If not, then you’re either very short or lack muscle.As for lack of sleep, I find a low or zero carb meal a few hours before bed helps. Keep it between 500-1000 kcal and adjust your goals accordingly.The bigger issue is the bad habits bringing you back, not your inability to fast hard and yo-yo around.


Hey guys, thanks for the inputs. I am male, 25, around 170cm tall

I successfully completed a 48h dry fast this Thursday, ate a very low carb meal with tons of protein and fat, did another 48 and had a less strict breakfast (pasta, veggies, milk, boiled eggs and chicken breast). From now on I’ll stick with breakfast only, carbs on days that I exercise and dry fasting on rest days. 4-5x a week I walk, cycle or lift weights. It’s not intense as it should be, but it’s better than nothing.

I should add that I have sleep apnea for more than 5 years and I’m certain that it hinders me big time. More often than not I wake up groggy, unmotivated and depending on the day it can persist for hours. Still, I push through and try to do my best. I’ll have surgery in 2 months and I’m praying it fixes my body. I don’t feel and don’t look healthy for a freaking 25 year old dude. Both of my parents have the same issue.

Anyways, I’ll try to keep up with the dry fasting and make it to 3-4 days. It’s one hell of a journey but I’m willing to do anything to have a good quality of life.

It’s crazy how not so long ago I could fast for almost a week like it was nothing. I miss those days.

Thx again and take care guys


drink peanut butter whiskey (if you like it) instead of eating. i sip/drink here and there and overall I’m still in ketosis. i need to go get some more.

whiskey inhibits fat burning because the body will burn the alcohol first, but it doesn’t add fat like an insulin spike.

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Categories: body fat bad habit omad keto to fast stress sleep evening struggle dry fasting ketosis low carb muscle zero carb yo-yo dry fast boil chicken carbs tea alcohol