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Anybody over 50 fasting here?

Hoping to gather a few “older” peeps to keep momentum and spirits up! I haven’t summoned the courage to start yet… Have you?

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I’m 65 years old. I started fasting using various methods in December of 2019. Intermittent - 16:8, 20:4 OMAD, 48hr, 72hr. Basically, whatever I felt like trying. When I ate it has been keto/low carb. I’ve lost 180 lbs and am steady at that weight.


I started on keto and intermittent fasting when I was 65 years old. I was 350 plus I had been a heavy cigarette smoker for 54 years, plus I was an alcoholic.

30 months later I was 190 pounds, a non-smoker and a non-drinker.

Now I’m 70 and still 190 pounds. Plus I do a 14 day fast once every calendar quarter.

Fasting is the absolute best thing you can do for your physical and mental health.


I’m 50 😃👋 I’ve been fasting off and on for 3 years. Throwing in the towel over the holidays after a successful run of ADF and the Clark Protocol (see my post history if interested!) brought my A1C waaaay down, but I’ll be starting ADF again and doing another Clark starting mid-January.


I’ve been doing a modified ADF with 40 hour fast. Eating days are Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. I get a little weak doing straight up ADF so the two eating days in a row helps. It works for me so I’ll stick with it. The hardest part is starting. You can do it!


55, and I have been doing IF for about 3 years. Usually eat from about 230 pm to 7 pm most days and don’t sweat the weekends or holidays too much. Have done two 24 hour fasts not on purpose. Have kept off about 25 pounds this way.


59f. I did 18:6 for a few days and transitioned to OMAD. I only did one 48 hour fast (started IF last month). OMAD is super easy and I could easily do 48 again. But with holiday parties it’s not doable right now. I think my fasting is harder for my hubby as he loves to cook and I’m not eating it. But I sit down when he eats to keep him company. 15 pounds down and probably about 20 more to go.


I’m over 50 and fast for vitality and health. As a result even though I’m the oldest of my siblings I ‘look’ the youngest and my doctor is Amazed! by my health and bloodwork. I’m an easy 10+ years biologically younger than my calendar age. My new fave is 3-Day Fasts.


61 and fasting today. Did a 10 day fast (medically supervised) 2 years ago.

I lost 100 lbs when I adopted a whole food plant based diet 6 years ago. I have put 20 lbs back on and want to lose it. I’m gonna take the 20 off and start training to see if I can dunk a basketball again.


I’ve just started a ‘no food Fridays’ one day a week fast. I didn’t think I could do it but I am so that’s great. I haven’t weighed myself but my clothes are fitting better so I plan on keeping it up.

Ed: whoops - I am 55(F)


I have tried an 8h window, but I haven’t maintained it for very long yet. I intend to try a day per week strategy, but I haven’t done so yet. 🙂

I managed a full day plus for a routine colonoscopy in 2019, so I have some idea of what I am in for. I haven’t felt motivated enough to try 24h again until now. My recent results from routine lab tests don’t show anything really alarming, but not trending in a good direction. It’s enough to motivate me to drop the 20 lbs I’ve needed to lose for the last 10 years. (I think.). I already have a reasonably good diet and an excellent exercise habit.

I just ordered some magnesium supplements, but I won’t wait for that to arrive before I start. I think that is only really important if you are doing a multi-day fast, and I’m just planning on a pattern where I’m fasting for (at most) every other day. I think that I’ll give it a go tomorrow. I suspect that it is easier to eat nothing than to eat a very small number of calories in a given day.

There is a lot to discover in doing this, I suspect. If I am really struggling and break down and decide to eat something, is it better to eat a small healthy meal? Or would it be better to have a very small snack? Which will make me less likely to find myself in the same place later in the day? Can I just power through episodes like that? All of those are unknowns for me right now, but I want to have a few backup strategies in mind that are better than going back to my normal calorie intake.

How about you? What strategies are you considering?


Well… I’m an all or nothing kind of person, I’m leaning towards the 30 or so hour rolling schedule. It’s one meal a day but meals are alternated between lunch one day and dinner the next. Supposedly the body gets adapted to eating the same time everyday. The key will be to stay busy.


54 here…. I’ve lost about 67 pounds in the past year. It started out as calorie reduction by using Lose It and gradually morphed into 16/8 or 18/6. I’ve gotten used to eating less. My habits have changed and it’s been great! I only have 20 more pounds to lose.


I’m in my late 50’s . Work out every day and have a relative green diet, however I drift into too much alcohol and sugar that seems to compound inflammation and weight issues. I’m currently on day 7 of a water fast and it amazes my every time how my joint pain is so dramatically reduced.

5 years ago I did a 40 day low glycemic juice fast w great results.


55F on day 7 fasting. So far, it’s been easy. I work out (tennis and Pilates) and work a fairly strenuous job and I’ve felt no negative effects. My blood glucose levels have gone from pre-diabetic to quite low. I’ve lost 11 pounds.


I am turning 50 in mid January and made a resolute decision to be the best, healthiest version of myself to kick off the next 50yrs! :) Solid Food Vacation began 12/21-12/25. Pure Water Fast 12/26-1/08, and Solid Food Vacation again 1/09-1/13 (celebrate 50!). I got stressed and sloppy during pandemic and gained 30lbs. I have Lupus and have basically been in hiding all this time. Enough is enough, time to take responsibility for myself, I am a stranger in my own skin. What I’m most focused on is the autophagy in regards to improving/healing my immune system!Kudos and congrats to everyone

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Categories: courage intermittent omad keto low carb tea keto and intermittent fasting alcohol 14 day fast holidays protocol weak 24 hour fast 48 hour fast 21 day fast 10 day fast colon habit magnesium calories struggling snack one meal a day lunch dinner habits sugar water fast pain juice fast blood glucose stress