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Looking for advice regarding combining IF and exercise

33 female, began by using only IF to lose the first 28lbs (2 stone) pre covid. After maintaining around the 12 stone (168 lbs) mark for a couple of years I’m now looking to step it up and combine exercise and IF to lose another 35lbs to reach my target and tone up at the same time.

I easily maintain the strict 20-4, leaving 16-8 as an option when necessary. My eating window is 1pm - 5pm. I don’t count calories or keep track of nutrition. I make sure my plate contains lean meat, vegetables, fruit and dairy every other day. Carbs are minimal but not cut out completely.

The exercise I plan to do is spin bike, punch bag, jogging and work out videos (until I can get into a gym later next year).

My questions are: when is the best time to exercise around fasting? Can this be optimised in any way? Are there any apps out there which you guys find helpful for this kind of situation. Do I need to consider extras like protein powders or supplements? Is there any other advice you guys could pass along that could help me. I’m prone to falling off the wagon and I’m dedicated to making this last leg stick and finally get to target so I’m trying to set myself up for success!


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Hi I’m 70yrs, just turned, and Female Went to IF in May 2021 but didn’t know that’s what I was doing. Certified Group Fitness Instructor with type 2, high BP and Cholesterol. I’m 5’2” 120lbs, down 15lbs from Dec 2020. (1.57m/157.5cen; 8.57stone/54 4kg; lost 1.1stone/6.8kg)

Home workouts since March 2020 & live on the 5th floor. Toned down my workouts to not disturb downstairs neighbors. 3 5hrs total training time: a mix of Asian Based Practices of QiGong, medium intensity dance/step aerobics and streching daily all in a fasted state, something I was warned NOT TO DO by my health care professionals.

Because of QiGong Body Tapping and Bouncing I combined all practices into one long seamless session with an added aftermeal 20 to 30 minutes med intensity aerobic session to knock back any glucose spikes.

Exercising, the long sessions, was the best thing I did fir my body. I got the weight loss, especially visceral fat, something I could never get rid of before my fasted state sessions; dropped my blood pressure, Cholesterol and glucose numbers. Meds reduced by docs and type 2 is on its way to reversing.

I must add in July I added one 24hr-36hr fast per week. Another unexpected benefit… old age skin… disappeared.


If you are looking to spend a lil $ on an app I use Fastic. It’s free of course but getting plus gives you access to different types of challenges which are small tasks you have to do that increase over their 3 week span. They have a few exercise ones, albeit nothing as rigorous as what you do.

Buying Fastic also offers you some reading material on how to integrate IF into your daily life, with one of the things it talks about being exercise.

The app suggests that all the workouts you have listed above (assuming the videos are all cardio or HIIT) are good to do any time during day. If you are doing any strength training it’s best to do this either during your eating window or right before, so that your body can get that energy back from food in order to help your muscles recover and grow.

Hope this is helpful


I try to exercise about 2 hours after eating, really helps my performance vs fasted. For working out, rule #1 is dont injure yourself: dont go too hard, too fast or do the same thing everyday (asking for repetitive stress injury), give your muscles time to rest.

Rule #2: HIIT training is generally preferable to “steady state” training. You can get a really good 20-30 minute workout with HIIT, just vary what you do.

Rule #3: dont be afraid to lift weights as a woman, and focusing on compound movements that act on multiple large muscles is more efficient for your time. pushups (on an angle if needed), pullups (assisted) , deadlift, squats, and kettlebell swings are some of the best exercises to focus on. just remember rule #1.

Rule #4: dont discount “below aerobic threshold” exercise like walking, adding 5000 steps is a great way to increase weight loss.


I personally workout when it is convenient. Sometimes this is a fasted state and other times during my feeding window. Honestly, either works fine for me. You can certainly experiment but the key is consistently getting it done. Dont try to optimize etc. too much decision fatigue will ruin your intension and you wont meet your goals. In the end, challenge yourself and move. Pick workouts that you will do not whats ‘best’. Good luck

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